Talented Genius

Chapter 1649: Helper fainted

Chapter 1649

The three men and three women, to be precise, are three handsome and tall young men and three glamorous girls.

These six people are harmoniously matched, the proud expressions on their faces, frivolous eyes, and valuable clothes and accessories clearly tell others:

They are all children of a family, powerful children.

In Ancheng, these aristocratic children are not uncommon, but six people get together in one breath is still very powerful.

The girl in red walking in front was the guy with the frivolous eyes and the most arrogant expression.

When Ye Tianlong looked sideways at this group of people, the girl in red with her hands in her pockets was held up by the stars and watched Lei Shijing speak:

"I heard that your mother, your sister, and the Imperial Hotel can no longer be kept, and you have to marry Xiao Lao Er. It is really bleak."

The girl in red smiled jokingly: "You said you, so what are you doing? I went with Xiao Shao from school earlier, how could you become a grass chicken?"

When Ye Tianlong cried out as if the incoming party was not good, Lei Shijing screamed and jumped up with joy:

"Yingying, Yanyan, Huanhuan, why are you here too?"

She pulled the girl in red with a clever smile: "Didn't you participate in the'Sea School'? Aren't you going back to Ancheng in a few days?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, still knowing him? And it seems that the relationship is pretty good, which one of these plays?

A girl wearing Givenchy stepped forward and took Lei Shijing's arm and smiled:

"Isn't it because of you? Originally we were going to stay a few more days at the'Sea School', but it was rumored that you were married to an unknown guy."

"You said, as your good sisters, even if there are big things, we can only put it down and dash back to see you."

"Meeting here was purely accidental. We happened to come to buy something. After we finished shopping, we will contact you to sit down in the afternoon."

She also pointed a finger at the girl in red: "Yingying spoke horribly just now, but she is not really sarcasm, she just hates you for iron and steel."

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes slightly: Maritime Academy, isn't it just the cruise teaching that Lantianxiang specializes in collecting money?

Before I first met Lantianxiang, Cao Qiankun said that Lantianxiang would conduct a wave of cruise teaching every year, that is, a maritime school.

In the beginning, the blue sky image was hiding the idea of ​​recruiting talents. The students of the sea selection boarded the boat for free to tour the world, while learning knowledge and increasing experience.

Then use these students' love for the ocean and their sense of belonging to the Lans, and leave them to serve the Lans.

It was only afterwards that the activities became more and more popular, more and more applicants, and various relationships were entrusted, and Lantian Xiang made a few more huge ships.

Specially recruit the rich second generation and the second generation right.

Ye Tianlong did not expect that the three women in front of him had just come down from the Lan's giant wheel.

At this moment, Lei Shijing gave another hug to the girl in red: "Of course I know that she is not mocking me, so I am not angry with her either."

The red girl dissipated that mean hum and said, "I am annoyed that you made this with a good hand."

A girl wearing the Chanel brand also smiled: "Well, let alone Shi Jing, she is under a lot of pressure."

Lei Shijing smiled: "Yanyan, thank you for your concern.

"Why are you grateful?"

The Chanel girl sighed faintly: "We are good friends, we don't care about you, who do we care about?"

Lei Shijing hugged them again.

"Come on, I'll introduce our boyfriend to you."

The Givenchy girl smiled: "This time the sea school has gained a lot. They have captured a prince charming, and they are all from Ancheng."

She briefly introduced three handsome boys, and then introduced Lei Shijing. The three handsome young men immediately nodded to Lei Shijing with a bright smile.

Ye Tianlong caught them looking at Lei Shijing, who was more enthusiastic than their girlfriend, but it was also true that Lei Shijing was better than the three women.

At this time, the girl in red looked at Ye Tianlong and frowned slightly, "Shi Jing, who is this person?"

Before Lei Shijing could speak, Ye Tianlong smiled and stretched out his hand: "I am Shijing's husband."


The girl in red was shocked: "Are you Shi Jing's husband?"

The others couldn't believe that they looked at Ye Tianlong. Although this kid was a little handsome, his clothes were too unremarkable. He thought he was a bodyguard.

The three women looked critically at Ye Tianlong, and the three handsome young men looked at them with wide-open eyes. They all couldn't believe that Ye Tianlong was Lei Shijing's husband.

Afterwards, everyone secretly cried out that the Chinese cabbage had been arched by pigs.

