Talented Genius

Chapter 1534: Step by step

On the second day after Ye Tianlong succeeded in collecting debts, the sky of Manchester City was more gloomy, and the wind was blowing slowly in every corner of the city.

In this coolness, the international metropolis Manchester City began to wake up, and the people, vehicles, and ships that had been silent for a night began to rejuvenate.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Wei Yuerong left the Maple Leaf Villa and drove a BMW to a Linhe Manor, a mansion with a history of almost 100 years.

The house looks a bit dilapidated, but the walls are very strong, all made of solid stone, and the spreading creeper makes the house even more profound.

The BMW turned off, the door opened, and Wei Yuerong drilled out neatly.

Afterwards, she took off her glasses and let the four bodyguards check at the door. After confirming her safety, she hurriedly walked in and came to the deep back garden.

In a pavilion near the river in the Houyuan, a charming woman is holding a fishing rod, like a horizontal fish fishing in the river.

The woman was about 1.7 meters tall, and her just right figure surged with a touch of lightness, but the whole person did not give off the queen and dowager's arrogance.

The face that seemed ordinary and peaceful because of the time when the youth was gone, there was nothing special about it, only unspeakable harmony.

She is like a pool of unfathomable well water, without magnificent waves, but it makes people unable to see the depth.

That peace is not deliberately pretended, but the precipitation of years of life tests.

Her indifferent aura made Wei Yuerong more respectful: "Mrs. Wei!"

There is no doubt that the charming woman is the Wei Ji that Ye Tianlong has been looking for.

"Tu Wen just got tricked by Ye Tianlong?"

Wei Ji didn't turn her head back, her eyes calmly looked at the river, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Ye Tianlong is coming to Manchester City?"

"Here, I showed up yesterday, this kid is really surprising."

Wei Yuerong breathed out a long breath: "Although I can't wait for him to die, I have to say that this kid is really a character."

"For fifty million, not afraid of risks, came to Manchester City from the black triangle, and came to ask for money alone."

"The most powerful thing is that he not only collected 50 million yuan, beat Tu Wengang and the others, but also returned his whole body in exchange for their thanks."

Wei Yuerong let out a sigh of emotion: "If it weren't for Tu Wengang's gritted teeth to kill Ye Tianlong, I suspect this is a movie script."

"This kid is interesting."

A smile on Wei Ji's face: "No wonder he even bad my good deeds. I once thought he was luck. Now it seems that I underestimated him."

"Has Tu Wengang reacted?"

She still didn't look back, but she didn't look at the surface of the river again, her eyes fell on the various cargo ships and cruise ships passing by, feeling the busyness of the morning.

Wei Yuerong took a step forward and responded softly: "He originally wanted to repay more than three billion yuan, but he was messed up by Ye Tianlong."

"He is now so angry that he has gathered many forces to hunt down Ye Tianlong, and he has also transferred thirty people from the black triangle to help."

"Now the entire Manchester City has his spies, Tu Wengang said, as long as he can kill Ye Tianlong, he will give out a big prize of 50 million."

"The other thing that made Tu Wengang vomit blood was that Ye Tianlong cooperated with a drug control agent."

"When Ye Tianlong provoked Tu Wengang's bottom line to lure him to pursue him, the anti-drug agent took the opportunity to take away the important computer in his office."

There is a solemn touch on Wei Yuerong's face: "Once the contents inside are cracked, Tu Wengang and Tu Shi will be very troublesome."

"The video at the entrance of the first floor of the elevator shows that Ye Tianlong had a deal with the agent, so Ye Tianlong's cut was considered to have killed him half his life."

She told Wei Ji what she knew: "At least five hundred people are looking for Ye Tianlong, but there is no whereabouts or news of him."

The praise in Wei Ji's eyes for Ye Tianlong was completely hidden by the underground city mansion after decades of cultivation, and then faintly said:

"Listening to you, I am more and more interested in him. You send a team of assassins over and let them help Tu Wengang find Ye Tianlong."

"I want to see, this kid is so tricky, he keeps doing good things to me, see if it's three-headed and six-armed?"

Wei Yuerong nodded hurriedly and said, "Understood."

Wei Ji suddenly smiled, very charming: "But also, if it is an ordinary person, how can the rich outside fight for him?"

