Talented Genius

Chapter 1607: Pay my Armani

Ancheng is one of the four ancient capitals of China, with a population of nearly 20 million. In history, the Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, and Tang dynasties established their capitals here.

It used to be the capital and political, economic and cultural center of China for more than one thousand one hundred years.

Sitting on the plane, Ye Tianlong casually flipped through the materials, gaining a deep understanding of Ancheng's past and current situation.

It's better to know a little bit about a city. At least he knows how to run when he is chased down. Ye Tianlong always takes precautions.

After reading the map and history of Ancheng, Ye Tianlong took out his mobile phone in flight mode and checked several emails sent by Bailihua before boarding the plane.

After the Xuanjia Army got into trouble yesterday, it instigated cannon fodder to attack the stronghold three more times this morning, but was completely defeated by the Longmen brothers.

Shangguan Xiaozhi's tactics of shrinking the front were very useful, so that those cannon fodder could not break the defense at all.

At the same time, Shangguan sent a team of Wei Ji's assassins to surprise the leaders of the Xuan Jia Army at all levels, causing the Xuan Jia Army that had been victorious to suffer serious losses.

Although the Xuanjia Army still had the advantage of numbers and equipment, it was unable to break through the two major strongholds of Longmen in a short time.

Especially the 1,000 people gathered by Ouyang Jinyue, Black Tiger, and White Shark reinforced Shangguan Xiaozhi's defense by three points.

As long as Longmen didn't want to fight in Ancheng, Shangguan Xiaozhi could easily defend for ten and a half days.

The two sides entered a standoff stage.

The Xuanjia Army also saw this, so it didn't recklessly attack, and recruited further troops and gangs who had taken refuge.

With more and more personnel, even some medium-sized gangs are considering taking refuge.

The Xiao family brothers also became famous because of this. Not only did they become the leader of Ancheng's underground world, they also began to have contacts with high-ranking officials.

What made Ye Tianlong most interested was that the Xiao brothers not only collected protection fees for small shops, but also reached into Ancheng's enterprises.

Their reason is that it is the entire Ancheng affair to get rid of the Dragon Gate, so they have to work hard and have money to pay.

This move made the Xuan Jia Army earn a lot of money, and the protection fee received in one month was equal to the income of the previous three years.

"Those who have the power to contribute, the money to contribute, and those who are powerless and incapable, work hard."

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth: "This is like Yanhuang's style."

He became more and more sure that the masked **** of war was Yanhuang, but he couldn't figure out why Yanhuang didn't run back to Africa, what would he mess around in Ancheng?

Besides, what if Yanhuang wins Ancheng? Compared to Yanhuang's killer organization, it is insignificant, let alone he is working for the Xiao family brothers?

Ye Tianlong turned over the information of the Xiao family brothers again. Before Yanhuang appeared, their brotherhood was the quasi-line gang in Ancheng.

There are more than two thousand employees, two hundred places, and they also operate pornography, gambling, and drugs. The Xiao company, which is on the bright side, monopolizes the auto repair industry and the tourism industry.

Although the Xiao family brothers were also rich in clothes and food at that time, they definitely did not have the current majesty and brilliance.

The Xiao brothers whom Baliangjin said were bullied by the crows and had no water.

However, the current Xiao family brothers are indeed strong and powerful, and they are becoming more and more lawless. The gangs that had feasted with them before have been sacked.

"This line must be interesting."

After reading the information, Ye Tianlong scanned the remnants and dalmatians who were on guard, then closed his eyes and rested again, waiting for the flight to arrive in Ancheng.

At 5:00 pm, the flight arrived at Ancheng Airport.

There are a lot of people who come to Ancheng to travel in spring and summer. They appreciate the beauty and gentleness of the south of the Yangtze River. It is indeed interesting to come to Ancheng to experience the desolate and vastness of the ancient city.

Therefore, the atmosphere of Ancheng Airport is very lively, with large groups of passengers pouring into the airport lobby through the telescopic aisle connected to the aircraft.

Fashionable beauties, glamorous handsome guys, and uncles and aunts, all of them are full of looks.

