Talented Genius

Chapter 1550: Bargaining chip

"Ye Tianlong?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong break in, Wei Zhongcheng's heart sank. Even if his face appeared calm, his heart was filled with endless dignity.

Before he met with Qiao Zhenxing, Serlinka had checked Qiao Zhenxing's whole body and confirmed that there were no trackers and bugs.

But Ye Tianlong still found here.

He arranged thirteen bright guards and secret posts outside the door, all of them were the elite of the ‘general’ team, but he let Ye Tianlong in without warning.

This shows that Ye Tianlong is beyond his imagination.

"Ye Tianlong?"

At this time, Qiao Zhenxing, who was paralyzed on the ground, opened his eyes slightly, and he saw that the person who broke in was Ye Tianlong.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tianlong would really come to save himself, Qiao Zhenxing couldn't help but come out, but then he wanted to hit the ground in shame.

Ye Tianlong's smile was still so brilliant, as if no one or anything in the world could make him change.

He walked in from the door and faced Wei Zhongcheng's killing intent. If nothing happened, he stood upright, like a javelin stuck on the ground.

Ye Tianlong only glanced at Wei Zhongcheng, then turned his eyes to Qiao Zhenxing, with a touch of warmth: "Young Master Qiao, how are you?"

Although it was just a simple greeting, Qiao Zhenxing heard it surpassed all the words in the world. He was very embarrassed and shouted:

"Ye Shao, I'm sorry, they don't know what kind of potion they injected and they took everything out of my mouth."

He kowtowed directly: "I'm sorry."

"It's not what you meant, so how can you blame you?"

Ye Tianlong smiled warmly: "Besides, it doesn't matter how much you say. What's the point of hearing more of the dead?"

Qiao Zhenxing roared for a long time, lying on the ground and did not speak any more, but his expression of gratitude and touch, all resentment towards Ye Tianlong was completely eliminated...

From this moment, he regarded Ye Tianlong as a friend.

At this time, Ye Tianlong also looked away, smiling at Wei Zhongcheng and the others: "Mr. Wei, good evening."

Before Wei Zhongcheng could respond, Serenka took the walkie-talkie and yelled, "God!

No one outside responded, and there was no attack action she wanted. Except for the movements of a few people at the scene, the night was quiet and unreasonable.

"Do you want to call the little friends outside?"

Ye Tianlong walked in with a bright smile: "It's so late, they may be sleepy and asleep, so they can't hear you."

Serlinka's expression tightened, and he shouted again: "Moxie!"

Outside is the guard post of the ‘general’ group. There are also more than 20 Moxie killers on the second and third floors and every corner of the villa.

Not only did they have Moxie in their hands, they also had guns hidden in their waists, and some even carried grenade. Serenka hoped they could give them a deterrent.

What made Serinka's eyelids jumped was that every corner of the villa was still quiet, as if no one had ever existed.

Ye Tianlong's voice is soft: "It seems that your character is not very good, so people always can't call them out. Or, I call them for you?"

After speaking, Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and patted twice.

"Boom boom!"

As Ye Tianlong clapped his hands, all dozens of figures were thrown in from the door, their necks twisted like twists, and they didn't move.

Ye Tianlong patted twice again.

Then, more than 20 people fell from upstairs and corners, all of their throats were stained with blood.

Serlinka suddenly became cold all over, from the soles of her feet to the tip of her nose, and her stockings and vest were instantly wet.

Wei Zhongcheng's gaze also condensed into a light, Ye Tianlong is not three-headed and six-armed, but still tyrannical and out of place.

Ye Tianlong looked at her with a calm smile: "Beauty, your people are here, what do you want them to do?"

Serenka bit her lips tightly, with anger in her eyes, but she suppressed it and made a gesture at the same time.

The six people who had originally attacked Ye Tianlong all returned to defend and protect Wei Zhongcheng, with an unprecedented nervous expression.

"Famous is worse than meeting."

At this time, Wei Zhongcheng suddenly burst into laughter, adding two points to his courage: "Ye Tianlong, I underestimate you."

Ye Tianlong looked at Wei Zhongcheng and sneered: "Underestimate me?"

"My information is so easy to find. I just look through the records of killing dozens of presidents, slashing Wolverine, killing Qi Ba, and Zombie."

Ye Tianlong snorted coldly: "I'm so awkward, you don't pay attention to it, and now I'm blocked, what can be wronged?"

Wei Zhongcheng's mouth was slightly open, and his face looked aggrieved: Your uncle, it's just that your record is too high, so I don't take it seriously, okay?

Serenka also stared at Ye Tianlong, she didn't believe that Ye Tianlong could endure perversion, but the facts made her feel uncomfortable.

"Don't speak? If you don't speak, you know that you are wrong. If you know you are wrong, then you are still a good boy."

Ye Tianlong forced the watch on Wei Zhongcheng: "The winners and losers, your general situation is gone, don't resist, put down your weapons and surrender, I promise you a way out."

Serenka moved her mouth and held the dagger in her sleeve tightly. He wanted to attack but saw a flash of sparks.

Han Qinhu walked out of the corner, leaning in the shadows, dangling a cigarette, harmless to humans and animals, but a murderous intent flowed in his eyes...

"Ye Tianlong, your strength is beyond my imagination, but no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to find us so quickly."

Wei Zhongcheng exhaled: "Selingka and the others changed cars six times, and after seven of their own places, they brought Qiao Zhenxing here."

"And Qiao Zhenxing doesn't have a tracker or locator. How did you find it so easily?"

His eyes were puzzled, and his fingers tapped his pocket phone lightly.

"It's useless for you to change cars ten times. I have countless friends in Manchester City to help."

Ye Tianlong snorted proudly: "Even the frontier defense commander Long Liuman, who died not long ago, is a good friend of mine for many years."

"Relying on parents at home, and friends on going out. I ordered hundreds of friends to operate secretly. It is too easy to find you."

He frightened Wei Zhongcheng: "This is because I wasted time in the mandarin duck bath, otherwise I can come here at least an hour earlier."

Wei Zhongcheng's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't believe Ye Tianlong's answer, but he couldn't figure out what went wrong, and there was a touch of depression in his heart.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Ye Tianlong didn't give the other party time to think about it: "One minute, either surrender or die."

When Wei Zhongcheng heard the words, he was ruthless and said in a gloomy voice: "Ye Tianlong, do you know what I did before?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Yes, master tomb robber, known as Captain Touching Jin."

Wei Zhongcheng asked softly: "Will a person who is rolling in a cemetery, a dead person, or an institution be a surrendered bonehead?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and replied, "Of course not."

Wei Zhongcheng's meaning is very clear, he is not a boneless head, and he can survive in the cemetery, it also shows that he is a very capable person.

If Ye Tianlong wanted to kill him, it was definitely not an easy task, at least it would have to pay a heavy price.

At this moment, Serenka and Han Qinhu both tightened their nerves. Everyone knew that they were likely to fight in the next second.

Wei Zhongcheng squeezed out another sentence: "I can't surrender, and I will be your tricky enemy. Instead of hurting both sides, how about a settlement?"

"Both lose out? Peace talks?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Wei Zhongcheng, your mind is really flooded, what right do you have to hurt both sides with me?"

"Have you seen the power of bald head in Linhe Garden?"

Wei Zhongcheng took out a syringe filled with potion, but didn't smile, "You said, do I have the capital to lose both?"

Tianyao No.1.

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