Talented Genius

Chapter 1506: I, Qin Shihuang, make money

Ye Tianlong's words made many people feel reasonable, and the pavilion was more quiet and thoughtful.

Only Liu Xiaoxiao and their faces are extremely ugly. Their biggest purpose today is to step on Lu Fengshou and give their son a good breath.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tianlong has been disrupted one after another, and the situation is still faintly reversed.

This kid is really hateful! It's time to teach him a lesson!

Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes were concentrated like a knife, staring at Ye Tianlong who was dressed in ordinary clothes and said, "What are you?"

"I'm talking to Lu Fengshou, do you have a place for someone like you to intervene? Sure enough, there is a master and a servant. They are all people who are raised by others!"

She pointed out that Sang scolded Huai and even Lu Fengshou scolded, and then shouted to the black-dressed woman who led Lu Fengshou in:

"Steward Du, reward him with two slaps."

Upon hearing this instruction, the woman in black outfit shot out in an instant and slapped Ye Tianlong with a slap.

Agile and vigorous.


Without waiting for Lu Fengshou to stop, a crisp sound was already exploded, but Ye Tianlong stood safe and sound, but Liu Xiaoxiao let out a scream.

She didn't know when she stood in front of Ye Tianlong, and she also suffered a rainbow-like slap from the black-clad woman, and her cheek instantly got five fingerprints.

The black-dressed woman looked shocked, and Wang Jiacai and the others were at a loss.

"Asshole! Madam Wang dare to fight? It turned you back."

Before Liu Xiaoxiao, who was annoyed, could react, Ye Tianlong had flashed out of her back, and then slapped her face with a big slap: "Get out!"

The black-clad woman fell out with a scream, her teeth fell by two or three, her mouth was full of blood.

Before struggling to get up, Ye Tianlong took a step forward and knocked her to the ground with one foot.

"Stop! Stop!"

When Wang Jiacai drank and stopped Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong had already ran back to Liu Xiaoxiao's side, with a smile on his face to please him:

"Mrs. Wang, the person who beat you, I have already taught, should I be rewarded for such an outstanding performance?"

When Lu Youmi almost burst into laughter, Liu Xiaoxiao came back to her senses, rubbing her aching cheeks and yelled, "Do you dare to hit me? I will kill you."

Ye Tianlong sneered: "Ma'am, you are nonsense. Everyone has seen it. It was the woman who beat you. Why did I beat you?"

"I also took a sigh of relief for you, you can't be so distracted."

He spoke gently: "So many people have witnessed that if you put your hat on it, it will chill people's hearts."

Lu Fengshou also faintly said, "Yes, Tianlong didn't do anything to you from beginning to end."

Liu Xiaoxiao whispered, and she glanced at the black-clad woman who hated iron and steel, and then shouted: "Get out of here for me."

Ye Tianlong's eyes suddenly became bitter, Liu Xiaoxiao stepped back subconsciously, and then felt embarrassed and stepped forward into anger, "What do you want to do?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and said in a flat tone: "Today seems to be Mr. Lu's tea party, he is the real protagonist."

"Should I get rid of it should be Mr. Lu."

He made a noncommittal hum: "It's not you, you are not qualified!"


Liu Xiaoxiao is probably very uncomfortable with others talking to him in such a cold and contemptuous tone, so embarrassed that he took two steps forward:

"You don't know how to exaggerate. You really think that by licking your master's shoes, you can squeeze into this circle of powerful and powerful..."

Lu Fengshou's face grew colder, and he replied in a deep voice, "Ye Tianlong is a friend of Youmi and a benefactor of the Lu family."

"Of course he is qualified to speak, and what he said and did can fully represent my attitude."

Ye Tianlong looked at Liu Xiaoxiao and smiled faintly, "Have you heard? I can represent the Lu Family. If you are upset, bite me?"

"Mom, this kid is so arrogant..."

Wang Jiukang couldn't help it anymore. They had always scolded others. Whenever it was their turn to criticize others, he stepped forward and cursed:

"We will help you beat him up."

While yelling, he called a dozen of his companions around to do something, and also picked up a wine bottle, ready to hit Ye Tianlong's head.

Dozens of bodyguards were also ready to move, ready to join the battle group at any time, Mi Shu squinted his eyes and made a gesture, and the Lu family bodyguards were also highly vigilant.

Liu Xiaoxiao rubbed her aching cheeks, and reached out to stop Wang Jiukang and the others: "We are gentlemen, not rough, don't fight."

She is worried that her son will suffer.

After that, Liu Xiaoxiao had another arrogant body, taking a step forward and staring at Lu Fengshou, her red lips shot coldly:

"Lu Fengshou, it seems that you invited everyone to come today, not to solve the problem, but to use your bodyguards to vent your emotions. Otherwise, how could you indulge him so much?"

Wang Jiacai and the others nodded in agreement.

At this time, Lu Fengshou exhaled a long breath, looked around at the crowd and made his last effort, hoping to gather this scattered sand:

"Everyone, I am willing to apologize for the conflict just now, but Ye Tianlong is right. This is not only the Lu family's business, but also everyone's business."

Liu Xiaoxiao said coldly: "You are you and we are us. Everyone has different businesses and contacts, so there is no comparison at all."

"Although your Lu family makes a lot of money and still controls 70% of the rice, your false highs over the years have left you without a backer."

There was a touch of contempt in her eyes: "The Black Mountain Eagle is playing with you at this time, you are naturally at the mercy of others."

