Talented Genius

Chapter 1647: Keep it for me

Chapter 1647

At 5:30 in the morning, Lei Shijing was still asleep, but Ye Tianlong ran out of the villa in sportswear.

He just appeared from the big iron gate, a beautiful figure also ran up, and a fragrant wind suddenly poured into Ye Tianlong's nose.

A white shirt, a pair of black shorts, a pair of cloth shoes, and a sun hat set off Jiang Qianxue's youth.

"Short shorts, the sun comes out from the west."

Ye Tianlong smiled as he walked forward, "Usually you always wear long clothes and trousers, but also, you wear so little, where do you hide things?"

Jiang Qianxue stretched out her hand and pressed Ye Tianlong's face to prevent his gaze from infringing upon her arrogance: "Where does it matter to you? Run your steps."

"It's really none of my business, just a little curious."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Everyone is human, how can you hide so many things on your body? And it's still unknown."

"I really want to find a chance someday to untie your clothes a little bit and take a good look at your Qianqian techniques."

Ye Tianlong felt excited when he thought of peeling off Jiang Qianxue like exploring the secrets.

"Wait for Han Jing to come to Ancheng, you repeat what you just said."

Jiang Qianxue directly gave Ye Tianlong a heavy blow: "You have a kind of say it again, and I will give you a chance to undress."

This sentence immediately made Ye Tianlong downcast, and ran hard: "Qianxue, you are getting more and more fun."

"You are fun."

Seeing Ye Tianlong's depression, Jiang Qianxue's pretty face was a little bit more happy, and then he turned his head: "The Broken Sword Plan is successful, and Xiao Lao Er is dead."

Ye Tianlong heard the words and looked up at a villa not far away. It was the place where Shangguan Xiaozhi set up the bureau last night and the villa where he parked last night.

In order to hit the Xuanjia Army with the least cost, Ye Tianlong used Lei Shijing, a key person, to set a life-and-death situation for Xiao Lao Er.

He looked at the villa where nothing happened, and sighed, "It's good to be dead, so I don't have to use Lei Shijing."

The reason why he has been so close to Lei Shijing these days is that besides helping her fight Lei's forced marriage, there is also digging holes to kill Xiao Er.

Ye Tianlong knew in his heart that Xiao Lao Er, who was going smoothly, would never allow himself to wear a hat, even if he and Lei Shijing hadn't talked about it.

Ye Tianlong intentionally or unintentionally stimulated Xiao Kuangjian with the noise of the Dorsett Hotel, the photos by the moat, and the fragrance of the Italian restaurant.

When Xiao Kuangjian's anger reached strong, Ye Tianlong deliberately leaked his whereabouts, created a cohabitation situation, and introduced Xiao Kuangjian.

Xiao Kuangjian didn't pay much attention to a little white face or the little white face of Lei's daughter, whether it was physical or psychological.

Occasionally, being careful would be washed away by the green hat, so Xiao Lao Er capsized and died in the gutter, as expected by Ye Tianlong.

"Although you have used her, you have resolved her predicament and you don't need to marry Xiao Kuangjian again."

Jiang Qianxue faintly said, "She has no right to blame you."

"Although Xiao Kuangjian is dead, it is tantamount to let her break the marriage contract."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "But the ultimate goal of this action is the benefit of Longmen, and it will still make her feel uncomfortable."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, continue to say that Xiao Lao Er and the others, have the tail of the hand been cleaned?"

Ye Tianlong whispered: "There is nothing wrong with it, right?"

After all, Xiao Lao Er is also a character now, I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble if there is a hand tail.

Jiang Qianxue nodded: "The hands and tails are clean. The car was transported away overnight, and the corpses left by Xiao Lao were also sent to the incinerator and turned gray."

"As for the villa, it has been cleaned and refurbished."

She chuckled slightly: "Even the probes near the villa were cleaned by Red Arrow."

Ye Tianlong just about to nod his head, and then he caught an important point: "Where is Xiao Lao Er? Didn't it burn?"

Jiang Qianxue hesitated for a while, and finally took the topic: "No, Shangguan said it was still valuable, so I stayed for a long time."

Ye Tianlong frowned: "There is still value? What is she going to do?"

"I don't know, it may whip the corpse for 300, or sell it for a few dollars."

Jiang Qianxue gently shook her head: "If you want to know the answer, you can call her."

Ye Tianlong shook his head after thinking about it for a while. He believed that Shangguan Xiaozhi acted appropriately, and she must have her intentions if she kept the corpse of Xiao second.

"By the way, you will probably be busy in the next few days."

Ye Tianlong smiled at Jiang Qianxue: "I want the entrance and exit permissions of the Xuanjia Army halls."

Jiang Qianxue nodded: "Understood."

After that, she speeded up a few steps and turned left in front of her, preparing to separate from Ye Tianlong, but quickly slowed down and threw something at Ye Tianlong:

"Don't bring this kind of thing with you next time..."

An object was thrown over, Ye Tianlong took it smoothly, and a small sleeve fell in his palm.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Qianxue, you are getting more and less serious. Every time you steal this from me, you don't take such a big wallet."

"Honestly, are you suggesting me? Suggesting me?"

Jiang Qianxue picked up half of the brick from the ground and threw it to Ye Tianlong unceremoniously. Ye Tianlong hurriedly avoided.

Jiang Qianxue snorted and left.

Ye Tianlong smiled and ran for two more laps before running back to his villa. As soon as he entered the lobby, he saw Lei Shijing coming down from the upper floor.

She was wearing pajamas with a panic on her face, like a frightened rabbit, round and trembling with her movements, as if about to jump out:

"Tianlong, Tianlong."

She rushed over, carrying the fragrance of her body, and when she descended the last two steps, she slipped and fell to the floor with an ah.

Ye Tianlong's eyes were quick, and one stepped forward, and he held Lei Shijing's body, feeling very soft.

Lei Shijing also snorted, her pretty face flushed: "Your hand..."

Ye Tianlong moved away hurriedly, righted Lei Shijing's body, and quickly changed the topic to embarrassment:

"What happened early in the morning? Don't sleep well, running around in pajamas?"

Ye Tianlong looked at the bumpy woman: "Have a nightmare?"

Lei Shijing pulled Ye Tianlong, tangled with two points: "Tianlong, I just turned on the phone and saw a long text message my father sent me."

"He said a lot of things that moved me, and finally asked me to go back and stay with him for a few days."

"He will be on a business trip soon, and he will be back more than a month. I hope to get together before leaving."

"I can feel his love, I really can't refuse."

"But I'm worried again, my ears are soft, my heart is soft, and I will be asked to transfer the contents to Siqin."

Ye Tianlong said softly: "Then what do you want? Go back, or not? One person, or two people?"

"One person... only three days..."

Lei Shijing let out a long breath: "But before I go back, I will go to the notary office with you. I want to transfer a share of the Dorsett Hotel to you."

"You help me keep it for ten and a half days..."

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