Talented Genius

Chapter 1645: The waning moon is like a knife

Chapter 1645 the waning moon is like a knife

Seeing Lei Shijing's sincere and clear eyes, Ye Tianlong's smile was rarely complicated. He didn't know how to respond to Lei Shijing.

Ye Tianlong took a sip of porridge while holding a spoon to ease the time to answer questions.


Just when he was about to give a positive response, a phone call came in to relieve Ye Tianlong's encirclement, coming from the remnant hand who had been following him secretly:

"Ye Shao, Shangguan called just now, Xiao Lao Er has taken people out of the hall, not many, four cars, fifteen or six people."

Canshou told the situation: "I also found behind you that several people have been staring at your car and made a lot of calls during the period."

"okay, I get it."

Ye Tianlong looked at Lei Shijing in front of him, replied lightly, and then sent a text message to Canshou: "Tell Shangguan, plan ahead."

After sending the text message, Ye Tianlong ate the sweet potato porridge and the side dishes with big mouthfuls: "Shi Jing, it may rain heavily tonight, let's go back early."

"Also, grandpa and grandma have to rest earlier."

Lei Shijing looked at Ye Tianlong for two seconds, then nodded gently: "Okay, go back early."

She moved quickly to eat the sweet potato porridge in the bowl, and then got up and walked towards the car with Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath and took out a tissue to wipe off the rice grains from the woman's mouth.

Lei Shijing bit her lips slightly: "Thank you."

Ye Tianlong smiled and pulled her into the car quickly and left the food street.

As soon as the car left the food street, the two cars followed, unhurriedly following Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong glanced at the two following cars, and a smile was raised at the corners of his mouth. He did not shake off each other, but gave each other a chance to bite.

The two black cars did not put Ye Tianlong in their eyes at all, not only swaying to follow them, but also occasionally speeding up to look at them.


When entering the villa area, Ye Tianlong smiled, stepped on the accelerator, opened the distance, and then used the route to get familiar with the opponent.

The two cars hurriedly pursued them, but they were quickly thrown away by Ye Tianlong without a trace, leaving them in a daze at a loss.

In the end, they can only have one villa, a glance of one villa...


At eleven o'clock in the evening, five cars slowly approached Ye Tianlong's villa, crushing the darkness, crushing the silence, and soaring killing intent.

Although the car lights are all covered with a layer of paper to reduce the long-range stimulation of the light, they can still give people a fierce killing intent.

When the car was parked under the wall next to the side door of the villa, Xiao Lao Er came out with a cigar in his mouth, his eyes blood-red and fierce.

"Damn! Where are the dog men and women? Where are the dog men and women?"

Xiao Lao Er dragged a two-meter knife from the car and snarled viciously: "I want to chop them into meat sauce."

He has been looking for Ye Tianlong and Lei Shijing for two days, and the anger in his heart has reached its peak, and he may be suffocated if he doesn't vent.

The sixteen men also turned off, and got out of the car quickly.

Seeing Xiao Lao Er appeared, a car under surveillance immediately opened the door, and a man with a garlic nose emerged from the passenger seat:

"Second brother, you finally came."

He pointed at Ye Tianlong's villa: "The kid went crazy when he entered the villa and suddenly ran away. Let us look for it from villa to villa.

"Finally, I found his car in this villa. I observed it. There was laughter, human figures, and the silhouettes were both of them."

He added the last sentence: "The light was extinguished ten minutes ago, it is probably sleeping..."

"Turn off? Laughter? Sleep?"

Xiao Lao Er was even more angry when he heard this: "Dog men and women are really getting shameless. I don't show off, and I really think I am a coffee cat."

His eyes are almost bleeding. Although he hasn't married Lei Shijing yet, the whole Ancheng knows it is his woman, and he thinks so too.

Therefore, Lei Shijing and other men were sitting on the thighs with other men, especially those in the Italian restaurant. Xiao Lao Er could no longer restrain her anger.

Not only did he let people track down the whereabouts of the two, he also chopped Ye Tianlong himself.

It is a man who wants to kill an adulterer himself.

"Qi Fei, you take two brothers to guard the gate, and the dog, you take two brothers to guard the back door."

Xiao Lao Er issued an instruction: "You, you, and you, go and guard the intersections at both ends of the villa for me, and don't let the patrol or security guards come over."

"The remaining twelve brothers, rush into the villa with me."

A dozen people whispered in unison: "Yes, brother."

"Take down the couple of dogs and men for me later, but don't hack them to death with a single knife, grab them alive, and tie them to a post to torture them slowly."

There was a sense of pleasure in Xiao Lao Er's eyes: "Not only do I want that kid to die than life, but I also want to ravage the woman ten times in front of him."

"I want them to know how sad it is to put a hat on Xiao Lao Er."

Tonight, he will defend his dignity as a man, otherwise he won't be able to see anyone tomorrow.

"Second brother, it's okay to get that kid."

A close confidant whispered: "Lei Shijing... is Lei Yueting's daughter. Will it be troublesome to be strong like this?"


Xiao Lao Er sharpened his big knife on the stone: "There is a problem with a fart, he sold his daughter to me, how I do it is my business."

"Furthermore, Lei Yueting himself was in a mess, and he asked me to rescue him and dare to fight against me. I can't pinch him."

Holding a heavy machete, he walked towards the iron gate with a murderous look: "Brothers, go, chop the adulterer, catch the adulteress."

His sword is already hungry and thirsty.


As he tilted his head, a dozen of his men nodded in unison, and rushed towards the villa without a word.

The guards who guard the way, the ones who break the goal, the ones who hit the front and the front stations, although there are not many people, they show tacit understanding.

Seemingly moving forward in a disorderly manner, in fact, they always followed the big sword carried by Xiao Lao Er on the way, demonstrating their well-trained.

They just focused on cutting Ye Tianlong and Lei Shijing, ignoring the fleeting dull movement behind them.


In the shadows, the three children of the Xuanjia Army guarding the intersection before they stood still and looked around, they saw a few shadows threw out in the darkness.


The three of them instinctively raised their heads to warn, but there was no time to move, and their necks were snapped off mercilessly by sharp teeth.

Hungry dog ​​is rushing for food!

Afterwards, the six children of the Xuanjia Army guarding the back door of the front door were also bitten into their throats in silence, and then their bodies were quietly dragged away.

If it weren't for the presence of a few drops of blood on the ground, I'm afraid it would be impossible to believe that many people had just died here.

"Kang Dang--"

Looking at the unaware Xiao Lao Er and the others, the Dalmatians calmly closed the iron gate, closing Xiao Lao Er and their vitality...

Looking up, the waning moon is like a knife.

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