Talented Genius

Chapter 1503: Bamboo and Rock

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a train fleet departed from Lujiazhai and headed for the "Wan Garden" ordered by Lu Fengshou.

The sky in the black triangle has always been unpredictable. The sun was shining in the first second, and the next second was pouring rain, so the sky was clear when the team went out.

The sky was gloomy, with a rhythm of heavy rain, but it never fell.

Uncle Mi once judged that this was not a good sign to go out, and advised Lu Fengshou to change time to meet again, but was reprimanded by Lu Fengshou.

This time the tea party, not only was Lu Fengshou over, but Lu Youmi was about to appear, so Ye Tianlong followed.

The sniping and explosion in the morning made Lu Fengshou and the others very dignified, but there was no shadow on Ye Tianlong, and he didn't care about it at all.

Along the way, Ye Tianlong either joked with Lu Youmi, or took out his mobile phone to play games and occasionally sent a few text messages.

During the period, Ye Tianlong received a message from a wealthy person asking where Ye Tianlong was. He was going to send someone over to meet Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong pondered for a while, and finally passed the location of the'Ten Thousand Garden'.

There was also news from Zhao Wenguang that he was looking for him. Ye Tianlong asked him to leave an address and visit him personally when he was free.

Later, Ye Tianlong talked to Lu Youmi again, and learned from her that Lao Lu was not only the principal of the Lu family, but also the chairman of the Black Triangle Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

The natural survival habits of Huaxia people start to work hard in unfamiliar places, and they will form a group with a sense of belonging to advance and retreat together.

At the same time, there are also many shortcomings of Huaxia people, that is, after solving the survival problem, they are used to starting infighting.

At the beginning, Lu Fengshou had a hard time taking root, not only dared to fight, but also dared to take the lead, so he became the leader of the black triangle Chinese businessmen and served as the chairman for more than ten years.

The Wang family used to be in the black triangle business in clothing and construction. At one time, they were too poor to smuggle drugs, and finally rely on the Lu family to gather orders from Chinese businessmen to survive the barrier.

Wang Jiacai was so grateful that he recognized Lu Fengshou as his eldest brother. If he encountered any problems, he asked Lu Fengshou: Brother, take care...

It is only in the past few years that the life of the Chinese businessmen has begun to get better, the former Chinese business organization has begun to loosen up, and Wang Jiacai has also taken aim at the position of chairman.

The position of the president not only involves the operation of the membership fee of 70 to 80 million yuan, but also involves the privilege of the president who can get a 30% discount from the members.

Therefore, for the past two years, Lu Fengshou has always thought that the relationship between the two families is good, but in fact, the Wang family has long ignored the Lu family.

It's just that Wang Jiacai has never found a chance to be in the top position.

Hearing Lu Youmi’s words, Ye Tianlong began to feel that today’s tea party might not go too smoothly...


Twenty minutes later, the Lujia motorcade arrived at the destination, Wan Huayuan.

Wanhuayuan is a remodeled Linhe street. The whole clubhouse is composed of countless pavilions. The roadside is full of various flowers, which is very beautiful.

This is a place of living beings in the noisy city, gray tile eaves, hidden in the dense woods and lights.

The scattered pavilions and the blooming flowers all give people a sense of enjoying the scenery in the mountains, one step and two styles.

The clubhouse is only five or six meters away from the beach and thirty meters away from the billowing triangle river.

Therefore, guests can find a place in the clubhouse and they can see the scenery of thousands of sails passing by, so it is quite pleasant to feel the tranquility while drinking.

This is considered the most comfortable and luxurious recreational place in the Black Triangle, so the clubs here have always been booming!

"Mr. Lu, hello."

When Lu Fengshou and Ye Tianlong got out of the car, a black-clad woman greeted them with a few people, without much emotion in her voice:

"Mr. Wang and they have been waiting for a long time, you follow me to the Peony Pavilion."

While speaking, she also took a few glances at Ye Tianlong, and looked at him a little bit. She seemed to think he was a bit strange, but she quickly recovered her calm.

Uncle Mi was taken aback for a moment: "Peony Pavilion? I ordered the Lotus Pavilion."

Lu Fengshou prefers lotus flowers and thinks it can wake up his eyes, so Uncle Mi will set up a lotus pavilion for banquets or family banquets here.

The black-dressed woman seemed to have expected this answer early, and said noncommittal: "Mr. Wang thinks that the lotus is old-fashioned, but the peony looks good."

"He and Mr. Chen are already at The Peony Pavilion. If Mr. Lu insists on going to the Lotus Pavilion, I'm afraid I won't see a bunch of old friends."

There is something in the words, and Ye Tianlong can even hear the smell of gunpowder in the fight for the right to speak. This is not just a dispute between pavilions, but also a dispute between Lu Wang and Wang.

When the expressions of Uncle Mi and Lu Youmi changed, Lu Fengshou laughed and waved his hands softly: "It's okay, it's okay, it's all his own."

