Talented Genius

Chapter 1641: for free? (Four more)

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Lei Yueting's eyes narrowed slightly: "Do you know this piano?"

"Fazioli, the king of the world's top pianos, each one is made by a team of creators in three years."

Ye Tianlong greeted Lei Yueting's gaze calmly: "Many piano masters highly recommend it and praise it as the best piano for digital recording."

"This frame is handmade by the founder, Mr. Fazioli, with 20K gold foil attached, so the price is more than 5 million."

Reischen couldn't help being stunned. He looked at Ye Tianlong in surprise, but he didn't expect that he really knew this piano.

The rest of the people also have similar expressions. At this moment, Ye Tianlong is professional, profound, and endlessly elegant, which is completely opposite to the initial stray style.

Lei Shijing's eyes were complicated, and she felt that she couldn't see through Ye Tianlong. This guy looked like a puddle of water, but it was always inaccessible.

"What's so great about searching for information on the Internet and pretending to be professional? You think I don't know, did you investigate the restaurant carefully to attend this dinner?"

Reischen bluffed and gave his own judgment: "You must be a blind cat and a dead mouse."

Mrs. Lei also agreed with her daughter and nodded: "Siqin is right. It's just a lot of color. I really don't believe that you are a rich kid."

The others nodded similarly after reacting, all thinking that Ye Tianlong was lucky to tell the origin of the piano.

With everyone's approval, Reischen was even more proud, and hummed a domineering sentence to Ye Tianlong:

"You have the ability to follow what you said, and move the piano home without a penny, then I will consider you rich."

Reischen knew in his heart that this piano was the treasure of the Angel Restaurant, and Mr. John, the person in charge with the title, loved it more than his son.

This restaurant is expensive. In addition to delicious food and excellent service, Mr. John often invites masters to play.

It's not a famous luthier in the world, even the piano cover can't be touched, and there are wealthy upstarts who want to buy it, but they are driven out by John.

So Ye Tianlong said that he didn't need money to take it away, which was a big joke in Leistin's eyes.

Lei Yueting did not speak, but shook the glass, waiting for Ye Tianlong's response.

Lei Shijing was worried about Ye Tianlong's embarrassment, and pulled his sleeve to speak, "Tianlong, let's go."

"Of course I can take the piano without spending a penny."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "It's just that I don't have any color, I am not much interested."

Mrs. Lei hummed: "Do you want a lottery? What do you want? What can you take out?"

"In this way, if I don't spend a cent to take away the piano later."

Ye Tianlong kept a gentle smile: "Mr. Lei gave Lei Shijing a small share of Lei's shares, so that she can have a good life for the rest of her life."

Mrs. Lei sneered: "A share? That's more than one billion."

Lei Shijing pulled Ye Tianlong's sleeve lightly, beckoning him to stop tossing.

Ye Tianlong shook her head to signal her relief, and then looked at Lei Yueting and his wife with a smile: "So what? That's what Lei Shijing should do."

Reischen snorted, "What if you can't take it with you?"

Ye Tianlong landed and said: "I will leave Lei Shijing immediately and unconditionally terminate the marriage contract, and will never appear in front of you."

"it is good."

Without waiting for Lei Yueting to speak, Lei Yueting decided: "I'll bet this lottery with you. I want to see how you can take this piano."

More than a dozen Chinese-clothed men and women all looked at Ye Tianlong with disdain in their eyes, and didn't think he was capable of taking the piano away.

"Wait for ten minutes."

Ye Tianlong didn't talk any more nonsense, got up from his chair and walked towards the center of the restaurant, and soon came to the gold foil piano.

Although he didn't know what Ye Tianlong was going to do, a manager on duty came over and said in Italian: "sir——"


He politely reminded Ye Tianlong not to come near. Ye Tianlong chuckled and ignored him, and just sat on the stool and opened the piano lid.

The on-duty manager's expression changed slightly, and he asked the security guard to stop Ye Tianlong while letting him report to Mr. John.

Leiqin, who leaned over, smiled: "It's over, the security is about to throw you out, so why don't you get out?"

Several beautiful women followed and laughed, waiting for the good show.

