Talented Genius

Chapter 1448: Providence (five shifts)

Except for Ye Tianlong, Cao Qiankun and Han Qinhu were all dumbfounded.

They looked shocked at Wei Ruqing, who had defected to Ye Tianlong, thinking about his various possibilities for breaking the game, even if he had half his wealth to buy his life.

Only did not expect that Wei Ruqing would directly worship Master Ye Tianlong. This was to put himself in the most humble place and to hand over the future of the Wei family.

Han Qinhu was very disdainful of Wei Ruqing at first, and felt that this guy was mediocre, but now he is more solemn.

This son is definitely not a thing in the pool!

Ye Tianlong also had a thought in his heart, this kneeling, this apprenticeship, he couldn't do it anymore because of his emotions and reason, and it really did it in one step.

"Mr. Wei, you are one of the seven kings, with a net worth of 200 billion and a disciple of nearly 100,000. It can be said that my own family business is not as good as you."

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and pressed Wei Ruqing's shoulder: "If you want to give me and the entire Wei family, will it be too emotional."

Wei Ruqing was impassioned: "This is definitely not emotional, this is what the disciple thought about."

"Emotionally, I admire Ye Shao. His ability, courage, and connections are all top-notch. I am willing to work for someone like you."

"Intellectually, Wei's vitality is greatly injured, especially Miao Shan and his party. Not to mention seeking the position of the master, even self-protection has become a problem."

The expression on his face was very real: "The Qi family is abandoned. Even if the Qin family does not make the Wei family's idea, there are still Wei, Yan, Chu, and Han spying."

"In addition, the Wei clan has been fighting with the Qi clan for many years, and he has invisibly offended the elders' association with the Qi clan. This time he suffered a serious injury and the crisis is even more pervasive.

"So instead of being slowly eroded and slaughtered, it is better to take the Wei family to Ye Shao and help Ye Shao ascend to the top of the Heavenly Gate.

There is a ray of light in his eyes: "If things fail, they will die vigorously. If things happen, they can be regarded as indirect fulfillment of the ideal of life. This life is enough."

Although Han Qinhu couldn't judge how much water was in Wei Ruqing's words, he had to say that these words still had a great impact.

Cao Qiankun also gave a wry smile, not knowing how to evaluate Wei Ruqing's current performance.

Ye Tianlong looked at Wei Ruqing, who was like an idealist, with a playful smile on his face: "Is this your truth?"

Wei Ruqing raised his neck: "If there is a falsehood, the sky will thunder and thunder, and Wei Ruqing is definitely not a lip service. Ye Shao sees what I do."

"Okay, I believe you."

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to pull Wei Wuqing up: "From now on, you and I will treat each other frankly. Whenever I reach the top, your current interests will double."

Wei Ruqing plopped and knelt down again: "Xie Ye Shao."

Ye Tianlong pulled him up again: "Don't kneel anymore. Kneeling makes me dizzy. Rest early after eating."

"In the next three days, you will stay here to recuperate. Three days later, I will arrange for someone to take you back."

"Tomorrow, I will introduce you to meet with an acquaintance. I only have one request, and that is to cooperate with each other unconditionally."

Ye Tianlong said softly: "Whatever she asks, you can tell her what she wants, and you can support what she wants."

No matter whether Wei Ruqing is sincere or not, Ye Tianlong will not let go of this opportunity. He wants Shangguan Xiaozhi to extract the value of King Wei to the greatest extent.

Otherwise, I'm sorry for Wei Ruqing's "disciple's gift".

Wei Ruqing replied loudly again: "Understand."

The hostile relationship between the two sides was temporarily resolved with Wei's ruthless turn, and there was a touch of harmony and warmth between each other.

Wei Wuqing was even more respectful and pouring wine to Ye Tianlong's vegetables. He not only talked to Ye Tianlong about the direction of the Seven Kings, but also talked about the customs of Bahrain.

He tried his best to show the consciousness of being a disciple, and he no longer had the initial arrogance and arrogance on his face.

An hour later, when the meal was over, Wei Ruqing respectfully said goodbye to Ye Tianlong, and then put on his blindfolds and followed the two elite dragons to the room.


At this moment, Tian Mo and Oriole came upstairs chatting and laughing. When they reached the railing, Tian Mo grabbed the edge and fell on the deck quickly.

When he fell, a bell rang on his body, which was fleeting and not harsh, but Wei Ruqing's ears fell on the corner, and his body suddenly shook.


Wei Ruqing suddenly fell to the ground, blood seeping through his mouth and nose, and screamed while clutching his heart, as if he had been stabbed.

Tianmo instinctively took a step forward, wanting to see Wei Ruqing's situation, the bell rang lightly again, and Wei Ruqing screamed again: "Ah--"

He rolled on the spot and hit the wall with his head, looking extremely uncomfortable: "No, no, don't—"

Ye Tianlong frowned initially, thinking that Wei Ruqing was playing tricks, but when he saw his nose and mouth bleeding and hitting the wall, he immediately woke up.

Wei Ruqing was poisoned!

When Ye Tianlong got up and rushed over, the bell rang on Tian Mo's body again, and Wei Ruqing rolled out several meters directly, spouting a mouthful of blood.

He couldn't even make a scream, showing how terrible the pain was. The two Dragon Bu children who were assisted by him were directly thrown out of five or six meters by him.

Looks like crazy, makes me afraid.

The oriole leaned forward and tried to take him down, but the result was just a fist collision, which made him take three steps back.

The crazy Wei Ruqing is very domineering.

When the oriole and Han Qinhu didn't know which one it was, Ye Tianlong rolled his eyes and caught the key to the problem, and he rushed to Tianmo's side.

Reach out!

Ye Tianlong grasped the purple bell hanging in Tianmo and prevented it from making any movement again.

The bell stopped ringing, Wei Ruqing turned it over, his feet upside down, panting, fear and anxiety on his face, as if he was dead.


At this moment, Ye Tianlong slammed the bell, and a piercing bell rang.

Wei Wuqing's body was bowed again, and he spouted a mouthful of blood. He wanted to scream but didn't have enough breath. In the next second, he fainted directly to protect himself.

"It really matters."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward to take Wei Wuqing's pulse, and found that his pulse was chaotic, and he was indeed poisoned, but his life was not in danger for the time being.

"Hold it down, settle down well, and let the doctor give him some glucose."

Ye Tianlong flicked his finger lightly and asked the children of Longbu to lift Wei Ruqing down, and then slowly opened his palm and looked at the purple bell.

Cao Qiankun walked over with Han Qinhu, with a hint of curiosity on his face: "Ye Shao, what is going on?"

Ye Tianlong looked at the purple bell and smiled, "Wang Wei once had a deal with the zombie mother-in-law, and was accidentally poisoned by the zombie mother-in-law."

"Liu Huahua told me that Granny Zang used a bell to manipulate the Gu worm in Wei Ruqing's body."

He faintly said: "The zombie mother is dead, but the bell is not broken, and it was picked up by Tianmo."

"It seems that the disciple Wei Ruqing has to do it if he doesn't do it."

Ye Tianlong slid his fingers across the edge of the purple bell: "God's will."

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