Talented Genius

Chapter 1619: Powerful master

Chapter 1619


As if he felt Ye Tianlong's hostility, the male monkey suddenly roared, leaped forward, his paw lifted, and rushed towards Ye Tianlong sharply.

Without waiting for Ye Tianlong's actions, a figure flashed behind him, and the Dalmatian shot directly at the male monkey.

The aggressive male monkey is very flexible and fierce, but it is still inferior to encountering a master like a Dalmatian.

A dozen claws scratched it, not only did not move half of the Dalmatian's hair, but also consumed a lot of energy and physical strength.

Continuously flying into the air, the male monkey was upset, twisted his body weirdly forward, swished his paws and attacked, his murderous aura cut through the void and hissed.

Within ten meters, they were all shrouded in violence by male monkeys.


At this moment, the Dalmatian suddenly rushed forward and blasted out with a punch, and all the movements of the male monkey stopped instantly.


The male monkey received a heavy blow to his head, and it was this heavy blow that caused his nose and mouth to bleed, his head became dizzy, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

The male monkey did not die, but he no longer had the ability to fight, and he couldn't even get up.

Fierce, brutal, and hit by one strike are the characteristics of Dalmatians.


The stronger female monkey saw the male monkey fell to the ground and yelled extremely angry, and then rushed towards the dalmatian.

The Dalmatian didn't move, just looked at it.

The female monkey was even more angry, with a cold light flashing in her hand, and her moves were not at all fancy, but fast, like an electric shock, and more like a meteor.

She rushed to the dalmatian in an instant, her body is quick and murderous, and the sharp needle-like chill has already made her blood cold.

The paws that looked like a poisonous snake came out of a hole caught it in front of him, and the Dalmatian caught the female monkey's wrist with a flash of light and suddenly folded.


With a crisp sound, the female monkey's wrist was broken, and she let out a scream, and her strength was lost.

The next second, the Dalmatian hit his head violently, and there was a head meet


In the loud noise, the mother monkey splashed blood on her forehead, and then fell to the ground crashingly. She was not dead, but she was twitching and stopped screaming.

There is no doubt that her head was severely injured.

Looking at the male and female monkeys who fell on the ground, and the brutal scene just now, the children of Longmen felt a hint of chill...

They looked at the dalmatians, with a touch of indescribable admiration.

"Lock up these two monkeys and ask the vet to treat them."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to stop the Longmen children from hacking and killing: "It doesn't matter whether they are disabled or not, the important thing is that they must live."

The Longmen children responded in unison: "Yes."

The next morning, when Ye Tianlong was sitting on the balcony drinking coffee, Shangguan Xiaozhi walked in, with a cheerful expression on his pretty face.

"What's so happy?"

Ye Tianlong felt the woman's emotions, so he looked up at her and smiled: "Have you won the lottery?"

"I'm not so happy to win the lottery."

Shangguan Xiaozhi leaned against the railing and said, "I tell you, today's eavesdropping has sent something valuable."

"Wang Ye and the seven of them didn't react much, they just sighed about Longmen's wealth and your superb skills."

"But Xu Laogou was moving. Before it broke, he took Jin Zhu and went to the Xiao family brothers."

She whispered: "As you guessed yesterday, he told me everything about the luncheon process."

"From their dialogue, it can be seen that Xu Laogou is not pleasing to both sides, nor is he greedy for life and fear of death, he is the running dog of the Xiao brothers."

"It's just that I'm a little strange, Xu Laogu and the Xiao brothers have been hooked up a long time ago, why did they come here after four days?"

She expressed her suspicion: "Isn't the first time loyal?"

"Xu Laogou is not a fool, he is a real man."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said: "He will definitely feel that Longmen will not completely trust the eight bosses, and will send someone to monitor their actions after giving the money."

"So two days ago, it was inconvenient to move, so as not to show our feet. When we are relieved of him, he will secretly find Brother Xiao family."

He looked at the bright woman in the sun: "This will not let us retaliate against him, and we can continue to lie on our bottom."

"That's why he ran over to find someone before dawn.

Shangguan Xiaozhi nodded: "It makes sense."

Ye Tianlong asked, "What else did they say?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi seemed to have anticipated this question, so he answered without hesitation:

"Xu Laogou told the Xiao family brothers that Longmen not only bribed the eight bosses, but also hired a super expert to help out."

"He wants the Xiao family brothers to capture the thieves and first capture the king. It's not the solution to fight with Longmen. The best solution is to kill my Shangguan."

Shangguan Xiaozhi smiled and added: "If the masked person can't kill me, then buy the official and start on me."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "How did the Xiao brothers react?"

"The Xiao Brothers seem to be not very enthusiastic about this proposal, or that their focus now is on two other things."

Shangguan Xiaozhi said what he knew: "So they accepted the gold beads and the check, and asked Xu Laogou to leave the Xuanjia army quickly after a few perfunctory sentences."

Ye Tianlong was more curious: "Which two things?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi leaned over and put a piece of material in front of Ye Tianlong. The moment he bent over, a touch of whiteness jumped out, which was very eye-catching:

"The first is that the Xiao family let Xiao Kuangjian quickly marry Lei Shijing, so that the Xiao family can integrate into Ancheng's mainstream business community and make better profits."

"Lei Yueting, the principal of the Lei family, is the president of the Ancheng Chamber of Commerce. If Xiao Kuangjian marries her daughter, he can really cleanse the Xiao family a lot."

"As for why the Lei family married their daughter to Xiao Kuangjian, it is rumored that the Xiao family held Lei Yueting's deadly handle."

Shangguan Xiaozhi said softly: "As for the handle, only they know."

Ye Tianlong took a sip of coffee: "The Xiao family has a good idea, but unfortunately, it is destined to be disappointed."

"Second, the Xiao family brothers began to be wary of the masked man and were on guard."

Shangguan Xiaozhi’s pretty face became even more hot: "Because they suddenly discovered that the prestige of the masked men has surpassed them."

Ye Tianlong raised his head slightly: "Really?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi nodded: "It was the night I was stabbed by the Xuanjia army deceased soldier. The Xiao family brothers invited the masked people to congratulate them."

"The Mask Man was slow for half an hour because of the traffic jam, and the Xiao brothers asked everyone to drink first. As a result, no one in the Mask Man dared to pick up a glass of wine."

Shangguan Xiaozhi explained: "The masked hall is called Xianfengtang. It is the largest hall at the entrance of the five halls, with a total of 1,000 people."

"They didn't give face to the Xiao brothers, and they just listened to masks, and they almost messed up the celebration banquet."

She smiled: "Fortunately, the masked man arrived in time to allow the banquet to continue, but the Xiao brothers discovered from this moment..."

Ye Tianlong took the topic and smiled: "Is there any help in the help?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi nodded: "That's the way it is, the power is high."

"So the two people have lost the absolute trust they had in the past, and they are thinking about restricting the masked people, or one day, the Xuan Jia army will change hands."

She added the last sentence: "Although the Xiao brothers will temporarily reuse masked people out of need, this fear is still a good opportunity."

"It's really a good opportunity."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed: "Tonight, it's time for Canshou to perform."

Shangguan asked: "The target is Old Dog Xu?"

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "No, all seven will move, but Xu Laogu will not move."

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