Talented Genius

Chapter 1558: I won't let him hurt you

In the twilight when Ye Tianlong and the dragon and the snake fell in love, Murong Hui and Xiang Bohu were standing in front of the boiler in a temple kitchen of a certain age in Manchester.

Muronghui looked at the roaring hot pot in front of him, her expression agitated like a child waiting to eat candy.


The water in the iron pan finally made a boiling movement, and with a sound, the lid of the pan was moved quickly and the steam rose like a mist.

Muronghui also let out a cry: "Wow--"

Xiang Bohu smiled, using two wooden chopsticks, he immediately stirred up the noodles in the pot and placed them in two large bowls that had been seasoned.

When he used these two wooden chopsticks, he was even more proficient than the surgeon using their scalpel.

The bowl was filled with quail eggs, sausages, shredded chicken, coriander, and two slices of green vegetables. The warm noodles were covered, and the aroma suddenly overflowed.

It tastes very delicious when you look at it.

When Xiang Bohu poured the fragrant soup, Murong Hui clearly heard the sound of her saliva swallowing.

"Are you hungry? Come, eat noodles."

Xiang Bohu burst into a smile, then took Muronghui to sit down, and handed her a pair of chopsticks: "Try the taste of it before."

"Since I separated from you, I have never cooked noodles again, because there is no one who appreciates it, and it's boring to cook it."

Xiang Bohu's voice was very soft: "I don't know if the craft is still there."

Muronghui happily took a bite of noodles and ate it, then took another bite of the soup, then raised her pretty face and shouted: "Yes."

"It's still so delicious, still that kind of taste."

Muronghui praised her with a thumbs up: "Bohu, you are the best."

After receiving Muronghui's praise, Xiang Bohu was also happy: "Is it? I thought it was unfamiliar, but if it tastes good, eat more."

"I have been busy these two days, so I didn't come here to see you. I'm sorry to let you stay in the temple alone."

While calling Murong Hui to eat noodles, Xiang Bohu expressed his guilt to her: "So this meal tonight is a bit of my apology."

"I'm fine, as long as I can see you."

Muronghui waved her hand quickly: "And if I can eat this meal, I am willing to wait a few more days."

Xiang Bohu sighed softly: "You are as easy to be satisfied as you were in the past."

Muronghui also squeezed out: "You are still as elegant as you were back then, except that you are no longer called Xiang ordinary, but Xiang Wuhu."

When Elephant Fighting Tiger was just like ordinary, Murong Hui was just a little girl about ten years old, and she didn't know what love was.

She only thinks that the older brother is very refined, living alone in the most shabby room, going to school and leaving school alone, cooking and washing clothes alone.

He had a hard time and was often looked down upon by others, but he was always optimistic and kept himself and his small house in order.

Even a fire that winter burned down the entire small building, burned down 33 homes, and killed 108 people.

Including Muronghui's family.

Like Bohu's small house was also burned, but he didn't shed a tear, and relieved the distressed Murong Hui to cheer up.

He also brought the lonely Muronghui to this temple, not only accompanied her day and night to comfort her, but also cooked her this wonderful noodle.

Muronghui, who had survived, was very surprised that Bohu had found the rich ingredients, but did not understand what was going on until he found that the mechanical watch in his hand was missing.

This also allowed Murong Hui to come out of her grief and learn to be optimistic.

Muronghui thought that she would follow the elephant and fight the tiger all her life, staying true to life until the end of her life.

But a car from the palace shattered her illusion.

She only discovered at that time that Elephant Fighting Tiger is Prince Charming, and she is a Cinderella who will not transform. The status of the two is too far apart.

Therefore, when she figured it out, she also got in the car of the welfare agency. She deliberately forgot to fight the tiger, but fate made people get together again.

So Muronghui, who was eating the noodles, shed tears, and the rising heat couldn't cover her crystal eyes.

Xiang Bohu said softly: "What's wrong with you?"

Muronghui replied in a low voice, "It's nothing, but I'm just a little happy. After being separated for so long, I can meet again like this."

"If you like it, we can never separate from now on."

Xiang Bohu looked at Muronghui sincerely: "I was young before, and I couldn't even control my own destiny, let alone do something for you."

"But now, I can dominate my future, so you can stay with me at any time if you want."

He said in words: "I don't know what I can give you, but as long as I have it, I can share it with you at any time."

"By the way, let me tell you another good news by the way. I have cleared you up for selling intelligence, and you are no longer wanted."

