Talented Genius

Chapter 1578: I was attacked

On the eighth day when Xiang Bohu was deposed, Ye Tianlong was secretly released from prison at four in the afternoon.

On this day, the sky was groggy, with light rain and the cold wind blowing from time to time, which made people feel an indescribable coolness.

Ye Tianlong took a shower, changed into his own clothes, and ate two biscuits and a cup of coffee before he walked out of the cell.

As soon as he walked to the door, Ye Tianlong saw six uniformed soldiers and policemen appear. The leader was a big nose, and his red nose was very conspicuous.

The six people were not only burly in stature, but they also walked vigorously. When they appeared, the entire corridor seemed to be filled, and the other prison guards also bowed their heads and backed away.

Ye Tianlong glanced around and found that not only did they move neatly, they also had calluses on their hands, and there were many knife marks in them, no doubt they were veterans.

"Ye Tianlong, I am the captain sent by the government to **** you out of the country, Tai Diao."

The red-nosed officer stepped forward and stared sharply at Ye Tianlong: "I hope everyone can cooperate with each other to complete this mission well."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Thank you Captain Tai Diao, you have worked hard, I think, with your protection, I should be able to leave the country smoothly."

"It's not that it should, but it must."

Captain Tai Diao laughed, full of domineering and proud: "Whoever doesn't let Ye Shao leave the country, I will bludgeon someone, even my parents don't recognize it."

The implication is that if Ye Tianlong stays or not, he will also be indifferent.

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and patted Tai Diao on the shoulder: "Tai Diao Captain has worked so hard. With your escort, I am completely relieved."

Tai Diao originally wanted to dodge, but in fact he was also turning his shoulders sideways, but he still took a long time, and Ye Tianlong shot him straight, his face suddenly ugly.

This beat has trampled on his authority somewhat.

"Ye Shao, it's not early. It takes more than four hours to reach the border here."

The corner of Tai Diao's mouth moved a bit, suppressing his anger, and then took a look outside: "And it's raining, the road is very difficult to walk."

"Let's hurry and leave, lest we won't be able to reach the border at ten o'clock in the evening."

Tai Diao tilted his hand slightly: "Ye Shao, please."

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded. He stopped talking nonsense with Tai Diao, and walked to the back door under their escort.

The steel doors, iron gates, and power grids of the prison opened one by one, and Ye Tianlong also slowly passed through. Many prisoners saw Ye Tianlong want to leave and all stood up.

They just received Ye Tianlong's benefits yesterday, and Ye Tianlong's arrival has changed the prison as a whole from the violent past, a bit more peaceful and comedy.

Therefore, when Ye Tianlong was released from prison, they all expressed their dismay and shouted: "Brother Long, Brother Long, take care."

The burly black man grabbed the railing and yelled, "Gamblers, take care!"

The tattooed man also stretched out his hand and waved fiercely: "Violent dragon, take care!"

The bald young man held the railing like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: "Relationship dragon, take care!"

Ye Tianlong waved goodbye to everyone, the prison cried faintly...

Tai Diao and their faces were surprised. They thought that Ye Tianlong had either beaten someone or was beaten up these days. They didn't expect so many prisoners to support him.

This also made Tai Diao very uncomfortable. The people who slapped the royal family's face were still supported by everyone. This was the second time that he slapped his face.

After he was ready to complete this task, let people handle these prisoners well, and at the same time said coldly to Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shao is really a good method."

"In seven days, the entire prison was tamed and obedient."

The corners of his mouth moved: "No wonder the elephant will suffer in your hands."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "The means are not counted, it's just that I have a clear grievance and grievances, and I will treat people who are good to me, such as prison inmates."

"The person who treats me badly, the person who counts me, and the person who wants me to die, I will treat him badly, and even look for opportunities to kill him."

He smiled meaningfully: "So people who want to move me will hit the final blow, otherwise the whole family will have no good life."

Taediao's eyelids jumped, and he could hear Ye Tianlong warning himself. He wanted to refute a few words, but he thought it out for a while.

At this moment, the seven people had completed the formalities and left the last door of the prison. There were three jeeps parked in front of them, and four military police were guarding them.

Tai Diao said to Ye Tianlong while holding his umbrella, "Ye Shao, please get in the car."

"it is good!"

Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense, patted his clothes and walked to the car.

The back door of the prison is a three-lane road with two temples on the opposite side, so there are not many people and vehicles coming and going.

Although the four military police guarding the car evacuated a lot of the cars, there were still people coming and going in a hurry, with umbrellas holding them blinded.

As Ye Tianlong moved forward, the six Tai Diao followed. The four military police in front opened the jeep and waited for Ye Tianlong to enter.

Just when Ye Tianlong was three meters away from the jeep, an unremarkable tricycle rushed out from the corner at a speed comparable to a mad bull.


Before the soldiers and policemen around Tai Diao could react, a gun barrel had been exposed from the tricycle, accompanied by a fierce roar: "Ye Tianlong."

A long-planned gunman relentlessly pulled the trigger at Ye Tianlong.

A Remington shotgun ejected hundreds of lead pellets, like a torrent of invincible wind and showers, with dense explosions.


Ye Tianlong let out a shout, but at the same time he threw and fell.

Tai Diao also staggered and fell to the ground with a pain in his back. The three soldiers and policemen were covered in blood, and the other six were busy lying on the ground.

Three jeeps were mottled with bullet marks, and passersby screamed and avoided

No one thought that there would be a killer here, or he would come towards Ye Tianlong.


Regardless of whether the opponent is killed or not, the motorcyclist will leave with the throttle.

"Boom boom!"

Tai Diao yelled, and when he pulled out his gun, he shot. The tricycle was immediately beaten up, and then the car fell to the ground.

The car shook, and a figure crawled out of it with difficulty, trying to fire a shot at the military police, but the gun ran out of bullets.

"Boom boom!"

The other military police also drew out their guns and rushed up. After the intense gunfire, the burly killer was beaten into a sieve, shaken a few times and fell to the ground.

His eyes widened, very unwilling.

The gun in his hand also fell to the ground, filled with a faint smoke of gunpowder.

"Zhao Family?"

A military police rushed to shoot two more shots. After confirming that the burly killer was dead, he tore off the coat of the deceased and clearly saw a white shirt inside.

There was a line written on the shirt: I am the dead man of the Zhao family!

Tai Diao rushed over to see this scene, his expression was also slightly startled, and he couldn't figure out what the **** was going on.

"Oh oh, oh, I was attacked by the Zhao family, and I was so painful, so painful..."

At this moment, Ye Tianlong was crying and shouting: "I was shot in the leg, shot in the back, and internally injured. I was taken to the hospital quickly."

"Oh, oh, oh..."

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