Lei Shijing and the others also ran over, wanting to advise but not knowing how to speak out.

Mrs. Lei curled her mouth, very disdainful: "A poor boy, what can he eject? You can play cotton."

She also wondered if she wanted to make a move, and let Ye Tianlong see what a luthier was. She was at the eighth level of piano.


At this moment, Ye Tianlong's white and slender fingers were placed on the black and white keys, and a harsh note sounded.

Then, Ye Tianlong's fingers turned, as if he was taking off a rabbit, and a burst of low notes came out slowly, like clouds and flowing water.

The manager on duty grabbed the two security guards who were about to do it. His eyes were shocked, and then he called Mr. John.

He had already heard that Ye Tianlong played "The Devil's Trill".

This is an extremely difficult piece of music to play. It is as difficult as nine songs and eighteen bends.

Many world-class luthiers tried to challenge it, but the results were terrible, just like ordinary people challenged the high pitch of "Tibet Plateau".

Except for the creator Tafni who performed it in the Vienna Hall, no one can play "Devil's Trill" completely.

So when the duty manager saw Ye Tianlong playing with a relaxed look, he subconsciously wanted to give him a chance.


Ye Tianlong's performance was very slow at the beginning, and the melody of the song was full of sadness, a bit of resentment, and even a bit of crying.

But soon, the piano jumped out a few strong notes, with great momentum, and then proceeded endlessly, showing the courage to move forward.

Sometimes it is played vigorously, sometimes sternly, sometimes tactfully, appearing in various poses.

I don't know why, this song is full of endless magic, and it instantly infects everyone present, making people's hearts tremble.

It also reminds many people of irritability.

There will always be someone who hurts you the most when you stretch out your hand to hug you, and there will always be someone trampling on your dignity without guilt.

Like his wife and daughter, Lei Yueting, who came by, had a touch of thought in his eyes.

Ye Tianlong didn't stop, the heart at this moment, the hands at this moment, and the emotion at this moment, trembling with the black and white piano keys.

You are mocked by fate, eager to use a switch to gain glory.

You are tormented repeatedly by eros, eager to exchange life for her looking back.

You are bitten by hatred in your heart, eager to exchange your soul for the fairness of reincarnation...

Each note penetrates into people's hearts like sharp arrows, stimulating their deep emotions, reminding them of injustice and anger...

Afterwards, the style of the tune changed, the extremely difficult trills were released, and the emotions that rose to the peak, suddenly poured down the river...


Everyone felt empty in their hearts and lightened in their bodies, as if a bit of resentment and malice had been severely released.

Lei Yueting had stopped moving, and the whole person was indulged in Ye Tianlong's performance, and a struggling that even he did not know appeared in his eyes.

It seems to remember the past struggles, the past enemies, the fate that once strangled one's throat...

Even Mrs. Lei and Leschen found out that they had lost consciousness for a few seconds, and then they looked stunned.


At the end of the song, the whole scene is quiet, intoxicated, amazed, ecstatic, ecstatic, excited, all emotions are present. It was all quiet,

The fifty or sixty people in the restaurant, including the waiter and the security guard, all gathered around unknowingly and looked at Ye Tianlong in shock.

"Too strong, too shocking."

"What kind of tune is this? It's so comfortable after listening, I want to listen to it again."

"The quality of this luthier is too high, he is definitely a genius."

"When I hear this life, I die without regret."

After a long time, everyone in the restaurant slowly recovered, and then cheers, admirations, and discussions erupted.

These sounds flooded Ye Tianlong like a tide.

Both Mrs. Lei and Leiqin looked at Ye Tianlong with complex expressions, and they never thought that this kid could play the piano and still play the piano so well.

Lei Shijing applauded happily while admiring Ye Tianlong. This kid was really unfathomable.

Lei Yueting finished the red wine in one sip, thinking about Ye Tianlong.

"The devil's trill, the devil's trill."

At this time, a 60-year-old Italian man ran out, and tears of excitement rushed to the stage.

He held Ye Tianlong's hand and shouted again and again in Italian: "This is the devil's trill, genius, genius."


Ye Tianlong shouted: "You want to give me the piano? No money?"

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