Talented Genius

Chapter 1632: Qianlong's poems (five shifts)

Although the dark waves of Ancheng's underground world had a lot to do with Ye Tianlong, he didn't seem to feel the danger at all.

Even he didn't take it seriously.

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is not to read emails, but to go to the kitchen to make breakfast after washing up.

Eggs, ham, tomatoes, noodles, these raw materials quickly became a pot of fragrant breakfast in Ye Tianlong's hands.

"Ah, do you still cook breakfast?"

When the aroma of noodles filled the open kitchen, a sweet, crisp and intoxicating voice came from behind Ye Tianlong: "Very versatile."

Ye Tianlong looked up and saw Lei Shijing, who was wearing a skirt, walked over with a book, leaning against the bar and looking at herself, her eyes surprised.

The girl with a pair of beautiful legs **** her long hair at will, just like the kind of lotus coming out of clear water, full of youthful, lively and lovely softness.

The book in her hand is a simplified version of "Si Ku Quan Shu"

"It's not me. I don't know anything except I can't have children."

Looking at the pretty face that can be broken by blowing, Ye Tianlong burst into a gentle smile, and naturally blew on again:

"I used to sell fast food in the Middle East. No matter how fierce the two sides are, I beat the gongs and drums and shouted for dinner, and they all ceased fire."

He tweeted: "The scene was a magnificent mess. The money I earned for a year of meals almost equaled the money they could dig for a year of oil."

"The experts in the Middle East were very angry, and they published articles criticizing the declining trend of the world, saying that they are not as good as the one who sells lunch."

Ye Tianlong was serious: "They are also uniting and let me get out of the Middle East."

Lei Shijing giggled: "Blow, just blow, the ghost believes what you say, but it sounds nice."

Ye Tianlong looked helpless: "Really, the Middle Eastern guy sells a barrel of crude oil for only 22 dollars, and I sell 33 dollars for a box of lunch."

"While they scolded me that the lunch was too expensive, they had to continue to pay for it because it was so delicious and delicious."

He described to Lei Shijing: "Some people have no money to eat, so they exchange oil for a submachine gun with me. My brain is flooded with water and wants those things."

"Oh, I can't do it anymore, don't talk about it anymore, and I will laugh to death.

Lei Shijing was lying on the bar with a full smile, her body trembled uncontrollably, and the whiteness of her chest also shook, making Ye Tianlong's eyes stiff.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

Seeing that Ye Tianlong was silent, Lei Shijing raised her head and looked at it with a smile, and then noticed that Ye Tianlong's eyes were hooked, so she hurriedly covered her chest.

Ye Tianlong pretended to be deaf and dumb: "I didn't see anything? What can I see?"

Lei Shijing glared at Ye Tianlong: "Hurry up and cook your breakfast, the noodles are going to be rotten, and you are the chef of the Middle East. I think you are a Middle Eastern **** ghost."

"Miss Lei is really smart, and you almost got another nickname."

Ye Tianlong quickly turned off the fire and took two bowls of noodles: "It's just that they don't call me the middle-eastern pervert, they call me the desert river."

Lei Shijing was startled: "What the **** came from the desert river?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "What is the concept of a river in the desert? That is an oasis, that is vitality, which means I am a woman's vitality."

"The beauties who were originally dry and desolate, after meeting me, they were rejuvenated."

"Of course, Changhe has a deeper meaning, meaning that I am strong in combat and can go from morning to sunset."

Ye Tianlong sighed with emotion: "Ancient poem: The long river sunset round..."

Lei Shijing grabbed the book and snapped, "What's the mess, it's the sunset over the river, it's really illiterate, and it's like this."

"Why are you so thick-skinned? Not only do you blow endlessly, but you can't even pronounce poems."

Lei Shijing hated iron and steel and looked at Ye Tianlong: "You didn't graduate from elementary school."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Of course I have read poems, and I heard it in general. There are black holes in the well, the yellow dog is white, and the white dog is swollen."

Lei Shijing raised her eyebrows: "Is this a poem? It's the saliva of the ancients."

Ye Tianlong shrugged his shoulders: "The limericks are also poems, you're bull, can you read a few sentences to listen?"

Lei Shijing snorted, "Okay, I will read one to you, so that you can see what is poetry and what is poetic and artistic."

"One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces, five pieces, six pieces, seven or eight pieces, nine pieces, ten pieces, and eleven pieces.

She sighed faintly: "This was made when Qianlong was admiring flowers. The artistic conception, the words are beautiful, right?"

Ye Tianlong shook his head lightly: "This poem is indeed good, and it was also made by Qianlong, but the original text is not like this. It changed a word."

Lei Shijing was taken aback: "Changed a word?"

Ye Tianlong coughed: "At the beginning, Qianlong was happy to praise Xia Yuhe and praised himself with satisfaction."

"Twice, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven..."

"Seeing that he feels so good, Xia Yuhe added a sentence: You will not see him in the flowers."

Ye Tianlong kept talking: "The historian felt embarrassed, so he changed one word and changed the next into a film. In fact, I think the original poem is more vivid..."

"Ye Tianlong——"

Before Ye Tianlong could finish her words, Lei Shijing slammed the book directly at Ye Tianlong, and chased after him from the other side, blushing as pretty as Apple:

"You defiled my poem—"

Ye Tianlong ran away violently.

Ten minutes later, when Ye Tianlong promised to correct the evil and return to righteousness, Lei Shijing let go of Ye Tianlong angrily.

When she was eating noodles, she still kept a distance from Ye Tianlong. The long and narrow table had one person and one head, and her eyes glared from time to time.

Such a good poem was destroyed by Ye Tianlong, and Lei Shijing felt that she would not be able to face this poem in the future.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I apologize to you, sorry."

Ye Tianlong smiled and admitted his mistake, then tapped the porcelain bowl with his chopsticks: "Eat noodles, eat noodles."

Lei Shijing lowered her head and took a bite of noodles, and she was stunned when she bit down. She thought it was awful, but she didn't know it was delicious.

She had some surprises and surprises. She didn't expect that this **** would really cook noodles. It was still so delicious, the best noodles she had eaten in the past twenty years.

She took the chopsticks and ate with big mouthfuls. She usually only ate a small bowl of white porridge, and quickly finished a large bowl of noodles.

And it's still unfinished.

"Isn't it enough?"

After sending a few messages, Ye Tianlong, who waited for the noodles to get colder before eating, looked at the woman eating a bowl of upside down, and drank a mouthful of thick soup with a smile:

"Do you know that my cooking is delicious? Do you want me to also give you this bowl?"

"Thank you!"

Ye Tianlong thought that the arrogant girl must be disdainful, after all he had a sip of soup, who knew Lei Shijing rushed over and took her place back.

Ye Tianlong was stunned on the spot, his chopsticks stopped in the air, and he shouted for a long time: "Hey, what I have eaten, what I have eaten..."

Lei Shijing ignored it, took her chopsticks and ate again, and picked up the poached egg that Ye Tianlong was not willing to eat, and took a bite...

Ye Tianlong swallowed his saliva, crying without tears, my egg...


At this moment, Ye Tianlong's mobile phone vibrated, and a call came in, and he glanced at Han Jing!

Ye Tianlong's face was very happy, he picked up his phone to answer, and walked to the back garden: "Quiet, long time no see..."

The voice is as gentle as the spring breeze, as gentle, as full of affection...

When Lei Shijing saw this, her movements were stagnant, and the egg in her mouth instantly tasteless...

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