Talented Genius

Chapter 1556: Find a pair of pants (four more)

The deep and calm river water suddenly felt like it was boiling, splashing with water.

The dozen or so militants who were shooting at Ye Tianlong and Long Sheyin wanton, were slightly taken aback when they saw it, and still stagnated, not knowing what happened.

The three who advanced to the river instinctively retreated a few steps.

It's just too late.

The original clear water suddenly appeared in countless strips of black shadows. In the next second, ‘swish swish’ jumped out hundreds of small black snakes.

Grinning grinning, terrible

The three militants who were retreating were too late to react. They were immediately rushed by the black snake, their hands, necks, and ears were all bitten.

The hands of their guns instinctively pulled the trigger and shot out a few bullets to knock down the two black snakes, but the pain of the snake teeth quickly made them loose the gun.


When the three of them fell to the ground with a plop, more black snakes rushed up fiercely, biting at the flesh, drilling at the hole, and instantly biting the three of them with bruises.

A few small snakes burrowed in through their mouths, pierced through their abdomen, eyes or nostrils, and pulled out a scream.

The three of them died in blood and flesh in less than ten seconds, and the corpse was still wriggling a lot of small snakes, seeming to regard the corpse as a boarding place.

"Uncle, so fierce?"

The cruel death of the three of them caused Ye Tianlong's mouth to open wide, and he whispered in his heart: "It seems that I really underestimated Dragon Snake Yin."

This black snake battle also made the militants horrified, forgetting to help their companions in a daze.

When they realized that they came over, the three companions had already died tragically, and many black snakes also took the opportunity to get closer and rushed towards them viciously.

One yelled: "Kill, kill them, shoot, shoot."

There was a creak of mechanical metal pulling the bolt, and a dozen guns formed a fire defense circle.

"Da da da da..."

Various weapons of different standards simultaneously turned on a loud roar.

All the black snakes swarming past were taken aback, and it was obvious that the loud shooting sound shook them.

Afterwards, dozens of black snakes rushed to the front, their bodies shook violently, and they were blown into a lump of flesh by the bullets of the militants.

But these black snakes were stunned for a second, and then they were all irritated, hissing one after another, flying out like a tide.

"Boom boom!"

The fire was shining, the guns roared, the ammunition poured out like flowing water, and the shells fell on the ground.

Hundreds of black snakes fell to the ground from the air like moths fighting the fire before they rushed to the militants.

Ye Tianlong took a deep breath: "My dear, this is the real massacre."

The roar of gunfire and the neigh of the black snake were intertwined, and the enemy's screams were frantic and shivering.

Some enemies distorted their faces out of fear and squeezed the trigger madly and shouted: "Beasts, you beasts, all go to death!"

With the cross-fire attack of the dense firepower net, the black snakes rushing from all around fell one after another, and blood and meat were constantly splashing in the air.

Two people also shot at Dragon Snake Yin, and apparently found that the sound was coming from the big tree, the bullets swishing, and the tree trunk was completely unrecognizable.

Ye Tianlong didn't shoot, and the black snake was enough to deal with it, so why should he shoot?


It's just that Dragon Snake Yin didn't care at all, he continued to mutter, the black snake continued to roll out of the river, and then rushed towards the enemy.

Ye Tianlong made a rough calculation, and at least four thousand black snakes emerged from the river.


Just when more than five hundred black snakes fell, a dozen small snakes flew out from behind, wrapped around the necks of several people with a sharp sound, and bit them.


Four militants screamed and fell to the ground.

The others wanted to shoot and were worried about hurting themselves. They reached out to catch the snake, but they were entangled by the black snake, making themselves victims too.

Seven militants fell to the ground one after another, which not only weakened the firepower, but also shook the hearts of the people, and the remaining people began to panic.

Thousands of black snakes took the opportunity to press up, and the black press made people fearful.


Two more enemies were bitten by the wrists of the black snake, and then fell to the ground and were swallowed by the snakes. The blood flew around and the snakes became even more crazy.


In the end, the three enemies saw their companions falling down one after another, and the black snakes were endless, still carrying a terrifying horror, they completely broke their confidence.

So after they swept out dozens of bullets, they withdrew from their backs in sweat, wanting to leave this ghost place.

"Boom boom!"

Of course, Ye Tianlong would not give them a chance to run. He raised his hand and fired three shots at the three of them. The three of them shook their bodies and their heads fell to the ground.

As soon as they fell, dozens of black snakes bite over, drilled in through their mouths and crawled out of their nostrils.

The enemy was too dead to die.

At this point, all the fifteen militants died, and everyone's face was distorted with fear, and the initial calmness and arrogance disappeared.

Moreover, their deaths were very cruel, and the corpses could no longer be described beyond recognition, but were separated from the flesh.


After Ye Tianlong confirmed that all the attacking enemies were dead, a smile appeared on his face, but he immediately hit a spirit when he was half smiling.

He found that many more black snakes approached quietly.

Ye Tianlong crawled and rushed to Dragon Sheyin, and then shouted to a dozen black snakes who were grinning, "No, don't come."

"I and your elder brother are friends."

He pointed to Dragon Snake Yin: "If you move me, you will move him. You have the ability to move him to try."

More than a dozen black snakes ignored them, and still approached unhurriedly. There were still many companions coming together behind them, making Ye Tianlong's scalp numb.


At this moment, the mumbling Long She Yin closed his mouth and slowly opened his eyes, and the black snake stopped coming forward and slid into the river.

After the black snakes on the opposite bank wiped out the enemy's vitality, they also fell back into the water wrapped in blood, shaking for a few times, and they disappeared from the river.

Only the blood flowing in slowly dispersed.

It didn't take long for the river surface not only to restore calm, but also to clear. At first glance, there was no black snake shadow at all.

If there are no corpses and bullet holes on the other side, people suspect that there has been a fierce gun battle here.

Ye Tianlong looked at the calm river in a daze. He didn't know where the black snakes were hiding. He wanted to throw a string of firecrackers down and blow them out.

But I still give up after thinking about it, so as not to be chased by the black snake for a few streets.

"Seeing so many snakes, you big brother in black robe, I have agreed."

When Long She Yin slowly breathed out a long breath, Ye Tianlong smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "You saved you today, how are you going to thank me?"

Long She Yin was silent for a long time, and then squeezed out: "Find me a pair of pants first..."


Ye Tianlong was taken aback, and looked down, only to find that Long She Yin didn't wear pants, and was naked with two long, hard and shriveled legs.

There is no doubt that when the wooden house fell into the water, the pants forgot to wear...

Ye Tianlong did not look for pants, but took out his phone first...

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