Talented Genius

Chapter 1576: Half dollar

It was dawn when Hong Jian woke up.

He looked around and found that he was sleeping in a single cell. The cell was equipped with all kinds of living equipment and was facing a lot of hard currency.

Cigarettes, biscuits, bread, aspirin, in short, the things that countless prisoners are looking forward to can almost be found here.

There was a daze on his face, he didn't know where he was lying, and after trying hard to remember, he sat up.

Hong Jian remembered that he was going out and looking for Huanhuan. He also knew that Huanhuan seemed to be kidnapped by some Zhao family.

"do not move."

Ye Tianlong didn't know when he came in, and reached out to hold his shoulders and said, "The prison hasn't officially started to work. Don't think about going out now."

Ye Tianlong saw that his body was too weak, so he let him sleep for a day.

Hong Jian knew that Ye Tianlong was not malicious towards him, and asked for himself the whereabouts of Huanhuan, so he held back the hysteria and murmured:

"I want to find Huanhuan, I want to find Huanhuan."

Ye Tianlong's hand is still as steady as Mount Tai: "I know how important Huanhuan is to you, and I can tell you good news."

"But, before I tell you, you eat this bowl of bird's nest porridge, your body and spirit are too weak, you must make up for it."

Ye Tianlong picked up a thermos from the table. It was bought from the aunt in the cafeteria at a high price. It contained fragrant bird's nest porridge.

Hong Jian shook his head: "I have no appetite, I don't want to eat..."

Ye Tianlong raised his face and taught: "If you don't eat to supplement energy, what should you do when you see Huanhuan pass out?"

Hong Jian was taken aback for a moment, then ecstatic, grabbed Ye Tianlong's arm and shouted: "Have you found Huanhuan? Have you found Huanhuan?"

Ye Tianlong didn't respond directly, just tapped his finger: "Eat the bird's nest porridge."

Hong Jian did not hesitate this time, and ate the bird's nest porridge very happily, without any juice left, and then looked at Ye Tianlong with bright eyes.

"After eating, take a good shower and change clothes."

Ye Tianlong pointed his finger at a bag with clothes: "You will never let Huanhuan see your desperate image, right?"

Hong Jian immediately obeyed Ye Tianlong's instructions, tidied himself up, and shaved off his beard, sweeping away the decadence.

He is like a grass, inconspicuous, but full of life.

Ye Tianlong nodded in satisfaction: "I think you can go to see Huanhuan, but before meeting, I need to ask you one more question."

Red Arrow said softly: "You said it."

Ye Tianlong looked at him with bright eyes and told him very sincerely:

"No matter what Huanhuan has encountered in the past half month, and no matter what she looks like now, after meeting you, can you still love her as much as before?"

"If you hesitate or don't have an answer in your heart, then I don't think you should meet, because Huanhuan is absolutely unable to withstand your blow."

He reminded Red Arrow softly: "She can only accommodate your tolerance and love now, and can't accommodate your slightest dislike or disgust."

Hongjian's attitude is very firm: "No matter what, I will love her and will never leave."

Ye Tianlong patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, go see her."

The black dream outside quickly led Red Arrow away...

Almost at the same moment, the border town of Harman, at the junction of Warman, was welcoming an extremely ordinary motorcade.

The convoy crushed the silence of the morning, crushed the eyes of the people in the morning, and then slowly drove into a local century-old temple.

The car drove into the back of the temple and slowly stopped in the parking space. Then the car door opened, and more than 20 men and women emerged, all wearing hats and masks.

There seems to be no people in the temple today, so their costumes did not attract curious eyes and discussions.

After more than twenty men and women came out, they dispersed their guards, and a woman in white in the middle went up the steps and walked through the corridor into the hall.

The hall was very dark, and there was a cold breath. There was no incense rising in front of the Buddha, and there was no three fresh fruits to honor him.

There is only a knife on it, a red sword that is more than three feet long. The color is very bright and dazzling, and it makes people feel uncomfortable to look at it.

In front of Hong Jian, there was a middle-aged monk sitting on his knees. He closed his eyes to rest up his mind, as if he was asleep, but he was muttering a word, and he was awake.

"I am Wei Ji, and the King of Elephant asked me to come here to see you."

The woman in white took off her face mask, revealing her charming face: "Excuse me, are you Master Yin Xue?"

There was a hint of doubt in her tone. The man in front of her was not like the master introduced by the king, the most famous monk in the country.

Yin Xue, the number one demon monk in the Kingdom of Man, is a sect among the many sects in Man Kingdom.

Not only does he look as fierce and evil as Shura, but his daily behavior is often despised by mainstream society.

The most irritating thing is that he likes to use baby boiled corpse oil to instill amulets, and he has also been filmed into a video to circulate, which has caused Shierhui to post scolding.

The incident that caused him to suppress mainstream society was that he found a girl with spirituality on the road, so he drove to death and used her body to refine corpse oil.

This act happened to be photographed, and immediately after it was posted online, it caused public protests.

Not only the decent figure Tuatu could not tolerate him, but even the dragon and the snake's yin was ashamed and ashamed, so he joined forces to suppress the Yin blood line,

In the group attack, the blood of Yin fell apart, and the disciples and grandsons were either dead or injured, and even better were imprisoned on various charges.

Yin Xue also disappeared in the chaos. Many people thought that he was shot to death and fell into the triangle river. Wei Ji once thought so too.

Unexpectedly, he was hidden in this temple by the Elephant King.

The only thing that surprised Wei Ji was that his face was completely different from the past, and then he suddenly realized that 80% of them were plastic surgery.

Also, if it isn't whole, it will be discovered no matter how deep it hides.


The middle-aged monk did not make a sound, just a flash of his right hand, and the red sword instantly disappeared from the table and appeared on Wei Ji's throat:

"What about tokens?"

Wei Ji's body shook, feeling the biting chill from the tip of the sword, and the breath of death, her cold sweat instantly flowed down.

Unexpectedly, this monk really had two things.

"Here it is."

Wei Ji regained her due peace, and then bloomed with a soft smile. At the same time, she took out half of the US dollar from her arms and slowly handed it to the middle-aged monk:

"The King of Elephant hopes that you will go all out to kill Ye Tianlong who is about to return."

She also said softly: "Ye Tianlong is very powerful."


The middle-aged man's wrist flicked again, half of the dollar bill was rolled over, he squeezed it and glanced, and then took the other half from his arms.

Two in one, complete one.

"I can finally see the sun again, and finally I can walk out of this rotten temple."

The middle-aged monk suddenly laughed wildly, and then one side of his head: "What else does the elephant king have to say?"

Wei Ji said softly: "He asked me to cooperate closely with you, and I must take Ye Tianlong's head."

"Cooperate closely with me? Then you are mine..."

The middle-aged monk waved his right hand, and the red sword flashed across a ray of light, and Wei Ji's clothes instantly shattered, falling into pieces...

Lively and fragrant.

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