Talented Genius

Chapter 1553: Baleful

Another early morning, the sky was gloomy and the river breeze was fierce, as if it was going to rain at any time, which made people feel depressed.

Wei Ji even felt the coolness brought by the wind.

She was standing in a pavilion near the river, holding a fishing rod in her hand. The scene was similar to that of the Linhe villa, except that there would be no more attacks.

The Bohu guest house behind her is only over 600 square meters, which is less than one-third of the Linhe Villa, but no one dares to invade it.

Because it belongs to the corner of the palace.

After receiving a heavy blow from Ye Tianlong, Wei Ji hid in this villa, which was safe enough to get closer to Xiang Bohu.

She has buffered the impact of Ye Tianlong's attack, and can re-assess the situation objectively, and calmly deploy troops to deal with Ye Tianlong.

It's just that she still has a trace of anxiety in her heart at the moment.

Wei Zhongcheng informed last night that Chen Cang had secretly taken down Qiao Zhenxing, and that the Seven Kings Ding would be delivered today at the latest, but so far there is no news.

Moreover, she had people call Wei Zhongcheng and Serenka, all of them were in the state of no longer serving the area, and Wei Ji had to give birth to a touch of dignity.

But she can still find a reason to comfort herself.

Wei Zhongcheng came out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain. The dangerous cemetery authorities couldn't help him. How could something happen to a Qiao Zhenxing?

The reason why they can't be contacted is probably because they are doing something.


At this moment, the scared man who had dealt with Muronghui rushed over from the outside with a howl, stumbled and looked sad.

Behind him, there were five or six guards who were also very sad.

Wei Ji's eyelids twitched slightly, but she still kept her calm posture without anger, "What are you doing in a panic, didn't you see me fishing?"

"Madam, it's not good."

The scared man was still holding a box in his hands. He ignored Wei Ji's scolding, rushed to the pavilion and thumped on his knees, yelling:

"Brother Cheng is dead."

As if suddenly hit by thunder, Wei Ji's body shook suddenly. Her first feeling was that this was absolutely impossible.

But the sad expressions on their faces are so real, but, how is this possible?

Wei Ji felt that she still couldn't believe it. She appeared before the Scared Man with a flash of her body: "Wei Zhongcheng is dead? How is this possible?"

Wei Ji leaped forward, and the scared man felt that at this moment, his body seemed to be restrained by a powerful invisible gas shield and was gradually tightening.

The icy energy almost condensed the blood of the scarred man.

"Brother Cheng is really dead."

The scared man slowed down and raised the box with his hands high: "Someone just put this sandalwood black wooden box at the entrance of Wanghe."

"He said this was Wei Zhongcheng's head, and he knew that his wife lived here, so he sent it to the door specially."

"At first we thought there was a fraud and worried that there was some murder in it, but after checking and confirming that it was safe, we opened it and found that it was indeed Cheng's head."

The scared man shouted in grief, "Madam, I must avenge Cheng Cheng."

Wei Ji shook slightly, staring at the black box in shock and said, "Head? Where is the person who gave the box?"

The scared man explained with tears: "He put down the box and left a few words. The guard wanted to take him down but couldn't stop him."


Wei Ji looked at the box, her pretty face became paler, and then stretched out her slender white hands, shaking to open the expensive and delicate box.

The scared man had checked his head and box, and Wei Ji naturally didn't worry about murder.


The box opened quickly, and what was reflected in Wei Ji's vision was Wei Zhongcheng's cut off head, with messy hair and black cheeks, and he couldn't catch his eyes.

There was still a chance, but when he saw Wei Zhongcheng's head up close, Wei Ji felt great anger in spirit and body.

She was never a sentimental and righteous person, but seeing Wei Zhongcheng, who had been following her for many years, was cut off from his head, a touch of grief emerged in her heart.

It was as if the knife hit her head.

The scared man shouted again: "Madam, Brother Cheng died so miserably! You must avenge him."

The others also knelt on the ground, yelling for revenge for Wei Zhongcheng.

Wei Ji hugged the box, her red lips burst into words: "Don't worry, Zhongcheng has always been our brother. If he is dead, I will take revenge."

"Who can tell me now, who actually killed Wei Zhongcheng?"

She screamed, "Is it Qiao Zhenxing?"

If it is Qiao Zhenxing, she wants the entire Qiao family to be buried.

"Madam, it's Ye Tianlong."

The scared man straightened his body, took out his mobile phone and called out a series of symbols: "I took medicine last night, so I went to bed earlier than before."

"When I got up this morning, I found out that I received a text message from Brother Cheng, which was full of numbers we exchanged with the tomb."

He explained the content of the symbols to Wei Ji: "I translated it, and there are three items."

"One is that Qiao Zhenxing and Ye Tianlong are using the Seven Kings Ding to set up a game to kill Brother Cheng and you."

"One is that Ye Tianlong killed Tu Wengang and rescued Murong Hui, and Murong Hui and Ye Tianlong shared a video of the youngest elephant."

"One more thing. If something happens to him, he must be killed by Ye Tianlong. Let you go to Niu Manqing. She knows Ye Tianlong's weakness."

The scared man finished the text message in one breath: "I called Brother Cheng when I saw the text message, but I couldn't get through."

"I'm worried about Brother Cheng's accident, so I will come to see Mrs. Cheng, and I want you to send someone to rescue Brother Cheng, who knows that I will meet the person who gave the box at the door."

The scared man shouted at Tian Chang: "Madam, Wei Jian asked me to lead the team to kill Ye Tianlong and avenge Brother Cheng."

Five or six companions waved their fists together: "Kill Ye Tianlong, kill Ye Tianlong."

There were not too many waves on Wei Ji's face, just digesting Wei Zhongcheng's three last words, her pretty face was solemn and murderous, but more calm.

After the anger, she stopped being impulsive.

"Don't worry, everyone."

Wei Ji's voice was cold: "Ye Tianlong killed so many of us, and caused so many good things to us, I will never let him go."

"But Zhongcheng and I have continued to say, and it has already shown Ye Tianlong's strength, we can't act recklessly."

"Wei Jian, you go find Niu Manqing and ask about Ye Tianlong's weakness. It's better to fight a snake for seven inches than to fight hard."

Wei Ji directly issued an instruction: "Remember, you must act secretly."

Wei Jian straightened and shouted, "Madam, don't worry, I'll go to Niu Manqing immediately, I know where she is."

Wei Ji looked at a gorgeous woman again: "Wei Mei, you can contact Shao Xiang and tell him that I have something to discuss, so I am in a hurry."

The gorgeous woman also responded loudly: "Understand."

"Zhongcheng, don't worry, no matter how powerful Ye Tianlong is, I will cut off his head and put it in front of your tomb to sacrifice to you."

Wei Ji finally turned her gaze to the head in the box, looking at the deadly Wei Zhongcheng, saying every word, saying:

"You rest in peace."


Just as Wei Ji closed Wei Zhongcheng's eyes, her tender fingers hurt inexplicably. Wei Ji lowered her head to see that there was a sharp bone spur on Wei Zhongcheng's eyelid.

The small bone spur is located next to the eye socket. It seems to be caused by a ruptured skull. It is difficult to see when it is curled up by the eyelid, but it becomes more prominent when you stroke it.

Wei Ji looked at her slippery fingers, and a dash of blood flowed out. Then, her fingers became painful, black, and numb...

Wei Ji laughed wildly, spiteful:


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