Talented Genius

Chapter 1600: A real gift

Guns, wine, and training are the three hobbies of Lu Yuanjia that Jin Xuejun once told.

So when Ye Tianlong saw Lu Yuanjia, Lu Yuanjia was shooting in the VIP room of the Mingjiang Gun Club, standing beside four or five men and women in uniform.

Compared to other gun lovers, Lu Yuanjia was not holding a short gun, but an old rifle.

In some ages, but well maintained.

Lu Yuanjia's marksmanship is even more amazing.

"Boom boom!"

When Ye Tianlong appeared in the VIP room, Lu Yuanjia was blasting three shots in one breath, with skillful techniques, agile movements and sharp eyes.

After a burst of intensive gunfire, the target reporter heard a voice: "Five shots, all hits, ten rings."

Ye Tianlong smiled and clapped his hands and praised: "Uncle Lu is mighty, Uncle Lu is domineering, such an old-fashioned gun, with such results, it's against the sky."

Lu Yuanjia glanced at Ye Tianlong with interest: "Do you know this gun?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and replied: "Made in Hanyang, the full gun is 1.3 meters in length, the empty gun weighs eight catties, and the magazine has a capacity of five rounds.

"The gauge has a range of two kilometers and a caliber of eight millimeters."

He was humble and polite: "I wonder if Tianlong is right?"

Lu Yuanjia had appreciation in his eyes: "Even this old antique knows that, you can see that you were not a grandstanding last night."

He knew very well in his heart, if he had not had a deep understanding of that period of history, how could he be familiar with this outdated game? More is a hot weapon that pursues modern popularity.

"Uncle Lu joked."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "Tianlong never likes grandstanding. I am not a person who likes fame. I only like to make a fortune by silence."

He wanted to say that he only likes money and women, but he thought it would be better to be tactful, not to appear too tacky.

"You have a bad reputation, I admit that."

Lu Yuanjia attacked unceremoniously: "But he doesn't like grandstanding, but he completely disagrees. You kid, what dissatisfied with the city?"

Ye Tianlong coughed slightly: "Uncle Lu, my elder brother said that I should support and care more for younger generations, and fight less and curse less."

Lu Yuanjia was startled slightly: "When did Elder Zhao say that?"

Ye Tianlong is serious: "My elder brother also said that these days, there are fewer and fewer kind people like me, and everyone should cherish more."

"If you are free, please have a meal, give me some money..."

He added the last sentence: "To love me is to love the hope of the world."

Lu Yuanjia cursed without annoyance: "Are you always Lu Xun as Zhao?"

"Just kidding."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward with a smile, and sat down on the sofa with Lu Yuanjia, then took out a small box from behind, opened it and handed it up:

"Uncle Lu, this is a thousand-year-old ginseng. I spent forty-nine days in the Black Triangle and spent several million to get it. It is a souvenir to you."

He smiled and said: "It's also an apology for my arrogance last night."

An orderman quickly poured a pot of tea for the two of them.

"Ginseng is a good ginseng, but your words have moisture."

Lu Yuanjia picked up the ginseng and examined it carefully: "Within half a month before or after you go to the Golden Triangle, you are looking for a ball for forty-nine days."

He could see that this was a good product, and it was definitely not something the world could buy.

"But I won't accept this ginseng, lest I be told that you bribed me, that would tarnish the action last night."

Lu Yuanjia put the ginseng back: "This ginseng is for your eldest brother... No, Mr. Zhao."

Ye Tianlong pushed it over again: "What happened last night, you and I are not afraid of shadows, what can be tarnished?"

"Besides, you and I have a clear conscience. I'm afraid of a ball? Uncle Lu today can still be hurt by such rumors?"

"As for my eldest brother, don't worry. I pay him tribute every month. He is not short of this ginseng, but you have to make up for it."

"If you don't repair your body, how can you have the energy to govern the army strictly."

He looked serious: "And this is what the younger generation has for the elders."

Lu Yuanjia was startled slightly, feeling that what Ye Tianlong had said was reasonable, and then he thought of the treasure house of the zombie mother-in-law, knowing that Ye Tianlong was afraid of being rich.

He exhaled a long breath: "Okay, I will accept your mind."

Seeing Lu Yuanjia accepting the Thousand-Year Ginseng, Ye Tianlong was completely relaxed. Even though the incident last night was reasonable, it embarrassed Lu Yuanjia somewhat.

After a gag at the scene, the embarrassment between the two parties disappeared, so Ye Tianlong smiled and turned to the topic:

"Uncle Lu, what do you want to see me this time?"

He whispered: "Is it because the big gift I gave to the elder brother made him very happy? What kind of awards does he have with the official?"

"You, my head doesn't know what to think all day long."

Lu Yuanjia looked at Ye Tianlong helplessly, then took a cup of tea and took a sip:

"Lao Zhao really likes your gift. Let us have an excuse to build a bridgehead in no man's land, but rewards, no."

He smiled meaningfully and said: "Heaven is a battle, the Black Triangle is a battle, you are richer than anyone else, and there is no reason for rewards."

Ye Tianlong looked depressed, and said unwillingly: "Is there any military medal, dragon soul knife, murder license, etc.?"

"No, let's talk about it, you are not in the organization, and there is no point in giving you these."

Lu Yuanjia smiled and responded: "But Mr. Zhao personally rewards one thing."

With a wave of his finger, Lu Qianjin walked up, took out a box and placed it on the table, Ye Tianlong reached out and opened it, and a key caught his eye:

"What's this?"

Lu Yuanjia laughed and said, "The single-family courtyard of Beijing Medical University."

"He is reminding me to remember that school will start in September."

Ye Tianlong asked a little unwillingly, "Can I go back in class? I still have a lot of unsuccessful achievements and no money..."

"What do you mean? Go to class."

Lu Yuanjia looked at him and smiled: "Lao Zhao knows what you are doing and knows that your time is worth a lot of money, but he still insists."

"Do you know why?"

"That's because you have developed too quickly. He is worried that you will be eager for quick success and quick profit, or be proud and complacent, so he lets you get out and settle down.

"In the game, your vision will be limited, especially the early series of victories will make you more confident and full."

Lu Yuanjia relayed Zhao Ditian's words to Ye Tianlong: "Maybe you don't feel it yourself, but your words and deeds will change unconsciously."

"In the words of the old man, a person is too smooth, even if he keeps telling himself not to be proud, he will still be bluffing at his steps."

Ye Tianlong's body shook, his eyes thoughtful.

"Rather than suffer a big loss in the future, it is better to jump out of the game for a while, so that you will see farther, deeper and more comprehensively."

Lu Yuanjia stretched out his hand and patted Ye Tianlong on the shoulder: "Tianlong, listen to the old man, he will not harm you."

"He is also willing to send you a real gift in return."

"If you want, he can send 30 military talents to the Black Blade Defense Zone."

"Training soldiers, installing systems, manufacturing weapons, these talents can all be accomplished."

He whispered: "As short as three years, as long as five years, they can turn it into a real..."

"Military base."

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