Talented Genius

Chapter 1527: Rong's instructions

At dusk, the headquarters of Bai Poyue was brightly lit.

Although the killer didn't hurt Ye Tianlong, he lost a small life, but the entire defense zone caused a shock, and all entrances and exits were on guard.

The wealthy member also flew over with Jue Wen, Ye Tianlong was assassinated, he always needed a little care, and at the same time ordered a thorough investigation of the matter.

The three hundred guards dispersed, searching for suspicious persons in a radius of ten kilometers, and strafing the jungle or lake to kill possible danger.

At the same time, the intelligence team checked the nearby surveillance and looked for the path of the green-clothed killer sneaking in to avoid similar things from happening again.


At seven o'clock in the evening, the headquarters, Heimeng threw the killer's dagger on the conference table, and then stared at Ye Tianlong coldly and said:

"This is a fake Moxie, cast after Moxie, with a number on it, thirty-six."

"I have seen such a sword before, that is the real Moxie in Wei Ji's hand. There is also a number on it, that is one."

Hei Meng, in black clothing all over, glanced at the rich man Wai and Bai Poyue: "I suspect that the killer is the Moxie killer team under Wei Ji's."

Ye Tianlong's thoughts were taken back from Tianyao No. 1, and he watched Heimeng whispered: "Is there any possibility of imposters?"

Before Heimeng could speak, Bai Poyue shook his head slightly: "The probability is too small."

"In order to plant and frame, the green assassin must first kill a Wei Ji assassin, and then Mo Xie who snatches her infiltrates here to kill you."

She put her hands together on the table: "This is not an easy task."

"After all, the killer in green has to determine the identity of Wei Ji assassin, determine that she has the sword of Mo Xie in her hand, and then kill her."

"Looking at the assassin's ability, he is definitely not a cannon fodder, otherwise it would not be possible to sneak in and hide in the lake for so long."

When the rich man and Heimeng nodded, Bai Poyue threw another sentence: "If he is not a cannon fodder, then it means that he is really here to kill you."

"A killer who wants your life, will first grab a sword and kill you with the thought of framing you?"

"Even if he has this heart or accidentally acquires Moxie, he shouldn't be an unfamiliar weapon when he shoots."

"The most important point is that if Black Dream had seen this Mo Xie, wouldn't anyone know about the assassin's framing? His efforts would be wasted?"

Bai Poyue showed his powerful logic, and Heimeng nodded when he heard this: "General Bai's statement is reasonable, and the identity of the assassin should not be false."

Ye Tianlong asked again: "If it is Wei Ji's person, why would she kill me?"

He and Wei Ji did not directly meet, nor did he face-to-face conflict.

The credit for killing Wei Zhongxin was also taken away by Jin Xuejun. Seven Kings Ding hadn't started trading yet, so Ye Tianlong was a little puzzled that Wei Ji did it on himself.

"It's very simple. Wei Ji has a very close relationship with the Monster Slaughter. She has been a lobbyist for the Monster Slaughter more than once and wanted to win the Black Mountain Eagle into the Tu family."

Heimeng slowly walked to Ye Tianlong's side: "Originally, they were about to form an alliance soon, but you sent someone to kill with a sword."

"A piece of credit that can be exchanged for huge benefits was ruined by you. Do you think Wei Ji wants you to die?"

Bai Poyue echoed: "Heimeng is right. You cracked the alliance between the two parties and broke Wei Ji's wealth. She must be very annoyed."

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "There is a possibility."

In his mind, there is another thought. He may not only disintegrate the alliance, but may also break Wei Ji's'Tian Yao No. 1'experiment.

Ye Tianlong also glanced at the rich man, who didn't have much expression outside, just drank tea quietly.

Heimeng's voice suddenly softened: "Be careful when you come and go in the future. It's best not to walk alone. Maybe there are many killers waiting for you."

"Wei Ji has a lot of killer teams, which may not be top-notch, but they are definitely difficult to deal with, because men, women, and children have raised a lot."

Heimeng also kindly reminded: "We should make the tip of the black knife be more vigilant."

Ye Tianlong took a sip of his tea, "He has Zhao Wenguang and the others beside him, and the assassin can't touch him temporarily."

At this time, the rich man sat up slightly outside, glanced at the crowd, and then his voice came out slowly:

"Since it is judged that it is Wei Ji's person, then we have to counter her assassination, otherwise, what will our rich face be?"

"Heimeng, not only do you have to check the killers in the entire defense area, but you also have to mobilize the elite to fight for a tooth to find out where Wei Ji is and is attacked by lightning."

The rich are not angry and prestigious: "No matter where she is, no matter whether she succeeds or not, we always have to act."

Heimeng straightened slightly: "Yes."

The wealthy man turned his gaze to Jue Wen, who was silent all the time: "Je Wen, find out Wei Ji's stronghold in Southeast Asia, how many destroyed and how many."

Jue Wen also raised his head: "I understand."

"General Bai, although the time for us to start a full-scale war with Tu Shi is immature, we cannot condone his infinite tolerance to Wei Ji."

The wealthy man looked at Bai Poyue again: "At twelve o'clock tonight, three cardinal shells will be fired at the border of Tu's family."

Bai Poyue also had no objection: "Yes!"

After the three orders were issued, the rich man drank his tea in one sip: "Well, after discussing it for so long, let's get to the killer first."

"Heimeng, you get some dishes with General Bai, and two bottles of good wine. Later, you will be shocked by Tianlong and congratulate the death of Heishan Eagle by the way."

He laughed and said: "There are too many hands and tails these days, and Tianlong ran around again. He has never had a chance to celebrate. Today is a good opportunity."

Heimeng and Bai Poyue nodded together.

Ye Tianlong also responded with a smile: "Thank you, old rich."

The wealthy man walked to Ye Tianlong's side: "Okay, Tianlong, the air here is stuffy. Let's go for a walk, and it would be better to come back for a meal."

Ye Tianlong felt that there was something outside the rich man to tell him, so he stretched out and smiled and got up: "Okay, take a turn and eat more later."

He also made a request: "Heimeng, I want to eat fish, remember to steam a good fish."

The black dream who was worried about safety wanted to say something, but Bai Poyue gently stretched her hand and shook her head, indicating that she didn't need to worry.

Ye Tianlong followed the wealthy people out of the headquarters, and then walked to a small hill, where you can overlook the black triangle villages and towns, downtown and Sanjiao River.

At this moment, the sky has dimmed, but the lights of the camp and the docks are on, shining on every corner and people’s hearts.

The black triangle at night, the lights are lit, and the swaying trees look a different kind of beauty.

But before Ye Tianlong could appreciate it, a word from the rich man brought him back to reality:

"Tianlong, Wei Ji killed you, it may not only be you who cut her fortune."

The rich man turned his head to look at Ye Tianlong: "It may also be an order from the Rong family."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment: "The Rong family's order?"

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