The girl in red stared at Lei Shijing: "Shi Jing, he is really your husband? The things that are spread in the circle are true? Are you looking for a **** to get married?"

Lei Shijing glanced at Ye Tianlong: "Yes, he is my husband..."

The girl in red was anxious: "Why do you find such a..."

"Yingying, okay, let's not talk about it, let's change place, sit down and talk slowly."

At this time, the Chanel girl saw a lot of people probe, so she pulled the red girl and said: "Shi Jing will give us an explanation."

"Go, go to my uncle Wang's clubhouse."

The Givenchy girl turned her head slightly: "It's quiet and safe there."

The girl in red pulled Lei Shijing to the elevator, hating iron but not steel: "Shi Jing, you will tell me later, what the **** is going on?"

Lei Shijing exhaled a long breath, not forgetting to turn back and say to Ye Tianlong: "Ye Tianlong, take good things, today I will introduce good sisters to you."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly, and then followed with his things.

The seven quickly got down to the parking lot, and the three handsome men walked fast and pressed the car control key in their hands.

Not far away, three luxury cars beeped, and then fell silent.

The girl in red pulled Lei Shijing into a Porsche, and then closed the door forcibly to isolate Ye Tianlong from the outside.

Ye Tianlong smiled nonchalantly, and then chose an Audi 8 to sit in, which was the car where the Givenchy girl was.

The young man with braids in the driver's seat frowned slightly and glanced sideways at Ye Tianlong: "Are you out of a car?"

The tone seemed to really not want Ye Tianlong to ride in his car, for fear of losing his identity.

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "The car is broken."

The Givenchy girl glanced at Ye Tianlong, and then said to her boyfriend: "Wei Guang, let's go."

The braided young man glanced at Ye Tianlong's eyes with disdain, then started the car and turned on the air conditioner.

Or, let this poor boy ride in a luxury car, let him know what a rich man is, and let him know the gap between himself and Lei Shijing's circle.

So, while turning the steering wheel, he said: "The car is broken? What kind of car is yours, is it worth two hundred thousand?"

The tone was three-point arrogance, seven-point contempt.

Ye Tianlong responded honestly: "It's not worth it, depreciated and sold, 70,000 to 80,000 to the top."

Seven or eighty thousand?

The braided youth and the Givenchy girl looked at each other, with a touch of disdain on their faces.

"Okay, stop talking, I'll call Uncle Wang and ask him to help arrange the club."

The Givenchy girl took out her mobile phone and opened the video directly. Soon, a figure appeared, and the Givenchy girl shouted with a bright smile: "Uncle Wang."

Although Ye Tianlong sitting behind couldn't see the video, a familiar voice poured in: "Girl, are you back?"

"Yes, I just returned to Ancheng in the morning, Uncle Wang, I will take my friends to the Mid-Levels Clubhouse at noon, can you let me arrange a hall?"

Givenchy yelled coquettishly: "No way, your business is booming. If you don't find you, I'm afraid I won't have a place."

The other party smiled and said: "No problem, I asked Mahan to arrange it, but you didn't take a break when you came back. What friends would you bring to play?"

"Several friends, and my boyfriend."

Givenchy moved the camera and turned to the side of the braided young man: "Aren't you handsome?"

The young man with braids slowed down and laughed.

"Hahaha, handsome."

At the other end of the video, there was another burst of laughter: "The girl has a good eye." Then the conversation turned: "Why do I see a figure in the car."

The Givenchy girl smiled and responded: "Yes, there is one more, a good friend...boyfriend."

She hid the needle in Mianli's tone with disdain: "It's just that I don't have much money, I can't afford to buy a car, and I haven't seen a luxury car, so I rubbed our car."

"We are also kind people, so let him see and see."

She wanted Uncle Wang to recognize Ye Tianlong, and if Ye Tianlong didn't leave Lei Shijing, she would ask Uncle Wang to send someone to teach him.

"Come on, Uncle Wang, also show you a look..."

The Givenchy girl turned the camera and pointed it at Ye Tianlong in the back seat.

Ye Tianlong didn't hide, and smiled faintly.

"Kang Dang--"

At the other end of the video, there was a loud noise, one person fell, and the video also lost its accuracy...

Then, a woman screamed vaguely from the microphone:

"No, the helper fainted—"

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