Talented Genius

Chapter 1525: Special potion (four more)

Bai Poyue's words pierced Ye Tianlong's smile like a sharp arrow.

Bai Poyue is obviously a smart person: "Your reaction, tell me without a doubt, you also feel Mr. Fu's inner desire."

"He has been in the Black Triangle for so many years and has beaten the world with bare hands, but he has never regarded himself as his master."

"In other words, to become the world's largest drug agent and to save this family business that ordinary people envy is just his compelling choice."

When Ye Tianlong listened carefully, Bai Poyue's eyes were soft, and then she sighed faintly:

"Every time I see Mr. Fu, I think of my ninety-something grandma. She now lives in a remote village deep in the Black Triangle."

"She has never seen the world in her entire life, and she hasn't enjoyed it much. When she was a child, she told me more than once to live a good life outside."

"I once took her out and enjoyed it. It was delicious and drank and served. It was just like that."

Her pretty face showed a touch of self-deprecating: "I thought she would like it and stay."

"But within two days, she muttered about going back to the shabby village, worried that her old hen that lays eggs all over the world was eaten by a snake."

"No matter how much I keep, no matter how amused, I can't keep her heart, and in the end I can only let her go back to see the old hen."

Bai Poyue looked at Ye Tianlong calmly: "The same goes for the rich outside. Deep in his heart, he always talks about that old hen."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath. Although Bai Poyue said something mysterious, Ye Tianlong knew in his heart that Bai Poyue's judgment was completely correct.

"If it wasn't for the path he is walking now, he would retreat if he didn't advance, and he hasn't thoroughly arranged it, I'm afraid he would have returned to Mingjiang long ago."

Bai Poyue got up from the chair, the fragrant wind wafted, and her voice was gentle: "That's the case, Mr. Fu's ambition has come to an end."

"He only hopes to bleach now, and only hope that Fu's nephew and his nephew will spend the rest of their lives. Others are really unimportant and he won't care."

"I can say that if you don't intervene in the future, Fu's current state will be the peak."

"The black triangle result in the future is the most optimistic, that is, the stalemate has been going on, and the Fu and Hei are almost swallowed by the monster."

Bai Poyue said clearly: "It is impossible for Fu to win the black triangle."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly, did not speak, and did not laugh anymore, just took a sip from the water glass...

Suddenly Bai Poyue sat on the coffee table and looked at Ye Tianlong up close: "You are a very capable person, full of vigor and means."

"I wanted to die in Black Mountain more than once, but a hundred ways were no use. I also broke dozens of diehards."

"I thought I was afraid that there would be no chance to kill him in my life, but I didn't expect that you would kill him simply and effectively."

She said very calmly: "You seem to be cynical, but in fact you are step by step. Your methods seem simple, but in fact they contain a lot of your experience."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "General Bai, if you praise me like this, I will be proud."

At this moment, Ye Tianlong was able to make a judgment. Bai Poyue was not helping the wealthy to test herself out, but she really had this idea in her heart.

"My greatest wish in this life is to see the birth of a black triangle overlord, whether it is me or the person I support."

Bai Poyue's voice sounded again: "Mr. Fu has lost his ambition, I am not capable, but you are very hopeful."

"Not only do you control the Lu family, the largest rice merchant, and you are brothers to Zhao Wenguang, you are also Mr. Fu's partner and the person he trusts most."

"He and his rich nephew brought enough wealth to withdraw to shore. You will inherit the stall he left behind and give him absolute security..."

Bai Poyue has obviously thought about this question: "I think Mr. Fu will definitely agree 100%."

"So I sincerely hope you can take root. I am willing to saddle you up until you become the only voice here."

Having said that, as soon as she grasped Ye Tianlong's hand, she was warm, strong, and with a touch of expectation.

