Talented Genius

Chapter 1436: a little

"This is impossible!"

Standing next to Wu Lingshuang, there was a touch of solemnity in her eyes. She told Ye Tianlong her own judgment:

"What happened last night has touched Wei Zhongxin's bottom line. He doesn't trust us anymore. One day, he must think we are playing tricks."

"Those who are forced to become gangsters have reached the limit. If they can't be given the antidote on time, I'm afraid they will be hysterical."

"Moreover, the patient's condition is at the last juncture. There were as many as 13 severe patients sent down yesterday. I am afraid that more people will die today."

She expressed Ye Tianlong's concern: "Now tell them the antidote and wait another day. It is estimated that the culprits and patients will collapse."

Di Kuangtian nodded: "Then take a gamble, and send someone to prepare for the attack. It is better than to die."

"do not!"

Ye Tianlong finished drinking half a cup of coffee and refreshed his spirits: "It ends at 12 noon. We have five hours to operate."

"Miao Tiannu doesn't have time to experiment now to get the patient's response after medication, and then improve the side effects of the antibody?"

He thought about a possibility: "How many rounds of experiments does he need?"

Di Kuangtian nodded: "Miao Tiannu said that he still needs to conduct two experiments on patients, each of which takes ten hours to observe the reaction."

"He said that it can be done in 20 hours, but from my perspective, he needs at least 30 hours."

Di Kuangtian added: "He is too tired these few days, he can't hold on for another twenty hours, he needs a rest."

"Relax, I won't let him stay for another 20 hours. You go to Miao Tiannu. See you in the refining pharmacy in half an hour."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, then looked at Wu Lingshuang next to him: "You call Lin Chenxue and ask her to bring the instrument to help."

Wu Lingshuang nodded: "Understood."

Although she didn't know what Ye Tianlong meant, she still executed it unconditionally.

Half an hour later, Miao Tiannu, Lin Chenxue, Wu Lingshuang, and Di Kuangtian appeared on a long and narrow table in the pharmacy under the mountain.

On the table, dozens of pills of equal size were piled up, golden and exuding a fragrance of medicine.

Miao Tiannu leaned on a chair, his body looked a little tired. In the past three days, he had slept for less than five hours and he was tired.

It's just that there is a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in his eyes, and for the first time he feels the joy of being needed by others.

He doesn't know the true meaning of this plague, but he is willing to go all out, even if he takes his own life.

In particular, Ye Tianlong's respect and care for him made Miao Tiannu feel the unprecedented warmth and also allowed him to find his own value.

So he kept looking at Ye Tianlong with grateful eyes.

Lin Chenxue looked at the pills on the table, her eyes flashed with interest, and it was a bit hard to imagine that Miao Tiannu did what the expert team could not do.

Maybe the pills are not perfect yet, but at least it shows that Miao Tiannu has a direction.

Ye Tianlong told everyone about Miao Tiannu's current situation, and then looked at Lin Chenxue and said, "It is absolutely impossible to find Wei Zhongxin to give up one day."

"Just let them take the antidote for the 50% probability of life and death, that is the rhythm of death."

He supported the table with both hands: "Now I can only gather everyone together and work together to improve the pill, so that the death rate of the pill will be reduced to less than 5%."

Lin Chenxue looked at Ye Tianlong peacefully: "What do we need to do?"

"Let me talk about the situation first. Although we have studied for a few days, we can't find a solution, and we can't share the data of the leader of Miao."

Lin Chenxue sighed faintly: "This plague is limited in our ability. It may be no problem to fight against it, but it takes five hours to overcome it, and it is absolutely impossible."

Ye Tianlong coughed softly: "It's not that Team Leader Miao doesn't want to share, but that he doesn't know how to express and record."

"Although there are videos of patients' reactions, these videos cannot be circulated. After the expert team watched them, they would be more angry than gain."

Ye Tianlong looked at Lin Chenxue and said, "Because of the dozen or so patients in this experiment, except for two who were still breathing, all the others died."

"When you read it, it is estimated that you will accuse Team Leader Miao of being inhumane, so I didn't let Ling Shuang let you share data."

When Lin Chenxue heard these words, she sighed and stopped complaining, and then faintly said, "What do we need to do?"

Ye Tianlong’s voice was loud and loud: “Leader Miao just lacks two rounds of experimental observations to minimize the risk of the antidote.”

"These two rounds of experiments, if we use patients to study, will take 20 hours, and we don't have this time."

He looked at the woman who was susceptible to coldness in front of him: "Team Leader Lin is a master of experiments, an expert in simulation, and a good at analyzing data."

"So I thought, let Team Leader Miao tell Team Leader Lin the ingredients, and then let Team Leader Lin perform computer simulations to deduce the patient's approximate symptoms."

"In this way, Team Leader Miao can judge from future symptoms, which ingredients or proportions need to be improved, and then give the revised data."

"I believe that as long as the two of you cooperate with each other, you will be able to come up with an ideal figure within three hours."

"At the same time, I will let Di Kuangtian prepare various medicinal materials. Once you get the ideal data, Di Kuangtian will immediately make the antidote."

"Five hours, should be able to come up with the antidote."

Ye Tianlong glanced at the people at the conference table: "Even if one or two hours are short, I can get it for you. What do you think?"

Wu Lingshuang nodded in agreement: "This is a good way, not to mention that dead horses are now treated as living horse doctors."

Miao Tiannu coughed: "I will go all out and come up with the antidote as soon as possible."

Lin Chenxue also nodded: "Okay, I work closely with Leader Miao, but I declare that the antidote is effective, and the expert team takes half the credit."

When Wu Lingshuang narrowed his eyes to look at Lin Chenxue, Ye Tianlong agreed without hesitation: "No problem."

He knew in his heart that Lin Chenxue would not be greedy for this credit. She was mainly fighting for something for the expert team and didn't want them to be empty-handed.

"Then start."

When Di Kuangtian and Wu Lingshuang were performing their respective duties, Lin Chenxue was also ready, and then took out a computer to build a model, and she asked Miao Tiannu: "Leader Miao, take the antidote ingredients and quantity you have on hand Tell me first."

Miao Tiannu nodded: "Orpiment!"

Lin Chenxue tapped her fingers a few times, and then asked: "Weight?"

Miao Tiannu responded: "A little..."

Lin Chenxue was stunned on the seat, her fingers stopped tapping...

"Sea clam shell!"


"a little……"



"a little……"

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