Talented Genius

Chapter 1657: The big picture is undecided

Chapter 1657 the overall situation is uncertain

He screamed sternly many times, and sank into deeper silence many times.

Yanhuang is like a pool of invisible water. When the breeze blows, ripples are created, but it quickly becomes more calm and deep.

There were chaotic visions flashing in his mind, one picture after another changed, the blazing fire, the shadow of the sword, the living and the dead...


When a jackal exploded at Yan Huang with a big mouth, all the pictures in Yan Huang's mind burst open with the bloodthirsty fangs.


Yanhuang couldn't help but yelled, then he opened his eyes.

A face, a smiling face that was both familiar and somewhat unfamiliar, lightly appeared in front of Yan Huang.

The reason for saying familiar is that Yanhuang does know this person, and the reason for being unfamiliar is that Yanhuang can't think of it. The first thing he sees is this person.

After a long time, he remembered that Ye Tianlong had saved himself.

"Wake up? Come, hug your head."

Ye Tianlong smiled and put a hot towel on Yan Huang's head: "You have a fever."

Yanhuang coughed, and said with difficulty, "Where is this?"

"This is an apartment I rented."

Ye Tianlong smiled and replied: "I thought you were going to be in a coma for a few days, but I didn't expect to wake up in a few hours."

"Thank you!"

Yanhuang expressed his gratitude, then shook his head, and then he said, "How about you? How about you?"

Ye Tianlong held down Yanhuang who was about to get out of bed: "She's okay."

"Although she was not poisoned by the knife, she was exhausted, and she was exhausted by running so much."

"She fell asleep ten minutes ago, and she told me that you wake up and tell her, but I suggest you disturb her now."

He sighed softly: "She is too tired."

To reassure Yanhuang, he went out and opened the opposite room, so that Yanhuang could see the sleeping Lean well.

Yanhuang breathed a sigh of relief, and it was all right.

Ye Tianlong poured him a glass of water: "You are hungry, I will find something to eat for you."

At this moment, Yan Huang checked himself again, and all the wounds on his body were bandaged and the bleeding stopped. He looked at Ye Tianlong with grateful eyes:

"Ye Tianlong, thank you for saving me!"

He also tried to take a deep breath, except for the pain of the wound, everything was fine, and then he remembered his poison:

"You helped me detoxify?"

Ye Tianlong responded with a smile: "It's a small poison, no challenge."

There was a touch of surprise across Yan Huang's face. It seemed that Ye Tianlong could detoxify, and then stared at Ye Tianlong and said:

"Thank you for saving me today, but this is tantamount to provoking the Xuan Jia army."

"They won't make you feel better. They will search for you with all their strength. Once they find it, they will torture you better than death."

He whispered: "You leave Ancheng quickly."

Yan Huang also took the purse she cleared from the bedside, took out a Huaxia bank card and handed it to Ye Tianlong:

"This card is more than 30 million yuan. It is all my wealth in the past six months. Take it and leave. It is also our little heart."

He exhorted Ye Tianlong: "The farther you go, the better, don't be caught by them."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I have a solid background. Boss Xiao can't touch me."

Ye Tianlong put the bank card back into Yan Huang's hand: "But you and the boss, what are your plans for the future? Stay here?"

"The Xuan Jia army is looking for me, but it is also looking for you."

"You have a good skill, you can hit a hundred, but the boss's wife can't, she will be caught at any time, or be hijacked to threaten you."

He asked: "I think you should leave Ancheng with the boss's wife. This is responsible for her, for you, and for the child."

Yanhuang was silent and did not speak. For a long time, he squeezed out: "The second child of Xiao is dead. If the second child of Xiao is also dead, don't I have to leave?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment: "Theoretically, this is the case, but the operation is too difficult. Boss Xiao is surrounded by masters and 8,000 elites."

"It's harder to kill him than to reach the sky."

He asked, "You want to kill him?"

Yan Huang didn't speak any more, but slowly lay back on the bed.

Ye Tianlong knew that he was worried about Le An and his children, so he wanted to solve the problem once and for all, but he knew that the masters around Xiao Boss were like clouds.