A bitter smile was drawn across Ye Tianlong's face, and he gently pulled out his hand, looking at the woman in front of him and sighed: "I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

"I am a man of idle clouds and wild cranes, free and loose, it is difficult to settle down in a place quietly, otherwise I would have been a chief in Africa."

"Therefore, Tianlong can only accept the kindness of General Bai. I don't have the idea of ​​controlling the black triangle, at least not now."

Catching the deep disappointment on Bai Poyue's face, Ye Tianlong's mouth couldn't help but feel a little unbearable, and then the conversation turned:

"But if you want to become the king here, I'm happy to help. You can borrow the resources I have at any time."

He stretched out his right hand again: "If we want, we will be friends and confidants from now on."

Bai Poyue looked at the hand in front of her, pondered for a while, and a gleam of light in her eyes, but quickly recovered her calm, she directly embraced Ye Tianlong:

"Well, from now on, you and I are no longer temporary partners, we are friends and confidants."

"You Ye Tianlong are in trouble, I will go through the fire and water to help you Bai Poyue."

Bai Poyue's smile became playful: "I have trouble with Bai Poyue..."

Ye Tianlong replied without hesitation: "I will die."

Bai Poyue smiled brightly and brightly. From today on, she will launch the warship that will dominate the Black Triangle. She doesn't believe that Ye Tianlong can't be tied down.


At this time, outside the headquarters, a look hurriedly broke into someone, shouting Ye Tianlong's name repeatedly, and immediately covered one eye when they saw the two hugging.

"General Bai, you like my brother so much, you can't do this in the command center?"

"You should go back to the barracks or find a tank, here in broad daylight, being hit by someone, you can lose my brother's handsome face."

While scanning with one eye, Jiowen nagged and complained about Bai Poyue.

Bai Poyue's pretty face turned red: "Jewen, your brain is flooded? I hugged Ye Tianlong to celebrate, what do you think of us?"

"Hug celebration... Isn't it the same nature to go to bed and celebrate?"

When Ye Tianlong looked helpless, Jue Wen looked like a person who came over: "Okay, you don't have to be ashamed. At this age, I understand."

"It's just that you have to relax, my brother is not satisfied with the water and soil, and his body is not too good to be able to kill chickens and get eggs..."

Bai Poyue drew his gun directly.

Jue Wen hurriedly turned around and ran away: "General Bai, isn't it just a matter of bed? As for shooting a gun?"

Ye Tianlong hurriedly grabbed Bai Poyue who was about to chase, and then shouted a break: "Jewen, you come to me, is there something wrong?"

"Oh, I almost forgot about business."

As Jiewen withdrew to the jeep, he put the black box in his hand on the ground: "We are negotiating with the black tip, and he asked me to give you this box."

"He said he found it from the safe of the Black Mountain Eagle. There were some needles in it. He didn't know what it was for, and there was no explanation."

"But the Black Mountain Eagle attaches so much importance, so he asked me to let you take a look and judge whether it is important or not, so as not to miss several hundred million."

Juewen sneaked into the jeep: "I have sent someone to scan it. It is really potion, there is no explosives, and the box is safe."

"Look at it for yourself. If it's important, stay, and if it's not important, throw it away. Anyway, my task is completed."

He waved his hand to the adjutant to leave quickly: "Brother, bye bye, you play first, I will pick you up tomorrow to make a supplement."

The car whistled and left.

Bai Poyue looked a little embarrassed, and found an excuse to patrol and leave.

Ye Tianlong looked helpless, and slowly walked to the front of the box, reached out and picked it up. The box was very strong, and it was also anti-shock by setting fire to water.

"What the hell?"

Ye Tianlong felt that the box was a bit familiar, as if he had seen the same model somewhere, and then he opened the box with a snap to reveal the contents.

Ten syringes filled with light yellow needles, and a row of white pills with several special symbols on them.

With just one glance, Ye Tianlong recognized it, and his body was shocked:

"Tian Yao No. 1?"

(It’s the fourth one today, thank you for your support.)

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