"The lotus pavilion, the peony pavilion, or the orchid pavilion are actually the same. Lao Wang and the others are at the peony pavilion, let's go to the peony pavilion."

Lu Fengshou remained calm and calm: "It's better to move alone than a dozen people, Miss Du, please."

The black-dressed woman stretched out her hand and responded, "Mr. Lu really knows how to measure, please here."

She cocked the corners of her mouth invisibly, with disdain in her eyes, as if she had expected Lu Fengshou to compromise.

The black-dressed woman quickly led Lu Fengshou and the others. The Peony Pavilion was not far from the entrance, but the pavilion looked very big and the straight path was wide.

There are cars in the three parking lots on the road. There are all cars, commercial vehicles and jeeps, and there are also a few cars with strong powdery smell, which are very dazzling.

There is no doubt that today more than Wang Jiacai and his gang came.

"Mr. Lu, here it is."

Soon Lu Fengshou was led to the front of the Peony Pavilion. After the Lu family bodyguards dispersed, Lu Fengshou took Ye Tianlong, his daughter, and Uncle Mi in.

The pavilion is semi-open, almost equal to a long corridor and hall.

Ye Tianlong condensed his gaze and saw that in addition to the more than fifty bodyguards scattered, there were also young and old generations occupying a corner.

On the left side, there are dozens of men and women in Chinese clothes, holding wine glasses, talking and laughing, talking about jewelry, luxury cars, helicopters, and lions.

On the right, there are a dozen old men in Chinese clothes sitting around a table full of calligraphy, paintings and rice paper, all in high spirits.

"This picture is majestic, the mountains are steep, the huge rocks are abrupt, and clusters of orchids and bamboos are scattered. It is definitely the authenticity of Zheng Banqiao."

Among the Chinese-clothed elders, there is an old man wearing a dark blue shirt and black trousers. He is smiling and pointing at the country with a painting.

This old man, with sparse hair, a big belly, a tall nose, sharp eyes, and the characteristics of a shrewd businessman, is Wang Jiacai.

A dozen elders around kept nodding their heads, expressing their compliments and flattering.

"Lao Wang, Lao Chen, good afternoon, you are really early enough."

Many people have seen Lu Fengshou walk into the pavilion, but no one got up to greet him. As the corner of Uncle Mi’s mouth moved, Lu Fengshou laughed:

"What calligraphy and painting are you looking at? Zheng Banqiao's stuff? Come, let me take a look. I'm professional."

Lu Fengshou smiled and approached Wang Jiacai's group. He also wanted to use the appreciation of calligraphy and painting to build a harmonious relationship: "Let me take a look, is it true or not?"

Ye Tianlong glanced at the calligraphy and painting in the opponent's hand, his eyelids twitched, and then a touch of self-deprecation passed by.

"Bamboo and Rock" by Zheng Banqiao.

Just before Lu Feng took a look, Wang Jiacai put it away, and said faintly, "This is the real thing, and it doesn't need Brother Lu's appreciation."

Then, he turned his gaze away from Lu Fengshou, and talked with a few old men in Chinese clothes nearby:

"Lao Chen, Lao Zhang, do you think that the "Bamboo and Stone Picture" that I bought for half a million dollars will be sold for auction. Is it worth 20 million?"

Wang Jiacai completely ignored Lu Fengshou and others: "Its auction price five years ago was 15 million."

A few Chinese-clothed elders smiled and said, "Selling ten million will make you die, five hundred thousand, ten million, but at twenty times the price, it is more profitable than white goods."

"Lao Wang's vision is really getting better and better, and everything is accurate."

"I didn't dare to buy a painting at random, but I didn't dare to start with 200,000 yuan, but he smashed it down with 500,000 yuan. If he got it, he should earn it.

"Yeah, his eyes are poisonous, unlike some people, who always can't see clearly..."

The corner of Lu Fengshou's mouth moved a bit, but he didn't know how to say something.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, and directly picked up a piece of rice paper on the table, and then picked up a writing brush.

At this moment, Uncle Mi rose to a verse: Hidden hills in his chest, and the vigor of the brush.

"Swish swish!"

In the surprise of Lu Fengshou and Lu Youmi, Ye Tianlong danced with dragons and phoenixes, engraving many traces of black ink and stones on a piece of white paper.

"What are you doing with us?"

Wang Jiacai raised his face and shouted, "No rules, Lao Lu, who did you bring?"


When the rest of the Huayi elders also looked at Lu Fengshou with reproach, Ye Tianlong's right hand shook, ink pouring from the tip of the pen, and the final stroke was fiercely dropped.

After that, Ye Tianlong pulled the rice paper and shook it. With a sound, the rice paper was stretched out in front of everyone, the sun shone, and it was beautiful.

"Everyone, how much money do you think can be auctioned for my "Bamboo and Rock"?

Before Wang Jiacai's few people sneered at him, an accomplished old man in Chinese clothes quickly yelled:

"How are these two paintings exactly the same?"

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