"And I am different. I have friendship with the Tu Group, and I have a deep friendship."

"The Black Mountain Eagle dared to move me. If I call, someone from Tu will warn the Black Mountain Eagle for me, so you don't have to scare us."

"And you, don't have to listen to Lu Fengshou, I support him, and the Black Mountain Eagle will not attack us. I have the Tu family behind me."

Hearing what Liu Xiaoxiao said, dozens of elders in Chinese nodded together, their faces relaxed, and they looked at Liu Xiaoxiao respectfully.

In Ye Tianlong's noncommittal smile, Lu Fengshou's mouth evoked a touch of joking: "You have friendship with Tu's group?"

"Don't you have done infrastructure for the Tu family, sold spring and summer military uniforms, and drank with a few commanders, what kind of friendship can you have?"

"Just listen to the things on the wine table. It really involves real swords and guns. They won't smash you and Black Mountain."

"In the past few months, how many times has the Tu family been mistakenly robbed by the Black Mountain Eagle? There are not ten times but eight times? The Tu family has not compromised in the end."

Lu Fengshou reminded Liu Xiaoxiao not to be too naive: "The Tu clan even endures his own losses, so how can he give you a head start?"

Liu Xiaoxiao's face was dark and roared: "Shut up! Don't question my friendship with Tu's family, that's not what you can imagine, a fake high school."

"Wake up everybody, stop daydreaming."

Lu Fengshou hated iron and steel and looked at Wang Jiacai and the others: "In this place, except for himself and us, the other forces will not help."

"Today, if you don't care about your own affairs, stand up, and when the Wang family is hurt, no one will stand up."

Liu Xiaoxiao scowled and shouted, "Don't talk about these wasteful things."

"With just one sentence today, let your daughter and Ye Tianlong kneel down, slap ten times, and ask my son to forgive me. I will consider helping you."

"Otherwise, roll back wherever you came from, and let you know by the way, from now on, you are no longer the president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce."

She pointed a finger at Wang Jiacai and said, "Lao Wang will become the president, and everyone present has recognized it."

Wang Jiukang roared: "Lu Youmi, don't you kneel down and beg me?"

Lu Fengshou exhaled a long breath, a touch of fatigue in his eyes: "The president will not grow, I don't care, whoever is in that position knows the hard work."

"I came here today and I really hope to get your help."

Lu Fengshou looked at his partners who had cooperated for many years: "But it is absolutely impossible for my daughter and Ye Tianlong to kneel."

When Ye Tianlong gave a secret compliment, Liu Xiaoxiao's face became cold: "Is it impossible to talk about anything?"

Lu Fengshou's eyes are calm: "I need 500 million turnover. I know a lot of this money, but I still hope everyone can help."

"Getting along for so many years, everyone should know who I am."

He patted his chest again and again: "Whoever helps me through the difficulties, the Lu family has always remembered him well."

Liu Xiaoxiao and the others sneered again and again, and the other old men in Chinese clothes were silent.

Lu Fengshou stretched out three fingers: "Whoever lends me 500 million, I will give him 30% of the shares in the Lu family."

Still no one came forward.

"Four percent!"

Lu Fengshou added 10%: "The total assets of the Lu family are almost 10 billion in market value. You are not willing to use 500 million to fight for 4 billion?"

Wang Jiacai smiled and said, "Lao Lu, don't do unnecessary struggles."

"Although the Lu family's assets are almost 10 billion, you are now being targeted by the Black Mountain Eagle. No matter how much it has, its market value is equal to zero."

"It's easy to borrow 500 million from you, but who can guarantee that you will be able to come back? If you can't come back, won't the 500 million come in vain?"

Wang Jiacai's smile is very playful: "And the probability that you can't come back is as high as ninety-nine percent."

Lu Fengshou said: "My final bottom line, 50%!"

Still no one came forward. Five hundred million is not a small amount, and it is even more an idiot to use it for flotation. Besides, it will offend the Black Mountain Eagle, which is too risky.

"Mr. Lu, if you can, I want this share."

Ye Tianlong stood up and smiled faintly: "One billion, buy 50% of the shares of the Lu family."


It's not that everyone present has no money, and it's not easy to make money. Many of the guests are worth billions, and some even regard money as numbers.

But when Ye Tianlong shouted a billion, everyone was still secretly surprised, Lu Youmi and Uncle Mi were also surprised.

Even the aggressive Liu Xiaoxiao focused his eyes on Ye Tianlong again.

After looking closely for a moment, many people's shock turned into chuckles.

The total amount of this guy is less than 1,000 yuan, and he has no name and no background. How can one billion be given to Lu Fengshou?

And if Ye Tianlong was really rich, he would have solved Lu Fengshou’s problem a long time ago. Why should Lu Fengshou come here to insult him?

They guessed that Ye Tianlong and Lu Fengshou wanted to sing a double song.

The corner of Liu Xiaoxiao's mouth showed endless ridicule, and said noncommittal: "Billion? You have a billion, I will crawl out from here."

People who are used to being aloof naturally have their illogical confidence.

Ye Tianlong calmly watched Lu Feng harvest.

Lu Fengshou was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled: "Brother Ye, you give me one billion, and I will directly give you 60% of the shares."

Liu Xiaoxiao sneered: "It's useless to give him all of it, he can't get a hundred million."

Several beautiful women also pouted, all disapproving.

Ye Tianlong took a photo of Lu Fengshou's bank account number and sent it out, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers, shouting:

"I, Qin Shihuang, make money."

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