Talented Genius

Chapter 1581: It’s Tae Diao, kill Long Mao

At two o'clock in the morning, the drizzle was flying, and many people fell asleep, but some could not sleep, such as the long-haired lion.

The long-haired lion is the principal of the Zhao family and the person in charge of the Chu family in Man. He looks nothing like a lion, on the contrary, he has three points of beauty.

It's just that he likes to grow his hair long, and he is moody, and bites people when he is angry or overjoyed, so he is called to grow up a lion.

The 40-year-old Longhair Lion is just a middle-aged man who looks like a wolf and a tiger. In fact, he is not only a strong physique, he likes women, but also has a great appetite.

Every meal he eats two catties of beef, a dozen oysters, and half a dozen beer, especially at night, he can't sleep without supper.

It's just that although the supper tonight is rich, even the lobsters are on the table, but he is not at all interested, on the contrary there is a touch of aggrieved.

A few days ago, a place was burned, and a dozen of his brothers were killed. Before he could find the murderer to retaliate, the Zhao family was involved in the assassination whirlpool.

The ghost knew how the bar manager's mind got into the water, and he drove three rounds with a shotgun to hit Ye Tianlong, causing the official to suppress the Zhao family.

Although Tai Diao told them to act in the first time, the Long-haired Lion also moved here with a large number of backbones and money, and escaped a dangerous catastrophe.

But still the loss is not small.

Forty games were blocked, dozens of brothers were arrested, six people were killed, and they were filial to Tai Diao, one in and one out, not to mention 50 million missing.

Moreover, the blocked place will have to be unblocked within a week at the earliest, which seriously affects the business. How can this not make the long-haired lion depressed?

Tai Diao called and clearly informed that Ye Tianlong was doing the ghost, but he couldn't move him now, which made the Shaggy Lion even worse.

"Ye Tianlong? I will definitely not let you go."

He looked around, but found that he was the only depressed person.

The rest of the backbone and brothers are playing cards, gambling, drinking, and having fun, it seems that it doesn't matter to them if the sky falls.

Adhering to the cunning rabbit three caves of the Chu family, the Zhao family bought this remote and narrow alley in addition to the long street for business.

The hutong can only accommodate two cars. It is more than two hundred meters long. On both sides are 80 symmetrical houses. The first floor is for daily life and the second floor is for people.

They live in the place where the Longhair Lions and their families live.

There are railings at the front and back of the alley, power grids are installed at the back of the house, and there are several guard towers on the roof, which seem to be heavily guarded.

It's a big irony that the long-haired lions do not forget to protect their family members, except for slaying the daughters of others.

Seeing everyone having such fun, especially the occasional groans on both sides of the house, the great power of the furry lion began to explode.

He kind of missed the woman named Huanhuan, who was so unruly, so chaste, and so strong, which gave him the pleasure of conquering the horse.

It's a pity that her bar was destroyed by the fire, and her whereabouts are still missing, otherwise the long-haired lion will definitely let the manager send the goodbye.


When the long-haired lion returned to the room to fight his three beloved concubines, five black vans quietly drove up to the gate, with a murderous atmosphere.

Five loaves of bread lay in front of the stairs, the doors opened, and nineteen strong men in white clothes emerged, all of them holding an axe in their hands, murderous.

They did not yell, but quietly forced them from both sides.

The nineteen people were Han Qinhu and Hu Shi.

Come on Lao Tzu's site?

The Zhao Family Gang, who was guarding the entrance of the alley, was taken aback for a moment, and then a joking arose at the corner of his mouth: These people are really idiots, they do not live or die!

Not to mention that they have more than two hundred brothers on the periphery, even without support, a hundred of them still chopped these fork-loaders into meat sauce.

One hundred and twenty to eighteen, no matter how they fight is a victory, not to mention that they still have a lot of guns in their hands.

The female relatives and children who came out of the room were also quite disdainful. These people were simply not brave enough to stuff their teeth between their own men.

A guard leader blew a whistle, and dozens of people rushed out of the house, brandishing machetes to stretch their muscles and bones.

The guard leader stepped forward, staring at Han Qinhu who was walking in the front and shouted, "Who are you?"

Han Qinhu didn't make a sound, but pointed to his clothes.

Only then did the guard leader realize that these people's clothes were all written with words, and he focused his eyes on: "It's Tae Diao, kill Mao Mao?"

Six words are written on each of the nineteen people: It's Tai Diao, Killing Mao Mao.

The head of the guard was a bit lacking in his brain, and he didn't react for a while, but he instinctively shouted, "Do you want to die if you trespass here?"

Before he finished speaking, Han Qinhu waved his right hand.


A shining arc was drawn, and in the next second, the leader of the guard broke into two pieces, and the blood was sprayed with a swish, reaching a height of more than two meters.

In the midst of vomiting and panic, Han Qinhu officially kicked off the slaughter. The axe suddenly became bloody, and his humble life bloomed at that moment.


In the next second, Han Qinhu ran like a cheetah.


During the charge, an enemy hit by him was shot out instantly, and another enemy with a gun was broken three ribs.

Han Qinhu anxiously looked like a tiger going down the mountain unstoppable, more than a dozen enemies did not even pose, sprayed blood and fell heavily to the ground.

Then, Han Qinhu waved his backhand, and the two heads swished into the sky, very domineering.

The women upstairs watching with the probe were stunned!

Seeing their men being trampled to death like ants, they looked very uncomfortable: "This, this, no..."


After killing four people in a row, Han Qinhu didn't stop, and rushed straight towards the densest group of enemies.

The eighteen tiger masters behind him also followed, and the axe slashed out with the figure.


The light of the axe flashed, and the eighteen arms fell to the ground in an instant, and the machete was scattered.

When the opponent sprayed blood, the eighteen tiger masters had directly smashed them away.

Dozens of enemies were smashed!

Eighteen tiger masters stepped forward and swept their axes around their bodies.


The enemy who had just raised his head instantly broke his throat and fell back to the ground with a scream.

"Kill! Kill him! Hurry!"

A Zhao family leader's nerves tightened, and the command headquarters blocked the abnormal Han Qinhu.


After Han Qinhu kicked the knife and shot the two enemies with guns, his eyes were fixed on the retreating leader of the Zhao family.

The axe pierced out with a sharp howl of tearing the air.


The leader of the Zhao Family Gang had no time to evade, so he roared and swung his knife to block.


The axe almost wiped the opponent's temples, and the splashing sparks burned his skin, and the head of the Zhao Family Gang felt the grin of death.

The body of the head of the Zhao Family Gang was shocked, the long knife broke in two, and he subconsciously took a step back.

But before his heel hit the ground, the axe split him in two.

At this time, the long-haired lion in Wenrou Township heard the movement and rushed out of the room with his pants, and shouted sharply, "What happened?"

One of his subordinates crawled in from the outside and shouted in panic, "Big brother, big brother, someone has come sneak attack, it's amazing."


"It's Taediao!"

"What is he doing?"

"Kill Long Mao."

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