Elephant Fighting Tiger demonstrated its strength in sheltering beautiful women: "You don't have to worry about being chased by the police anymore."

"Bohu, thank you, thank you."

Muronghui was very moved: "Meeting again, you can treat me like this and cook me noodles. I am very satisfied. I will not ask for anything else."

"Don't cry, silly boy, come and eat noodles."

Xiang Bohu smiled, picked up the noodles and ate it with a swish: "It won't taste good when it gets cold. If you are moved, let's talk about it later."

Muronghui nodded, then buried her head and gulped.

Looking at the woman eating noodles, Xiang Bohu stopped talking, then bowed his head to eat noodles.

"Bohu, I received a video."

After eating the noodles, Muronghui wiped her lips, a hesitation flashed in her eyes, and finally made up her mind to take out her phone and open the shot video:

"Is the person on this video you?"

Xiang Bohu put down his chopsticks, there was no emotional ups and downs on his face, he reached out his hand and looked at the phone again, then smiled slightly:

"Where did you get the video?"

Muronghui looked at Xiang Bohu stubbornly: "Is the person in this video you? Did you kill the three generals?"

Xiang Bohu replied lightly: "Yes, it's me, I killed them too."

"What? You really killed it?"

Although she had been psychologically prepared, Muronghui, who had always hoped for a miracle to happen, was still a little more sad: "How can you kill official people."

"You are a crime, do you know?"

Muronghui was very painful: "Why are you killing them? Killing them will end everything."

"I know, but I don't regret it."

Xiang Bohu's tone was calm: "The three people killed by me were border guards, and the one in the middle was the division commander named Long Liuman."

"He is a wicked smuggling asshole."

"He bought my company's employees and used my oil tanker to sell drugs worth one billion yuan. After I found out, he ran to pull me into the water."

"He wants me to be a mess with him, otherwise he will reverse the right and wrong and say that I am selling drugs, and he will sacrifice a billion to ruin my future."

Xiang Bohu's expression was struggling: "He even **** a few of my good friends. I couldn't bear it, so I shot them."

"I did kill and commit a crime, but I never regret it."

"Even if someone uses this video to sue me and ruin my future and future, I will not regret killing Long Liuman."

He expressed his awe-inspiring righteousness: "Otherwise the country will suffer greater losses."

Hearing these words, Murong Hui was stunned on the spot and squeezed out for a long time: "Master Long is a bad guy, want to drag you to do bad things?"

Xiang Bohu looked calmly: "You don't have to believe it, but that's the truth. Of course, I will admit it."

"No, I believe you, how can I not believe you?"

Muronghui opened her mouth slightly, and then gave birth to endless anger, full of hatred for Long Liuman:

"In fact, I never doubted you. I was shocked by this video, but I judged at the time that you must have difficulties."

She was relieved: "Now it really proves that you are a good person, Master Long and the others deceived too much. You were forced to shoot."

"Hmph, fortunately I didn't listen to Ye Tianlong's words, otherwise it would hurt you now..."

Murong Hui was fortunate that she had decisively escaped from the hotel: "He also colluded with Tu Wengang in smuggling, it is all groundless rumors."

Xiang Bohu's eyes narrowed slightly: "Ye Tianlong? Do you know Ye Tianlong?"

"Is it Ye Tianlong who murdered and set fire to deceive women?"

He took out his mobile phone and adjusted a photo and placed it in front of Muronghui: "He is a crime, a real villain."

Murong Hui's body was shocked when she heard this: "What? He murdered and set fire, a real villain? But he doesn't seem to want it."

She still has a good impression of Ye Tianlong.

Xiang Bohu bloomed an evil smile: "The more vicious a person is, the easier it is to pretend to be a good person."


At this time, his phone rang, and Xiang Bohu picked it up to answer. Then, he looked at Murong Hui: "Is this video in Ye Tianlong's hand?"


Muronghui was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head: "I deleted it directly and smashed the computer. How could he have this video?"

Xiang Bohu sighed: "But my subordinate reported that he had this video, and he had people blackmail me, asking me one billion."

Hearing this sentence, Muronghui was very angry: "Billions? Bastard! He must not have this video, he is fooling you."

Xiang Bohu said softly: "Maybe, he copied it, but you don't know."

Murong Hui was taken aback, then her eyes became cold: "I will ask him personally."

"I will never let him hurt you."

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