Ye Tianlong walked out of the airport, took a deep breath of fresh air, looked at the city mixed with historical buildings and bustling buildings, and cried inwardly:

"Ancheng, I am here."

After Ye Tianlong sighed with emotion, he didn't go straight to the car arranged by Feng Group, his eyes fell on a small food shop in the airport.

Ye Tianlong suddenly felt hungry because it was a place specializing in selling beef offal. The fragrance was overflowing with the smell of radish.

So he took out his wallet and bought three bowls of beef offal and radishes. He gave all the offal to Canshou and Dalmatians, and he gathered all the radishes into the bowl.

"Really delicious."

Ye Tianlong used a long bamboo stick to poke three tender radishes, and then bite them one by one, eating very happy and contented.

"I haven't eaten this stuff for some days."

Ye Tianlong poked three hot radishes again: "It's really nice to have this meal."

While eating the radish, Ye Tianlong also glanced forward with his side light, and then there was a touch of curiosity in his eyes.

Three bodyguard-like men are helping a girl about 20 years old. The girl is in good shape, but her facial features cannot be seen clearly and she is blocked by long hair.

Ye Tianlong was curious because the girl staggered and was almost dragged by two black bodyguards, and her legs seemed to be weak.

Her mouth opened slightly, but there was no sound.


When Ye Tianlong looked at the girl more, the girl who passed by Ye Tianlong suddenly yelled, and she suddenly broke free from the support of the black bodyguard.

She rushed to the paper bowl in Ye Tianlong's hand like crazy, and a big bowl of turnips banged Ye Tianlong's body, frightening him to bounce back.

When the radish hit the ground, Ye Tianlong also yelled, tapping the juice on his body. Fortunately, the radish was not hot, otherwise it would peel off.

The girl who fluttered the carrot also staggered to the ground, very embarrassed by the juice on her body, but before she got up, two bodyguards in black rushed up.

They swiftly set up the beautiful girl.

The leading bald bodyguard sank, and shouted to the two men: "Hurry up and take the lady into the car."

The two bodyguards nodded and quickly dragged the beautiful girl forward and approached the Mercedes-Benz not far away. There was a bodyguard in the driver's seat of the car.

The bald bodyguard glanced at Ye Tianlong, very disdainful, did not apologize, paused for a while, and followed behind and walked towards the black Mercedes.


Just when the two bodyguards were about to throw the beautiful girl into the car, a few warm radishes flew over and hit the three of them on the neck.

The bald men touched them, angrily, and turned their heads subconsciously: "Who?"

Ye Tianlong patted his hands and sighed, "I am."

The bald man looked at his greasy hands and looked very angry: "Boy, are you looking for death?"

"It is you who are looking for death."

Ye Tianlong pointed a finger at the beautiful girl: "Your lady flew my carrot and made all of my clothes dirty."

"Brother, this is Armani, a set of 100,000 yuan."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward slowly: "You don't say a word, you want to run away without even apologizing, don't you think it's very unscrupulous?"

The bald man swept through Ye Tianlong's clothes, there was still a large area of ​​juice and oil, and he said coldly, "Boy, get out, don't cause trouble."

Ye Tianlong was about to die of anger: "You dirty me, don't lose money, and tell me to get out? Is there any Wang Fa?"

"Now you either lose money for that girl, or I call the police to catch you."

He was very depressed. He ate a carrot and was thrown all over his clothes.

"Little Wang, Xiao Ma, teach him a lesson."

The bald man took the beautiful girl into the car: "I will take the young lady back first."

The two bodyguards nodded, twisted their necks and walked towards Ye Tianlong...

Before the bald man asked the driver to drive, he saw two bodies collided with each other, the car shook twice, and the window glass was cracked.

"Aren't you two be careful about beating people?"

The bald man was very angry and shouted at the window: "Smash the car like this..."

The words stopped halfway through, and in the field of vision, two men fell to the ground with broken heads, while Ye Tianlong stood unscathed, standing beside the driver's seat.

He picked out the driver who was about to step on the accelerator, threw it out with his backhand, then walked to the window and shouted at the bald man in a long voice:

"I pay for Armani..."

(It’s the fourth one today, thank you for your support.)

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