Talented Genius

Chapter 1430: Gunshot

Lin Chenxue looked at Ye Tianlong in shock, and then stared at her hand without moving.

For ordinary people, even experienced doctors or experts, they will certainly not be able to tell the difference from these test reports.

But for Lin Chenxue, what Ye Tianlong detected was really shocking and incredible.

She has studied Tianyao No.1 for many years and has also deduced a thousand times of perfect models. She has long been familiar with the simulation data, no, it is completely engraved in her bones.

Now, the perfect data she has been trying to get close to is clearly and clearly shown in Ye Tianlong's test report.

The ultimate goal of Tianyao No. 1 was to transform a body like Ye Tianlong.

Lin Chenxue knew the gap between theory and reality, and had long believed that Tianyao No.1 could achieve 70% of the simulated data, even if it was a great success.

Perfect data is impossible to reflect in reality, but now, Ye Tianlong is sitting in front of her alive.

"Damn it!"

Lin Chenxue whispered after she was shocked, rubbed her head and rechecked the report data. She still felt that she was more likely to be wrong.

Only ten minutes later, Lin Chenxue was completely silent. If there is no error in the detection process, Ye Tianlong is really the ultimate goal of Tianyao One.

Although several chromosomes were overactive, Lin Chenxue felt that it would not affect the whole.

"Mr. Lin, you are babbling for a while, and you are in a daze. Are you sure you are okay?"

Ye Tianlong poured a glass of warm water for Lin Chenxue: "Would you like to go back and rest soon?"

"not sleepy!"

Lin Chenxue pulled Ye Tianlong over again, wanting to test it again to see if there were any mistakes, but she still lost her thoughts after thinking about it for a while:

"Ye Tianlong, promise me one thing. I will go to Mingjiang to find you after the Tiandu incident is over. You will ask me to check it again at that time."

Lin Chenxue's beautiful eyes radiated blazing heat: "I want to check you carefully."

"Kang Dang!"

Ye Tianlong, who was holding up a cup to drink water, floated on the soles of his feet and almost fell to the ground. Cold sweat penetrated his forehead: "Ms. Lin, what's wrong?"

"I have cancer?"

Ye Tianlong's voice trembled: "This shouldn't be. I have physical examinations every year and I often get my pulse. It doesn't seem like something is wrong."

Lin Chenxue found herself frightened Ye Tianlong, and hurriedly replied with a smile: "You are okay, you are in good health, and all indexes are normal."

Ye Tianlong breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked puzzledly: "Since it's normal, what are you doing for the test? If you are full?"

Lin Chenxue wanted to find a cover to cover up, but felt that Ye Tianlong could not be deceived at all, so she said arrogantly: "I have to test, won't you give it?"

Ye Tianlong was speechless. Who said that being unreasonable is a woman's patent...

Lin Chenxue stared at Ye Tianlong while he was hitting the iron and snorted: "Give me a good word, let me not be tested?"

Vaguely return to the feeling of Huayao at that time.

Ye Tianlong responded weakly: "There is no harm to me, I will listen to your arrangements, but I walk around, you come to Mingjiang for testing, you must..."

Lin Chenxue moved quickly to clean up the instruments on the table: "Don't worry, I will make an appointment with you in advance."

"And I will do it in secret, let you finish the test silently, lest Ning Hongzhuang and others suspiciously attack me."

She can't wait to pull Ye Tianlong back to Mingjiang's laboratory for testing, but she knows that she can't act too hastily, which will affect the authenticity of the data.

It will also affect the safety of Ye Tianlong.

The news that Ye Tianlong is a perfect model spreads, I'm afraid that a bunch of people are thinking of catching him to study, or throwing him away...


After putting a bunch of instruments in the box, Lin Chenxue took pictures of the test report and archived it, and then found a lighter to directly kill the test report.

Ye Tianlong looked surprised: "Mr. Lin, what did you burn the report for?"

"You're all fine, it's useless to keep it, besides, my phone has been archived."

Lin Chenxue made an understatement and said: "You take a good rest. Although you are not poisoned, your body is a little weak. You should get a good night's sleep."

"Don't forget, you still have a lot of things to deal with. The crisis in Hilltop Manor has not been resolved yet."

Ye Tianlong picked up the cup and drank the clean water. There was always a daze in his eyes: "Ms. Lin, why do I always feel that you are a little weird tonight?"

"I am normal, nothing strange."

Lin Chenxue tried not to make Ye Tianlong feel abrupt: "It's not that you don't understand my style."

Ye Tianlong nodded, thinking of Lin Chenxue's resolute and violent style, she knew a little bit, so that she could still care for herself deep in her heart.

After passing through a section that the two had been in love with, Ye Tianlong was no longer curious to ask anything.

"By the way, Tianlong, do you remember the memories from ten years ago?"

Lin Chenxue suddenly remembered something: "Do you have any impression of those of your relatives? Have you ever entered any mysterious place?"

Ye Tianlong was stunned: "Memories more than ten years ago? Family members? Impressions? Mysterious place? President Lin, are you looking for my family?"

"I think about it."

Although Lin Chenxue felt a little weird tonight, Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "By the way, I remember."

When Lin Chenxue's eyes lit up, Ye Tianlong said solemnly: "My father, my mother, my grandparents, I have no impression at all."

"But I remember some scenes, and the mysterious places you said."

"When I was a child, I lived in a golden place. There were many young ladies who served me, fed me rice and plum juice, and played hide and seek with me."

"There are still a few beautiful breasts. Mother feeds me. Milk, tut, the texture is really powerful (very-good)."

"What impressed me the most was that an uncle who didn't have a ball always chased after me and shouted--"

"Little prince, slow down, little prince, slow down..."

Ye Tianlong looked serious: "Mr. Lin, I wonder if these can find my family?"

Lin Chenxue directly smashed the plastic stool and yelled, "Bad son, died early in the morning."

"President Lin, what are you doing?"

Ye Tianlong caught the stool, then smiled and put it down: "It's just a joke, where is the fun in life without a smile?"

"Too lazy to care about you."

Lin Chenxue lifted her suitcase and walked to the door without looking back, "Remember, next time I go to Mingjiang, please cooperate with me."

Ye Tianlong shouted: "Ms. Lin, sit down for a while? Anyway, you and I can't sleep..."

Lin Chenxue ignored it, and left the camp directly. As soon as the cold wind blew, all the anger just disappeared, and his attention turned back to the report.

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Lao Rong. After calling up the number, she was about to call, but her eyes flashed with a thorn...

Lin Chenxue suddenly discovered that a shiny chip slipped out of the box surface that was collapsed by Ye Tianlong's punch.

Lin Chenxue's eyes became deep in an instant, and her fingers moved away from the phone...

(Today is the fourth one. I wish you all a happy weekend.)


At this moment, the top of the mountain, which had been calm for two days, suddenly heard a gunshot, resounding across the night sky...

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