Talented Genius

Chapter 1638: Meet up

After Ye Tianlong saved the "Most Beautiful Kiss", he sent a text message to Canshou and Dalmatians, and the Broken Sword Project was implemented.

Then, Ye Tianlong went back to the house to find Lei Shijing, but Lei Shijing shut herself in her bedroom and ignored her without giving him a chance to settle the accounts.

Ye Tianlong shook his head helplessly, and then went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

The food was ready quickly. Ye Tianlong went upstairs and asked Lei Shijing to come out to eat, but she said she was not hungry, didn't want to eat, and didn't want to leave the bedroom.

Ye Tianlong didn't know what was wrong with her, so she had to go back to the dining room alone after thinking about it for a while, and eat by herself after separating the food.

Then he put the food at Lei Shijing's door: "I put the food at your door. You can take it in and eat it, or it won't taste good when it's cold."

Lei Shijing shouted: "Don't eat."


Ye Tianlong wanted to say something more, but he heard the phone ringing, and he could only take the phone back to the room to answer the video. The video came from Lin Rudao.

The video of Ye Tianlong was turned on and projected on the big screen, and a black wheelchair quickly appeared in front of him with the long-lost Lin Rudao sitting on it.

He is as elegant as ever. Although he is sitting in a wheelchair, he is unspeakable and calm in his words and deeds, as if everything is under his control.

"Uncle Lin, long time no see."

Ye Tianlong's sincere respect for Lin Rudao: "How are you doing recently?"

"Dragon, long time no see."

Lin Rudao burst into a warm smile: "You are thinner than when you left Hong Kong City last time, so you should pay attention to your body."

"That is the capital of the revolution. If your body is broken, what if you win the world?"

He reminded Ye Tianlong carefully: "Besides, you still have a lot of things to do."

Ye Tianlong instinctively touched his nose when he heard the words, as if blood was dripping there again, and then responded with a smile: "Uncle Lin, rest assured, I will pay attention."

"Well, get back to business."

Lin Rudao leaned back in his wheelchair and said, "I called you today to tell you that after receiving your email, I communicated with the Black Widow."

"The Black Widows and my 25 Lei Shi shares have all been integrated and entrusted to your plenipotentiary representative."

"But Lei Yueting has 33 shares, the real largest shareholder."

Lin Rudao looked at Ye Tianlong and said, "We can only talk about Lei's share of this share, and cannot control Lei's."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Twenty-five points are indeed a little bit short. We can buy some more. As for money, it's not a problem."

Lin Rudao thought for a while and replied: "The ten points of the bank, I can quietly transfer them through Zheng Hongniang's relationship with them."

"But even if we get ten points from the bank, we only have thirty-five points. The two sides are evenly matched. No, it is not as good as Lei Yueting's speech."

Lin Rudao had a sense of helplessness in his eyes: "After all, the other party is the founder, and he can still scan the goods."

Ye Tianlong frowned: "Can you make up to fifty points?"


Lin Rudao lightly sighed: "Lei Yueting's criminal record is too bad, so the official is extremely vigilant about Lei's."

"In the secondary market, the official has set a red line for Lei's, and will not give Lei Yueting the opportunity to reduce his holdings indiscriminately."

"Once a transaction or related party transaction exceeds ten points, it must be made public to all shareholders and shareholders, and even official approval."

"In other words, I sweep the goods in the secondary market, and I will die by ten points."

He softly explained to Ye Tianlong: "Once the points exceed ten, they must be announced, which will also arouse Lei Yueting's vigilance."

"At that time, he will definitely join in sweeping goods, driving up the stock price and expanding our costs. The gains outweigh the losses. It is more rude and the official judgment is invalid."

Lin Rudao exhaled a long breath: "So ten points can be swept to death. Forty-five points seem to be a lot, but not overwhelming enough."

Ye Tianlong tapped the sofa with his fingers unhurriedly: "Don't care about so many, you first want to take down those ten points."

Lin Rudao looked at Ye Tianlong: "Even if you win, forty-five points, you are still five points away from your goal."


At this time, another email flooded in. Ye Tianlong wanted to close it, but after seeing Concubine Yan, he opened it immediately. After scanning his eyes, he smiled.

After that, Ye Tianlong raised his head again and looked at Lin Rudao and said, "Uncle Lin, let go and do it."

"Just received a good news, five points fell into my hands again."

His tone was very happy: "Fifty points can be collected theoretically."

Lin Rudao couldn't stop his eyes from lit up: "Where did it come from?"

Ye Tianlong gave a brief sentence: "Lei Yueting's debt."

"Fifty points have been reached, so get another one to form an absolute holding."

Lin Rudao laughed and said, "In this way, Lei Yueting will never stand up."

"But this is even more difficult, because we have swept away everything except the secondary market and Lei Yueting's shares."

Lin Rudao felt helpless: "If you move the secondary market again, you will touch the red line. If you declare the transaction invalid, you will lose your wife and break the army."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed: "Uncle Lin, you should integrate the previous one first, and get authorization from all parties without making any changes."

"Last point, let me think about it."

There is confidence on his face: "At the last moment, I will not lose the chain."

"Okay, I will make arrangements later."

Lin Rudao hesitated and asked, "Actually, I'm a little curious, why do you want to take action against Lei Yueting? Still throw in so much energy and manpower?"

Ye Tianlong did not conceal: "There are three reasons. One is that I am optimistic about his business. Although Lao Lei is not good in character, he still has a forward-looking vision."

"I believe that Lei's will bring me rich returns. This is also the most important reason, so I want to step in."

"The second reason, I feel that Lao Lei will run away with blood sooner or later, leaving a mess for officials and investors, so he will be cut off."

"You should know that Lao Lei has always been a very unsympathetic gambler. He really ran away with his blood. The whole Ancheng is just like a feather."

When Lin Rudao gave a hint of approval, Ye Tianlong teased himself: "This is my sense of justice."

"Third, that is I want to help a friend."

Ye Tianlong told me frankly: "After all, Lei Shi also has a share and shouldn't be deprived like this."

Lin Rudao let out a burst of laughter: "Okay, Tianlong, I like your reason very much, especially the second reason, which has a taste of three squares."

"Uncle Lin fully supports you in this matter."

He gave Ye Tianlong a reassurance: "If I can't bear it, I will let the matchmaker help."

"Thank you Uncle Lin."

Ye Tianlong strikes while the iron is hot: "Apart from this, you can let people stare at Lei Shi's project in Bahrain to see what the problem is."

"If you want to be in position, you must give everyone a little benefit."

He whispered: "I hope that will be my meeting gift."

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