Talented Genius

Chapter 1602: Anjo is critical

Five shots, all pierced through Bai Shikang's bullet holes, were shocked while being stunned.

Bai Shikang's face was a little ugly, and he issued an instruction to the staff: "Take me the target paper and video!"

The staff quickly brought the target paper over.

Bai Shikang and the others clearly saw that there were indeed only five bullet holes on the tenth ring of the target paper.

Bai Shikang took out a bullet with a 38-size cover and put it on one of the bullet holes, and found that the bullet hole was a little bigger than the bullet.

There are traces of second rubbing on the edge.

When Lu Yuanjia gave Ye Tianlong a hint of approval, Bai Shikang drank another sentence: "Show me the video."

The staff nodded, quickly turned on the video, and slowed down. Sure enough, Bai Shi Kang and the others saw that all five bullets passed through the original bullet holes.

The whole audience was silent again.

This can no longer be said that Ye Tianlong's marksmanship is full of shots. It is completely magical. It is not difficult to hit the ten rings, but the difficulty is to pass through each bullet hole.

This eyesight, this keenness, is abnormal.

Bai Shikang's face was a little pale, he threw the target paper to the staff, and stared at Ye Tianlong with a faint smile: "General Lu, there are capable people around him."

He caught Ye Tianlong's appearance in his eyes, feeling so familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

And he felt that he shouldn't have seen a person with such a powerful marksmanship.

"Stone Danzi, I don't need to talk about human nonsense. This test clearly shows that your gun is rubbish."

With a smile on Lu Yuanjia's face, he threw Bai Shikang's three-eight cover back to him: "Where it comes from, take it back."

Bai Shikang moved the corner of his mouth, then snapped the gun off with a click and threw it on the ground with a smile: "General Lu is right, gun rubbish."

If it's not gun trash, it's human trash, that is, his Baishikang trash.

Then, he looked at Ye Tianlong playfully: "This little brother's marksmanship is powerful enough. I don't know if he is the soldier king in the army, or the spear master?"

"It's not that I'm good, but you are too bad."

Ye Tianlong didn't like Bai Shikang's demonstration, and he bluntly attacked: "Weapons are really good, but the most fundamental thing is people."

Although they felt that Ye Tianlong's words were false, Bai Shikang and the others couldn't refute it. After all, Ye Tianlong's record firmly suppressed Bai Shikang.

In these years, the right to speak is always in the hands of the winner.

"The body is right, the heart is right, and the marksmanship is right. A gunman who can pass through other people's bullet holes is even a first-class messenger of justice."

Ye Tianlong smiled playfully: "This is what my elder brother said, please encourage Chairman Bai."

Lu Yuanjia almost squirted out the tea. What is this? This is definitely not what Zhao Ditian said.

"Ye Tianlong!"

Bai Shikang's eyes suddenly condensed into light, he thoroughly connected the person in front of him with a few pieces of information, and then came up with the name Ye Tianlong.

"Honor, honor."

Ye Tianlong laughed: "I don't expect Chairman Bai to know me, does he want to invite me to dinner?"

Bai Shikang sneered twice: "You did what happened last night?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Yes, my elder brother often taught me that I must be upright in my body and mind, and I must have the feelings of family and country. This is a good man."

A woman in Chinese clothes shouted: "What is your big brother? Is what he said the truth?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "My eldest brother is really not a gadget, he is a living person, his name is Zhao Ditian."

"Zhao Ditian is amazing... Ah... Zhao... Lao Zhao?"

The woman in Chinese clothes instinctively said something contemptuous, but she quickly reacted, and even the tongue lost her sense of measure: "You...big brother?"

"Yes, my elder brother, everyone of a little bit knows it."

Ye Tianlong looked at the woman in Hua Yi and smiled: "You don't know, it's normal, the grade is too low."

The Huayi woman was very upset about Ye Tianlong's pretending to be a pig and a tiger, but the strength of the other party made it difficult for her to breathe.

Ye Tianlong turned his gaze to Bai Shikang and said with a smile: "What? Chairman Bai is not satisfied? Then you find my eldest brother."

Lu Yuanjia almost squirted tea again, this kid is really crushing to death.

Bai Shikang's smile is a bit ugly, and Zhao Ditian challenged him? The father of my own family is almost on fire, so what can I do for myself.

"Ye Tianlong, good."

Bai Shikang looked at Ye Tianlong and smiled and said, "The heroic boy, you deserve to be someone who dared to stab a hole and break a wolf three times. I will appreciate your performance in the future."

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "Song Dongzhong and Cai Jinyin also said the same..."

Bai Shikang's face changed slightly, and there was still a ruthless look in his eyes. He clearly knew the second half of Ye Tianlong's sentence, that is, they were all dead.

"Uncle Lu, I have been bothering you today, and please forgive me."

Bai Shikang turned to Lu Yuanjia and said, "The gun is too **** and it is embarrassing. Next time, I will find a good rifle for Uncle Lu."

"My nephew is gone."

What he can do today has already been done, and staying any longer will only make himself humiliated, so Shiraishi Kang left cleanly.

Lu Yuanjia faintly said, "Go slowly."

Bai Shikang glanced at Ye Tianlong again, and then turned around and left with him. Compared with the prestige when he came, his back was much lonely.

Ye Tianlong sat back on the sofa and grabbed Lu Yuanjia with a pitiful look:

"Uncle Lu, this kid hates me, he will definitely trip me up in the future."

"Today I was to help you out, so I slapped him in the face easily. You can't just let it go."

"You must remember to be my backer, protect me, support me, and safeguard my interests."

He looked at Lu Yuanjia eagerly: "For example, Baishizhou's 100 billion yuan renovation project..."

Lu Yuanjia coughed: "Tianlong, I'm leaving first, I have another meeting..."

When Ye Tianlong was thrown into the VIP room by Lu Yuanjia, Baishi Kang was leaning on the Rolls Royce, playing with expensive emeralds with his fingers:

"Call Mayor Xiao later and say that the situation will not be too optimistic."

Bai Shikang issued an instruction to a blonde girl: "Lu Yuanjia is very powerful, and there is also a **** making trouble."

"Tell Mayor Xiao, remember that Ye Tianlong is the person who put Xiao Guizhong and them in jail, and he also blocked our money."

The blonde girl sitting opposite to record respectfully responded: "Understood."

"Ye Tianlong, it's interesting."

A gleam of light flashed in Bai Shikang's eyes: "Not only did he dare to grab Baishizhou's business with us, but he also swept my face in front of everyone."

"Let me see, this time, is it you kneeling or me."

All these years have been going smoothly. Now that he encounters a thorn, Bai Shikang naturally wants to use Ye Tianlong to hone himself.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong was drinking the cup of tea, then packed the snacks on the table, and took two extra pots of tea, all of which were recorded in Lu Yuanjia's account.

Just as he was about to leave the VIP room contented, his phone vibrated, Ye Tianlong took out his earplugs and put them on, and Bailihua's voice came:

"Ancheng is in danger!"

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