"In order to protect him, the rich are not afraid to smash with the Black Mountain, they also go to war with the Tu clan, and they clean our stronghold as a warning."

Wei Ji's fingers slid lightly on the fishing rod: "We must also attach great importance to those who can protect the rich at all costs."

Wei Yuerong whispered: "Madam, it is rumored that Ye Tianlong is the illegitimate son of a wealthy man, and his only son..."

"I think this news is very reliable. Apart from my own son, how can a rich man do this for others at all costs?"

She gave a conjecture of her own: "No matter how good the relationship is between the two parties, it is impossible to pay like this. After all, it is the Hei Family and the Tuyan Yao who offend."

"illegitimate child?"

Wei Ji was taken aback for a moment, and then she shook her head without hesitation: "This is absolutely impossible."

"Although I don't have much intersection with the rich, but I still know him enough."

Wei Ji has great self-confidence: "When he decided to set foot on the black triangle, he was destined to have no heirs to live alone."

"And the ages of the two sides are different."

If Wei Yue didn't argue, she nodded docilely: "Madam is right."

Wei Ji's eyes fell on the surface of the river, her expression was so dazed, she seemed to think of something more than ten years ago...

At the beginning, Mr. Rong prepared with both hands. One was the desert island experiment, and the other was armed actual combat. The rich were shouldering heavy responsibilities. Where could there be illegitimate children?

It's a pity that the wealthy people have a strange heart.

"Have you found that black box?"

A gust of wind blew over, Wei Ji quickly woke up, and faintly said, "Is the contents inside, is it useless or useless?"

Wei Yuerong quickly took the topic: "I received the news last night that all 12 people sent to the Hei's headquarters were killed."

"The only thing that is certain is that there is no such box in the study. It is estimated that it was hidden by the Black Mountain Carving and moved elsewhere."

She whispered: "I'm asking the Moxie team to search for it."

"It must be found or destroyed. No matter how many pieces are activated, it must be destroyed."

Wei Ji's pretty face became more solemn: "This thing must not be made public, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble."

"If it weren't for worrying about the uncontrollable situation or the **** recurrence of the desert island, I would never give this thing to Black Mountain Carving for actual combat trials."

There was a joke at the corner of her mouth: "It's a pity that he disappointed me too much, he was full of suspicion about those good things, otherwise, how could he become a thorn in my heart?"

Wei Yuerong responded in a low voice: "Madam is right."

Wei Ji, with an ugly look, suddenly asked: "You came to me today. I heard that there is something very important, and you want to tell it in person?"

Wei Yuerong slapped her head and said, "Madam, I'm here to explain to you, the bulletin about the Lu Family."

Wei Ji's eyes condensed into a light: "What bulletin?"

Wei Yuerong said: "Lu Feng harvest wronged me. I took 30 million jewelry, 100 million cash, and 800 million antiques."

"I really only transferred 500 million antiques..."

There was a sense of anxiety in her eyes: "Madam, don't believe me. I don't have anything in private, and I don't have a small vault. I am willing to be investigated at any time."

The corner of Wei Ji's mouth moved a bit: "Lu Fengshou's announcement wronged you?"

Wei Yuerong nodded: "That's right."

Wei Ji's eyelids jumped: "You came here to find me personally for innocence?"

Wei Yuerong was taken aback and nodded subconsciously.

Wei Ji said coldly: "Ye Tianlong is in Manchester City?"

Wei Yuerong nodded again.

Wei Ji has stood up: "Did you escape smoothly?"

Wei Yuerong said in a low voice, "Is it going well?"


Wei Ji threw away the fishing rod with a snap, and then yelled softly: "Withdraw! Withdraw!"

When more than a dozen Wei's bodyguards rushed to protect, the sharp sound of several speedboats came from the river, and then six people came into view, all in black.

They all held guns in their hands.

The guns in her hand, the speed of the charge, and the eagle-like eyes all made Wei Ji feel the breath of death.

"Madam! Go! Go!"

Wei Yuerong screamed: "Quick!"

Almost as soon as the voice fell, a speedboat had touched the shore, and as soon as Ye Tianlong stepped on the edge of the boat, he bounced into the air.

"Boom boom!"

The bullet was thrown out and the three bodyguards fell.

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