"Don't think so much, don't leave if you don't want to leave."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward, patted Yanhuang on the shoulder and said, "An Xin is here to heal her injuries, and then live a good life with the boss."

"As for Boss Xiao, leave it to me, he won't survive for three days."

Yanhuang raised his head and fixedly looked at Ye Tianlong: "Are you going to kill him?"

"Not only will I kill him, but I will also kill the entire Xuan Jia army."

Ye Tianlong greeted Yan Huang's gaze calmly: "Three days later, you will have no worries about the future."

The corner of Yanhuang's mouth moved a bit. Although he felt that this was an impossible thing, he said from Ye Tianlong's mouth, it was extremely credible...

Ye Tianlong patted Yanhuang on the shoulder, then walked out of the room and made him a bowl of tomato and egg noodles in the kitchen, sprinkled with black sesame seeds.

Yan Huang took the porcelain bowl and saw the bowl of noodles, her face was shocked: "How do you know that I like tomato egg noodles and black sesame seeds?"

You have lost memory, not lost taste...

Ye Tianlong murmured in his heart, then smiled and replied: "If I can pinch it, it will count...hurry up and eat, and take a good rest."

Yan Huang did not speak any more, lowered his head and ate the noodles. The familiar taste and familiar texture hit his head like tide.

Yanhuang suddenly felt some pain in his head...

While Yanhuang was slowly eating noodles, Ye Tianlong left the apartment, leaving two members of the Feng group to take care of them. He went to a nanny car downstairs.

The car door opened, and a fragrant wind came over, and the tender and charming Shangguan Xiaozhi leaned against the seat, holding two glasses of red wine in his hand, and smiled:

"The Xuanjia army is in conflict, the biggest trump card is eliminated, and Xiao Maddao's fate can be foreseen."

She handed the red wine to Ye Tianlong: "Wang Ye has also telegraphed the gangs, and the Megatron Gang has been fully integrated into the Dragon Gate, and we will live and die together."

"Adding to the death of Xiao Kuangjian, we are very happy, shouldn't we have a drink to celebrate?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi did not ask from beginning to end, why did he leave Yanhuang? She believed that Ye Tianlong must have his reason for letting him live.

Ye Tianlong smiled and took it, and then drew up the car door and leaned against the seat: "It's really worth a drink, no Yanhuang, Xiao boss is scum."

He raised his wine glass, the fragrance of wine and femininity made him slightly dazed.

The delicate face was so close to him, the white skin seemed to be broken, and the plump and white skin was more than half seen by Ye Tianlong.

Shangguan smiled and clinked glasses with Ye Tianlong, and then drank it. For her, today is a happy day.

The two drank while chatting, and halfway through the drinking, Shangguan Xiaozhi's phone rang, and after answering for a while, she smiled brightly.

She poured Ye Tianlong another glass of wine:

"I received another piece of good news. Xiao Maddao thought that I and Yan Huang were treacherous and killed Xiao's second child together, trying to avenge him."

"Suddenly attacked the two strongholds in Longmen tonight, and still gathered 6,000 people to attack."

"He wants to hit us by surprise, but he doesn't know that we have been waiting hard, with three or four defensive plans."

"Six thousand people came over and killed them. The organ we had secretly prepared for many days played a role first. A huge pit swallowed the elephant, and more than one thousand of them were left behind."

Shangguan's spirits were flying: "Two pits, they fell two thousand people, and then the Longmen children counterattacked, and they overturned nearly a thousand people."

"In the battle tonight, the Xuanjia Army killed and injured almost 3,000 people, but we only suffered 500 casualties."

She smiled like Hua: "Now Xiao Maddao has fully shrunk the front line, and no longer has the ability to attack the Longmen stronghold."

"The next day, it's time for us to counterattack..."

Shangguan smiled and raised his wine glass: "You said, should we celebrate again?"

Ye Tianlong touched again, then smiled and drank cleanly: "It seems that the overall situation of Ancheng has been determined..."


As soon as the voice fell, Shangguan Xiaozhi's phone rang, she picked it up with a smile, and after a while, she couldn't stop frowning:

"The police arrested the 36 key members of Longmen?"

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