Talented Genius

Chapter 1478: show

Why do you want to kill Wei Ji?

The black widow gave the answer!

In recent years, the four gods of fortune have not only survived in a group, unanimously outside, but also optimized each other's resources to make a lot of money, allowing each other's business to expand tenfold.

The black widow takes advantage of her official advantages, specifically locks in the rich resources of backward countries, and then matches Xu Facai's business with each other...

Once Xu Facai obtains valuable resources from these countries, Lantian Xiang’s convoy or fleet will be connected for transportation, and Huang Bajin will provide military support.

The four people cooperated in a tacit understanding, and the methods were excellent. These five or six years have been smooth, and occasionally a few small accidents were quickly erased by the four of them.

But last week, a combined fleet was attacked on the Triangle River. Six boats, 120 people, were all headshot and thrown into the river.

The emerald, golden sand and agarwood worth 800 million on board were also looted.

What angered the emperor and them most was that fifty catties of poppy shells and five catties of white powder appeared on the ship that was stranded, creating a sense of smuggling and drug trafficking.

The technique was the same as the movie’s framing and framing scene. The Lan's fleet was blacklisted by the Triangle River, and six mines were also purged by the Triangle Government.

It can be described as a heavy loss.

Through various inquiries, the Black Widow finally confirmed that Wei Ji and the Manchester Armed Forces worked together, and the heavy firepower washed the six light firepower ships.

Wei Ji came for the emerald and golden sands on the ship, and the Manchester armed forces wanted to seize the opportunity to confiscate six minerals. Both sides took what they needed, so they joined forces.

They also inquired that Wei Ji seemed to be short of money recently, so she didn't care about it, and she knew enough about Huang Bajin.

The Black Widows were worried that Wei Ji, who had tasted the sweetness of the six boats, would be even more crazy to attack the emperor.

In fact, Wei Ji also began to look for the Huang's treasures. Her tomb robbing team entered various legendary locations to spy on the Huang's ancestral grave.

"She dug up several of my ancestral graves."

Huang Bajin looked at Ye Tianlong with a touch of loneliness in his eyes: "She may dig a few more places in the future, which is why she wants to kill her."

The black widow added the last sentence: "Wei Zhongxin, who died in Tiandu, nominally went to the jade business, but actually went to the zombie's treasure house."

"It's just that the Hundred Thousand Mountain is too scary and too difficult to lock, so Wei Zhongxin has never found a chance."

"The information I have collected shows that Wei Ji has been fully fired recently, smuggling, drug trafficking, murdering, violating goods, robbing graves and digging treasures, how can I get money for what?"

The black widow looked hesitantly and said: "She even dared to make ideas for China's official gold mine in Africa..."

Xu Facai watched Ye Tianlong say: "The reason why she wants so much money is that she has supported an anti-government force in the black country of Africa."

"She is going to drop a lot of money to arm this team, and then she will become the first female president."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly: "Ganghei Country? A country with a population of five million has a small population and a small territory, but the resources are not bad."

"And the location is also very good. Wei Ji really briefs this place to be the president. As long as he can hold it, it should be more comfortable than being a guard."

Ye Tianlong knew enough about that country, so he knew its environment and current situation.

Lan Lanxiang tapped his finger on the table: "So we must get rid of her as soon as possible, otherwise she will become the president, and killing her will be even more difficult."

After listening to Huang Bajin and Black Widow's description, Ye Tianlong completely agreed to accept this challenge.

In addition to Wei Ji and the others being too hateful and shameless, Ye Tianlong knew that Huang Bajin and the others specially gave themselves this opportunity to perform.

With the strength and means of the four, it is definitely not difficult to get justice back. Let Ye Tianlong accept the challenge in the hope that he will make a contribution by this.

In this way, the Quartet forces will not have too much criticism, so there will not be much resistance to the support of the four.

After finalizing the business, Ye Tianlong drank tea with the four for another half an hour, and promised to stay for dinner tonight and get up to look for Xu Mingmen and them.

During the period, Ye Tianlong received a text message from Zheng Xiaolan, informing that the matter had been settled and asked Jiu Shu and the others to assist, and the other agent agreed.

Although Ye Tianlong felt that it was not appropriate to always trouble Jiu Shu, but after thinking about it for a while, he didn't say anything. The matter of Jiu Ju Goddess needs to repair their relationship.

After he sent Zheng Xiaolan a WeChat ‘all careful’, he walked to Xu Mingmen and the others.

In a pavilion next to them, Zhehua and Lan Xiaomo stared at a screen, pointed their fingers on it and discussed it. The two were playing Go with others.

Xu Mingmen gnawed a piece of watermelon next to him, and from time to time he was a dog-head sergeant, but he failed several times, causing him to be driven away by Zhehua and Lan Xiaomo.

When the depressed Xu Mingmen saw Ye Tianlong coming over, he immediately raised a smile and shouted: "Tianlong? The chat is over? Great, come, eat watermelon."

He picked up a watermelon and threw it to Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong caught it, and then smiled and replied: "I'm not suitable for the rest of the topic, so I come to see you."

"Right, Tianlong, young people should be with young people."

Xu Mingmen pulled Ye Tianlong over, while nagging: "Only in this way will there be vigor, so that it will be energetic, and life will be splendid."

"Stay with those old guys, not only will your mentality grow old, people will also grow old and become boring."

Ye Tianlong gnawed a few mouthfuls of watermelon, then smiled and replied: "Sooner or later we will be old and boring."

"That's something for the future, now young, I must enjoy it."

Xu Mingmen finished a piece of melon in a few mouthfuls: "Otherwise, you won't have the chance to enjoy it in the future, just like my dad, you have to show respect and demeanor all day long."

At this moment, Lan Xiaomo rushed over and directly dragged Xu Mingmen away, and then hugged Ye Tianlong like a sloth, declaring his sovereignty:

"Even though the four old men are boring, but they are so affectionate and help each other. How can they be like you bastard, they fight me every time they meet."

Xu Mingmen looked back at Lan Lanxiang and them, raised a smile and replied:

"Although I always think that Lan Xiaomo has a well-developed body, this time I have to say that her mind is not simple, and the four elders are indeed deeply emotional."

Xu Mingmen chuckled: "The time Uncle Lan got on the boat and talked into the sea, my father and the emperor gave him praise overnight."

Lan Xiaomo gave Xu Mingmen a white look: "The dog can't spit out ivory!"

Then, she said gently: "Tianlong, we have always been so good in the future. We will never leave and watch each other, Zhehua, don't you think?"

Zhehua retracted his gaze from the screen and smiled warmly: "We will definitely."

Xu Mingmen suddenly thought of something, jumped up happily, grabbed Ye Tianlong and shouted: "Tianlong, let's four worship..."

Lan Xiaomo turned around and went to find the stick again...

When Xu Mingmen was fleeing again by Lan Xiaomo, Ye Tianlong sat down beside Zhehua and said softly while looking at the Go screen:

"When is the wedding?"

Zhehua turned his gaze back and sighed softly: "It was originally the 8th, but the ancestral grave was dug up, and my father said it would be delayed for two months."

"When the ancestral tomb is repaired and the sacrifices are repaired, he will get married. He wants to take advantage of the marriage.

The excavation of the ancestral grave was an angry thing, but the marriage was postponed because of this, and it was a happy thing. Zhehua didn't know how to express his emotions.

Ye Tianlong asked: "Have you ever contacted Yunduo?"

Zhehua shook his head lightly: "No, but I followed her secretly... she had a bad time..."

Then, he added the last sentence: "She has also come to Mingjiang, and watch the performance of the Tianquan team with her girlfriends..."

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