Talented Genius

Chapter 1612: Make a choice


After Ye Tianlong finished speaking, he grabbed a handful of gold beads with his right hand and sprinkled it violently. Hearing a loud noise, the wall decoration shattered.

Twenty-four golden beads were placed on the wall as a word: death!

Xu Laogou and Wang Ye's eyes suddenly widened, and the cigarettes in their hands fell silently to the ground, throwing out countless small red sparks.

Everyone was showered as if by a bucket of ice water, from the Tianling Gai to the soles of their feet.

OMG! What a clever technique! What an amazing power!

All those who saw this scene couldn't believe their eyes, Ye Tianlong's sword-like eyes, for a time, no one dared to look at each other.

The eight bosses glanced at each other, and all saw shock in each other's eyes.

Too awesome!

They all have an understanding in their hearts: It seems that Shangguan Xiaozhi has invited a super master, this battle, the Xuan Jia army has begun to change a little.

"Everyone, I have finished speaking. For this meal, whether to eat or not, you will decide slowly."

Ye Tianlong said casually, but the content of the words was cruel to the extreme: "Just remember, think of heaven and hell."

After speaking, he didn't stay in the restaurant anymore, but went to the pantry to have lunch with Guan Xiaozhi.

Wang Ye and the others can look at the money and see that they are full, but Ye Tianlong wants to fill his stomach.

At the end of the pantry, there is a glass table, four stools, four dishes and one soup, and a large bowl of rice.

"You said, will they agree to our request?"

When he closed the door with his backhand, Shangguan gave Ye Tianlong a meal while smiling and asked: "Although there is a lot of money, the risk is great."

"After all, if you take the money, you are likely to suffer revenge from the Xuanjia Army."

Ye Tianlong seemed to have expected this problem early, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and said, "Don't worry, they will fill in numbers on the check."

"Think about it, on the one hand, you don't have to do anything, so you make a total of 170 million yuan, and on the other, you endure the ruthless suppression of Longmen Fish's death.

"Where do they have a good choice? They are afraid of the Xuan Jia army, are they not afraid of us?"

"Even if they weren't afraid before, they should be afraid of today's wealth and my death."

He picked up the chopsticks and burned it: "After all, they knew in their hearts that the 13 billion extinction Xuanjia army wouldn't work, but it wouldn't be too difficult to hit the Eighth Gang.

"The most important point is that we are not going to alliance with them, we just ask them to sit at home or go out for a walk."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "We are real harmless humans and animals."

Shangguan Xiaozhi handed the rice bowl to Ye Tianlong: "It makes sense for you to say that, but I'm just worried that they are afraid that the Xuanjia Army will defeat Longmen."

Ye Tianlong took the rice bowl and picked up the hot chopsticks and said, "It doesn't matter if they don't dare to accept it and join the Xuanjia Army."

"Because of the attractive conditions we set out today, they are bound to have a shock in their hearts, and then let them care about it intentionally or unconsciously."

His smile became a little more playful: "In the future, they will work hard for the Xuanjia Army and have to fight hard, and they will definitely settle this account in their heart."

"If you promise us, you will be unscathed, and you will be happy to make one hundred million."

"To join the Xuanjia Army, not only did not have 170 million, but also suffered heavy losses."

Ye Tianlong picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth: "It's not a taste to calculate this."

"Once they feel that it is not a good taste, they will complain, not only will they be passive, but they may also secretly stab the Xuanjia Army knife."

"The 70 million yuan will become Wang Ye's thorn. The more failures in the future, the deeper and larger the thorn, the stronger the rebound."

Ye Tianlong took out a fish bone: "They will think of Jin Zhu's bluster when they sleep."

Shangguan Xiaozhi's eyes lit up slightly, and then he showed a touch of approval: "It's really thoughtful."

Ye Tianlong gave Shangguan Xiaozhi a lion head: "So you don't have to worry, eat this meal with peace of mind."

"Ninety-nine percent of them will take away checks and gold. Even if they don't, we are not a failure today."

Ye Tianlong shrugged: "Our most basic goal has been achieved."

Shangguan Xiaozhi burst into a smile: "After hearing your calculations, I don't want them to collect money anymore. Anyway, the basic goal is achieved."

"They collected the money, and we lost 1.3 billion."

She sighed faintly: "If you take out the cash, you can pile it up."

Ye Tianlong let out a hearty laugh: "Is it more than 1.3 billion? Not much at all."

"One hundred million is only a small goal for the richest man of the year. For Ma Penguin, it is just the company's net profit a day, yes, one hundred million a day."

"The pattern and vision of the Shangguan Sect Master should be larger."

Ye Tianlong put on a posture of rich wealth: "We are now strong and strong, with a daily income of 1.3 billion, but it is just a week of profit."

Shangguan Xiaozhi bit into a lion's head and then smiled faintly with his chopsticks:

"I know that after the integration of Tianmen and Longmen, the wealthy one, but they don't do anything if they give money to others like this."

She felt that Wang Ye and the others were really picking up money in vain: "I feel a little painful."

"It doesn't hurt, you should have another way to settle accounts."

Ye Tianlong smiled softly: "I ask you, Longmen confronted the Xuanjia Army for a year and finally won, would you like it?"

Shangguan replied without hesitation: "Of course I do."

Ye Tianlong asked again: "If Longmen fights for two years and finally defeats the Xuanjia Army and takes the entire Ancheng, would you like it?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi nodded: "As long as we can win in the end, two years are acceptable."

One year later, it will dominate the South.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "You told me last night that one year of confrontation will cost one billion, two years at least two billion."

"You treat it now as a victory after two years of confrontation, and we only spent 1.3 billion."

He said softly: "Will it feel better?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi sighed, "It's really good to think this way, but we haven't won yet."

"Today is the first step to victory."

Ye Tianlong took a few mouthfuls of food: "They accepted the money and decided to be neutral, and that would stop the Ancheng gang's tendency to join the Xuanjia Army."

"Otherwise, if they all take refuge, it will surely cause the other gangs to join in one after another, which is equivalent to Longmen confronting the entire Ancheng underworld.

"Although I have a back hand, it will still make us a little harder, so the money is worth it."

"Also, money is also a kind of strength. We are so rich and powerful, so dare you not take a high look at Ancheng underworld?"

He raised his left hand and swept forward: "Looking a little longer, the water flows to a low place and people go to a high place."

"The Dragon Gate is rich and rich, the Xuanjia Army has three melons and two dates, can the children of the Xuanjia Army have no thoughts?"

"As long as we win the two wars and let the situation benefit us, I can guarantee that some of the children of the Xuanjia Army will be unhappy."

Shangguan Xiaozhi nodded slightly, digesting Ye Tianlong's words.

Ye Tianlong showed a sense of self-confidence, and then the conversation turned around: "And who am I? A lover of money and sex."

"The eight bosses took 170 million from me, and sooner or later I will squeeze them out of 710 million."

Ye Tianlong's smile became evil and enchanting: "If you don't believe it, you can verify it in a month."


At this moment, the door of the room was knocked and opened with a remnant hand, as if to see the eight bosses at the door.

Their faces no longer hesitate, but firm.

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