Talented Genius

Chapter 1538: Spicy woman

"Go to hell."

At this time, seeing the dinosaurs at a loss, the distance between the two sides opened again, and several men in black fired bullets again.

The bald man dodged after a few jumps, and then he pulled up the sofa and smashed out. The two of them couldn't escape and were knocked to the ground, very embarrassed.

Then, the bald man grabbed the wire of the chandelier and waved it around with a roar,

The wires wrapped around the chandeliers whizzed, and the dinosaurs instinctively leaned back, and the expensive chandeliers swept across their cheeks almost.


The objects being swept shattered, and there were a lot of marks on the walls. The powder fell to the ground and the dust was flying.


The bald-headed man venting his strength was horrified, and the strong wind and rain waved the wires, leaving smash marks one after another on the wall, shocking.

The pieces of furniture were broken apart one by one, as if they had been crushed by a bulldozer.

The dinosaurs lay on the ground like tortoises, not daring to move around so as to be smashed.

The strength is terrifying.

Ye Tianlong had been staring at the mad bald man, and after handing the phone to Mai to record, he rushed up to find the bald man to breathe.

Ye Tianlong rushed out like a rabbit. When the wire was cast a little slow, his left hand suddenly stretched out, holding the wire firmly in his hand.

Afterwards, Ye Tianlong slammed, and turned to the back with the power of the bald man.

The power spit out, overwhelming.


The bald man snorted, his feet slipped, his center of gravity was a little unstable, and he staggered forward.

Ye Tianlong took advantage of this opportunity to make a sudden circle with his left hand, and then looped a circle of wires around the neck of the bald man.

Then he pushed his knees against the opponent's back, and pulled the bald man's body back. Then he flicked the chandelier, and the chandelier was wrapped around a pillar.

The bald man roared, and pulled the wire behind his neck with both hands, trying to break it abruptly.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Tianlong's body turned, like a loach, from the back to the front, and his feet were on his chest, sinking vigorously.

After these two feet, the bald-headed man whose body was slightly tilted back, although he was protected by armor to prevent his death, he still spouted a mouthful of blood.

Then, he was pulled back by the wire that was holding his neck, and he could no longer stand firmly.

Fall on your back!


The huge body hit the ground, and the whole ground seemed to tremble.

Ye Tianlong didn't waste this opportunity and rushed to the door to pick up the Gatling that Tianmo had just moved.


When the bald man screamed and broke free of the wire and got up, Ye Tianlong also pulled his spear and tied it.

"Da da da--"

Countless bullets poured over, the blue light came up, the bald man wanted to jump up and avoid, but he was restrained by the wire for a long time.

The armor, iron pieces, and hard muscles fell apart in the dense bullets, and only blood continued to splash out.


The bald man let out a scream, and then his whole body shattered in the bullet and turned into a pile of flesh and blood...

Seeing that the bald-headed man finally fell down and was still bloody, the men in black were relieved, and then rushed to make up for the gun.

The dinosaur wiped his sweat and finally solved the monster.

Then he struck another spirit: "Come on, follow me up."

The dinosaur remembered Wei Ji, so he took someone back to the second floor.

Ye Tianlong also carried Gatling up, not forgetting his exhortation:

"Everyone, be careful."

Although Ye Tianlong felt that the bald man should be the only monster, otherwise the fierce fighting was so fierce just now, his companion had already come out.

But for safety reasons, and Wei Ji is so insidious, everyone should be careful.

The dinosaurs moved forward slowly, as if they were facing a big enemy, the closer they got to the house, the more their nerves tightened, and a strong bald head made the eggs hurt.

"Boom boom!"

When they came back to that room, the dinosaurs shot inside for a while, but after no response, they found the last grenade and threw it in.

After the bombing, the dinosaurs alternately took cover and entered the house carrying the steel door.

After the dust cleared, Ye Tianlong also stepped into the room.

There is no need to look around or identify at all. Everyone saw the spiral staircase leading downstairs at a glance, because the bald man’s damage was clear.

"Da da da!"

Ye Tianlong asked everyone to hide on both sides, then picked up Gatling and fired at the downstairs for a while. Amid the intense gunshots, only glass shattered.

The table broke and waited for movement, but Ye Tianlong didn't hear the screams that Ye Tianlong wanted.

After a wheel bounced, the four men in black rushed downstairs to see if there were any enemies or bombs. Soon, they shouted:

"There is no alive on the first floor, only one dead person."

They also quickly checked the surrounding environment: "No explosives, safe."

Ye Tianlong and the dinosaur went down to the first floor and found that it was a laboratory-like place, where the shelves and bottles had been broken.

Several chairs have also become fragments.

A man lying on a bench was also covered in blood, with more than a dozen bullets in his body, with an open mouth and protruding eyes. He had already lost his life.

Ye Tianlong glanced at the deceased, then looked at the instruments and hoses on his body, and finally looked at the syringe with some potion remaining.

There was a chair next to the deceased, but the restraint belt had been broken, the hose and the syringe were also torn, and it was obvious that the bald man had sat here.

"It's a pity that I beat this guy to death."

There was a hint of regret on the dinosaur's face: "Otherwise, you can ask Wei Ji whereabouts and what potion the bald man injected."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward, stretched out his hand to check the condition of the dead, and then squeezed out: "He died before we came."

"He couldn't load his heart, and suddenly burst and died."

"He should be the same as the bald man, who was injected with potion by Wei Ji, but the bald man held it, but he didn't take it."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly: "It seems that different physiques have different tolerance to potions."

So far, Ye Tianlong's judgment on Tianyao No. 1 has another touch of knowledge.

The dinosaur looked at his opponent with a **** snout and opened his mouth: "Heart burst?"

He looked at the painful expression of the deceased, and then at the broken tie next to him, nodding in agreement with Ye Tianlong's judgment.

When Ye Tianlong nodded lightly, a man in black suddenly shouted: "Ye Shao, there is another secret door here."

The dinosaur said without hesitation: "Pry open." Maybe Wei Ji hid there.

"Wait a minute!"

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to stop the behavior of the man in black, and after a glance around him, let people bring an infrared scanner.

With this sweep, everyone was instinctively shocked, and saw that there were several powerful grenades behind the door. As long as you pry the door hard, it will explode.

Ye Tianlong carefully removed the grenade, then opened the door, and suddenly saw a hole in front of him. Walking out ten meters diagonally, it was an undercurrent.

An undercurrent leading to the river outside, in the water, there was also a fixed support for a miniature submarine, and a black box fell on the shore.

One person stretched out his hand to pick it up, Ye Tianlong shook his head, he took a stick, gently picked it a little away, and saw a grenade inside...

Ye Tianlong sighed softly, "This woman is really vicious."

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