Talented Genius

Chapter 1574: Undefended

Like a madman, Red Arrow rushed directly at the young man from the East.

Although the bed in this prison was in tatters, it was quite scary when Red Arrow pulled up the bed in a rage.

Not only was the young Dongyang paralyzed on the ground with fright, but the guards and medical staff beside him also took three steps back, never expecting Hongjian to be so abnormal.

"Return me Huanhuan!"

Red Arrow's eyes were red, and he rushed towards the young man with a full face, the hospital bed was tossed like a squeak, as if to die together.


Ye Tianlong kicked beside Hong Jian's abdomen, causing him to fall back with the entire hospital bed, and also let the Dongyang Youth escape.

Red Arrow fell back on the hospital bed and shook, his whole body was in pain because of the belt restraint, but he completely ignored it and still wanted to struggle.

The guard pulled out the electric baton and was about to go up.

"Don't do it."

Ye Tianlong blocked the guard's electric baton, then approached the hospital bed and stretched out his hand. He pressed Red Arrow several times, and the latter was suddenly weak.

Hong Jian tried to pull up the hospital bed, but found that his hands and feet could not exert any strength, he could only shake his head desperately: "Return me Huanhuan, return me Huanhuan."

"Damn, this kid bit Lu Dongbin, treats him kindly, and dares to yell at me."

The young man of the East rolled up his sleeves and started to do it: "Brother Long, this kid should be beaten up. If he doesn't tidy up, he will not be honest."

"Don't move him."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to let the guards and medical staff leave, and then blasted the Dongyang Youth outside the door. He sat down on the hospital bed and said faintly:

"Calm down and stop getting excited, or you will suffer."

Ye Tianlong looked at Red Arrow and said, "My name is Ye Tianlong. I am not a good person, but I have no malice against you, otherwise I won't save you yesterday."

The struggling Red Arrow stopped moving and did not roar, but still stared at Ye Tianlong angrily.

Ye Tianlong shook the opponent's hand: "You can see that you are desperate, and you can see that you are angry, I think, you have a bit of great pain in your heart."

"I came here today just to hear your pain and see if I can help you a little bit."

He chuckled lightly: "You should see that although I am also a prisoner, I have a lot of energy and I can definitely help you."

There was a ray of light in the red arrow's eyes, which was the ray of the drowning man who caught the straw, but soon a touch of doubt emerged.

Ye Tianlong knew that he had to say something about his motives, otherwise Hong Jian would not believe him. After all, there were too few selfless acts of being a good person these years.

"Of course, I didn't help you in vain."

Ye Tianlong thought of the computer referred to by the "rich generation", so he coughed: "I know you are a computer, and I need your skills."

"After I helped you, you will serve me for ten years."

Ye Tianlong put on a businessman's calculation: "But don't worry, I won't let you serve in vain. A monthly salary of 5,000 is still fine."

"Find Huanhuan, find Huanhuan."

Hong Jian roared again: "I will work for you all my life, and I will work for you all my life."

"Don't get excited, you won't be able to solve the problem if you are excited."

Ye Tianlong shook his opponent's hand forcefully, letting him calm down a little, and then said softly:

"Tell me slowly, who is Huanhuan? And why did you break into the female guest bathroom?"

He showed a sense of confidence: "As long as you calmly tell me the truth, I have a high probability of finding Huanhuan."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Hong Jian no longer excited and yelled, but tilted his head and tears flowed out: "Huanhuan is my girlfriend."

"I am of Chinese descent and come from Maple Leaf Country. I took a vacation half a month ago. My girlfriend and I plan to travel to Manchester City. I also rented a self-service apartment."

"It's just that my girlfriend was delayed because of something, so I had to come here four days later, so I came to the front station first and stepped on the scenic spot to wait for her."

"Four days later, she arrived in Manchester City and came to the self-service apartment. She was in the dust. After putting down her things, she went to take a shower."

"I know the place is a bit messy, but I don't think anything will happen in ten minutes, so I opened the door and looked at the public bathroom from a distance."

"I waited for an hour. I felt something was wrong, so I rushed in to check and found that all the clothes she changed were there, and the slippers were there."

There was an endless remorse in his eyes: "But the man is gone."

"I have heard too many cases of missing single women traveling. I am worried that Huanhuan will be spotted by bad guys."

Ye Tianlong took the topic softly: "So when my heart trembled and my brain rushed, I smashed the entire female guest bathroom for inspection?"

Hong Jian nodded with tears: "I looked at the entire bathroom and didn't find Huanhuan. I knew in my heart that something really happened to her."

"So my heart was completely confused, and I told them like I was crazy that Huanhuan was kidnapped, but none of them believed."

Hong Jian's expression was very painful: "They didn't see any traces of fighting or anyone being tied up. They thought that was my excuse for peeping into the female bathroom."

"As a result, they not only didn't help me find Huanhuan, they also sent me to the police station. I resisted hard, but ended up suffering more."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly, feeling the despair of Red Arrow.

My girlfriend disappeared under my nose, he was arrested by the police, and he was still in a foreign country. The feeling of powerlessness made me desperate to think about it.

Ye Tianlong didn't say that Red Arrow had to be calm nonsense at the time, and anyone in that position would inevitably lose his mind.

"That's it."

There was a touch of sympathy in Ye Tianlong's eyes, as he understood why Hong Jian's heart was ashamed, he stretched out his hand to untie the belt on Hong Jian and set him free.

Subsequently, Ye Tianlong's conversation turned:

"You miss Huanhuan so much, and you are angry that you can't do anything, so when you saw the art photo yesterday, you looked at her in a daze and regarded her as Huanhuan?"

Hearing this sentence, the originally calm Red Arrow was shaking again, tears overflowing, and he raised his head and shouted hysterically:

"She is Huanhuan, she is Huanhuan."

Hong Jian stared at the door: "Find out the person just now, he must know where Huanhuan is, find him."

"What? The woman in the art photo is Huanhuan?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then judged that Red Arrow did not look like a liar or confession, so he reached out and held him down: "You calm down, I'll ask."

Red Arrow clenched his fist twice, and finally loosened it slowly.

Ye Tianlong shouted at the door: "The negative generation."

The young man from the East immediately ran in from outside and shouted, "Big brother, what's the matter? What do you want me to serve?"

Ye Tianlong asked: "Where did the art photos come from yesterday?"

The young man from the East was taken aback: "Brother Long, you are so good about this? Don't you, why are you so noble? I'll find a woman for you to come in..."

Ye Tianlong patted his head: "Don't talk nonsense, where did you get the picture?"

Toyo Youth explained: "This is a new product in the underground world. The two photos yesterday are equivalent to a leaflet, telling everyone that there is a good product..."

Red Arrow roared again: "New item? Where is she?"

The Dongyang youth jumped away from shock, and was suppressed by Ye Tianlong's eyes when he wanted to go wild, and then weakly said: "This is the leaflet of the Zhao Family..."

Hong Jian struggled, his eyes were painful and firm: "I'm going to save her..."

"You can't even get out of prison, how can you save him?"

Ye Tianlong looked at the stubborn red arrow: "Or I let people..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw Red Arrow stumbled and ran to the computer in the medical room, his fingers crackled.


In the next second, the entire prison doors opened one after another, the videos closed one after another, and the computers had blue screens one after another.

In the end, the steel door weighing more than ten thousand catties also burst open.


The alarm sounded harshly--

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