Talented Genius

Chapter 1445: Wrong amount

Chapter 1445

At ten o'clock in the morning, ten military transport vehicles arrived at the pier from the garrison base, and they drove back and forth three times to transport all the boxes.

Bailihua standing next to Ye Tianlong, seeing the boxes removed from the car, and the busy Tiger Master, she understood the three words to make a lot of money.

One treasure, one box, one hundred and fifty thousand boxes, each of which is very valuable. The Tiger Master has been busy for three hours before it is over.

Han Qinhu monitors the whole process from start to finish to prevent any accidents from happening.

The space that Cao Qiankun originally used as a bowling alley has been transformed into a solid treasure house, which is huge but still filled with treasures.

When Ye Tianlong walked in, he had been mentally prepared for a long time, but it was still difficult to conceal a surprise:

Too much, too spectacular, too amazing.

Calligraphy and painting, gold ornaments, mahogany, silver dollars, ancient coins, flower pots, Hetian jade, purple clay teapots, and bronze wares are all about to blind Ye Tianlong's eyes.

Whether it is quantity or value, or quality, it can completely kill any national museum.

Ye Tianlong can be regarded as a person who has seen many people in the world, and of course he has traveled a lot in museums around the world, but he was still shocked by the treasure in front of him.

After a busy day, Cao Qiankun commanded two members of the Dragon Clan to put a golden tiger beast into a sealed glass cover, and then walked to Ye Tianlong's side:

"Ye Shao, this time, the harvest is quite fruitful."

Cao Qiankun raised a finger: "The things in this house are at least 100 billion."

"Even if you don't sell it, you can simply engage in a tour and collect tickets, and you will be able to eat everything in this life."

He sighed: "I underestimated these things. I knew I should expand a few more cabins to make them a little looser."

Bailihua chuckles: "Mother-in-law fell, Ye Shao was full."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "It's okay. This warehouse is already very good. I'm not opening a museum here. It's too meaningless."

Cao Qiankun asked: "Are you going to put them here forever?"

"No, just don't let this become a museum visited by people. This is our base camp, so we can't let too many people come and go."

Ye Tianlong smiled and shook his head: "Let them put them aside first, and I will discuss with Xiaolan tomorrow."

"Let’s see if Tianlong Antiques is busy, can we squeeze out people to build a museum, sooner or later these things will be slowly washed out."

Cao Qiankun nodded: "This is a good way."

Ye Tianlong said again: "Old Cao, you can provide them with a few more protections to prevent them from being stolen or crushed."

Cao Qiankun has confidence on his face: "You can rest assured that this place will become the strongest place in the ship."

Bailihua laughed and said, "Mr. Cao is a clever hand in the agency. When the ship is refitted, I and the dinosaurs will lead a surprise inspection agency."

"The six layers of defense, only the dinosaurs touched the fifth line of defense, we all fell in front, or the whole army was wiped out."

"The dinosaur was stuck by'spider silk' on the fifth line of defense, and then the laser pierced the heart and dropped."

Bailihua reassures Ye Tianlong: "This treasure house happens to be in the fifth area, that is to say, no masters like dinosaurs can rush in."

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "I have always been confident in Old Cao's craftsmanship."

Cao Qiankun laughed loudly: "Ye Shao, you have passed the award. The tricks of carving insects are not worth mentioning, and Ye Shao is back and the agency is almost useless."

"After a few days, I will perfect the eagle suit with Qian Xue, so that everyone can have an extra protective method. It will not be too late for you to praise me."

Bailihua smiled: "Is it your invulnerable and flying one?"

Ye Tianlong remembered that Jiang Qianxue once said the eagle battle suit, his eyes were more curious and interested: "Old Cao, do you really design a battle suit?"

"What does it look like, show it out?"

Cao Qiankun didn't have the slightest nonsense. He waved his hand and called a subordinate to whisper a few words, and then smiled and spoke to Ye Tianlong and the others:

"It is specially made by me. It can be set on fire and water, and it can also resist knives and guns. The effect is better than body armor. It is not as bulky as it is."

He explained to Ye Tianlong: "However, there are still several processes that have not been completed, and it will take half a month to produce samples."

Not long after, Cao Qiankun's men brought a box and opened it, revealing a piece of flesh-colored soft armor, which looked like silk.


Cao Qiankun drew a knife and stabbed it down, only to hear a crisp sound, the soft armour was like a magnet, and a ball was erected when the blade was close.

The soft armor sticks to the tip of the knife tightly, turning the originally sharp tip into a ball of soft armor, like a knife sleeve.

Ye Tianlong reached out and touched the other side of the soft armor. He couldn't feel the sharpness of the blade at all, but it was like a stick stabbed.

There was a gleam in his eyes: "It's amazing."

Cao Qiankun waved his hand again, letting people take an air gun and shoot it at close range. The soft armor almost instantly wrapped the warhead, turning it into a ball.

The larger the volume, the weaker the lethality.

Ye Tianlong slapped his thigh and was very excited: "Good things, really good things."

Cao Qiankun chuckled: "It can deal with blades or hidden weapons. Air guns and shotguns are fine, but bullets are still not good at close range."

"Although the bullet can't penetrate soft armor, the huge momentum still prevents it from spreading out quickly, so it will still be shot into a dark wound."

"I still need to slowly improve this point."

Cao Qiankun is confident: "But if you wear it for cold weapon fights, it can still play a big role."

"If the dragon gate can be equipped with a batch of eagle armor, at least 30% of the people will die in the current large-scale battle."

Cao Qiankun stroked the soft armor with his fingers: "The dragon can also add a layer of protection."

Bailihua's eyes flickered: "We Feng Group also need it. After all, it is inevitable to go out to collect information in danger."

Ye Tianlong was full of excitement: "Production, produce well, try to arm our shopping brothers."

Before Cao Qiankun could respond, Han Qinhu, who had been staring at him, ran over with a smile: "Old Cao, with the battle clothes, we must first give it to our tiger master."

"Our Tiger Division has heavy tasks and high risks, and we need your suit and body protection."

Cao Qiankun stretched out a hand and smiled and said, "This is no problem, one hundred thousand pieces, one hand for money and the other for goods."

Han Qinhu was very depressed: "One hundred thousand, why don't you grab it? The oriole's jet suit is only about one million."

"Furthermore, everyone is on their own. Will money be too emotionally hurt? Don't forget, I asked you to drink half a bottle of wine."

Han Qinhu persuaded Cao Qiankun: "What's more, the money is all Ye Shao's money going around, so it's better to ask Ye Shao to directly increase your expenses."

Cao Qiankun was unmoved: "Things that don't need money are always not cherished too much, so Ye Shao can't care about it."

"Whether it's the Dragon Division, the Phoenix Team, or the Tiger Division, if you want a battle suit, you can order one hundred thousand pieces."

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "I agree with this. Buying goods with money has always been justified. You can also cherish a little money."

Han Qinhu was very helpless: "Well, I will order fifty pieces first, and I will transfer it to you later. I only have six million funds left...

Before he finished speaking, Han Qinhu's eyes became sharp, staring at the last box carried in by the four tiger masters.

The box is very large and the four of them are struggling.

He scanned the cut seal, which read ‘Hydra Gold’.

The box is right, the weight is wrong.

Han Qinhu didn't say anything, he used a fire axe in his backhand, and thundered against the box...


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