Talented Genius

Chapter 1659: Customer Representative

On the afternoon of Wang Ye's return to Longmen, two more police officers stationed in Longmen.

Under the banner of firefighting and taxation, they fixed their eyes on the children of Longmen, so that Shangguan Xiaozhi could no longer mobilize personnel to pursue the Xuanjia army.

At the same time, the official issued a thorough investigation of the public fight last night, suggesting their current position to the black and white.

The Dragon Gate has reached a critical moment again.

Ye Tianlong once wanted to settle through the connections of Lu Yuanjia, Zhan Qinglou, etc., but finally decided to solve the problem by himself.

Now that the mountains and rivers are not exhausted, those assassins are not used as a last resort, lest Lu Yuanjia and the others owe favor.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Ye Tianlong received another news from Shangguan that thirty-six key members of Longmen were besieged in the prison, and 11 were seriously injured and sent to hospital for treatment.

Lawyer Longmen filed a complaint, and the official told that it was a conflict between prisoners. It was just an accident...

This news made Ye Tianlong's eyes a flash of light.

At 1:30, Wang Ye appeared in front of Ye Tianlong with a solemn look on his face: "Ye Shao, it was Song Haochun who ordered the arrest last night."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "Song Haochun?"

Wang Ye's report with guns: "The first deputy chief of Ancheng police, responsible for the city's anti-drug and anti-criminal work, was transferred from the northwest three months ago."

"This is a guy who seeks to catch his reputation. He often likes to be exposed in front of the media. He is not an anti-criminal hero, but an Ancheng good husband..."

"In short, he has a lot of drama, creating an image of iron bones and tenderness, in fact, secretly, it is all male thieves and female prostitutes."

"In the past few months in Ancheng, he has swept five small gangs and arrested six drug dealers. After the operation is completed, he will hold a press conference."

"Every time it is as grand as the New Year."

He told Ye Tianlong of Song Haochun's style: "And as far as I know, these actions are not his sense of justice, but the other party's insufficient tribute."

Ye Tianlong flashed a sneer: "Really a hypocrite."

"He will say this morning that we must fight the crime to the end and let all the police officers nail the dragon gate. If there is a slight deviation, the catch should be caught, the kill should be killed."

Wang Ye made a judgment: "He has worked so hard to deal with Longmen, and it must have been Boss Xiao's benefit."

"Gave enough benefits?"

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth evokes a joking: "Hall Master Wang, send someone to contact him and ask how much money can keep him neutral."

Wang Ye was taken aback, and then nodded: "I understand, I will let Wang Chao make arrangements immediately."

After Wang Ye left, Ye Tianlong breathed out a long breath and stood in front of the map for a long time. Then he received a message that Han Jing's flight changed the time.

She won't be able to fly to Ancheng until tomorrow, because Zhang Qingmen needs her help temporarily.

Ye Tianlong got back a good one, and then continued to meditate on the plight of Longmen.

At five o'clock, Wang Ye appeared in front of Ye Tianlong again, with unspeakable anger on his face and his chest constantly rising and falling.

Ye Tianlong asked curiously: "Hall Master Wang, what's wrong?"

Wang Ye's breathing became thicker: "Ye Shao, I will let Wang Chao contact Song Haochun according to your instructions. Longmen is willing to give him double benefits."

"As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he slapped the table and yelled at him, saying that he was an upright person and never took bribes."

His eyes were very angry: "At the same time, he also took out the recording, accused Wang Chao of bribing him, and let people take Wang Chao on the spot."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes when he heard the words: "I can now judge that there is a deeper reason for Song Haochun's dealing with Longmen."

Wang Ye was startled: "What is it?"

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "He is just a chess piece, and there is a black hand behind him."

He asked, "Where is Song Haochun?"

Wang Ye hurriedly replied: "Now he is still arranging work in the police station, and he is going to participate in a sorority party tonight."

"Let's go, I'll go to Song Haochun for a while, maybe, there will be a little gain."

Ye Tianlong showed a slight interest in the life behind Song Haochun.

When the sunset faded for the last rays of light, Ye Tianlong drove himself, carrying the Ma Han arranged by Wang Ye, and galloping on Ancheng Avenue.

He appeared at the gate of Ancheng Police Station with the time given by the Longmen spy.

Time pointed to six o'clock, and a dozen men and women in casual clothes came out of the exit.

A bald man was surrounded by the crowd, and his spirits were directed towards the convoy parked at the door.

Song Haochun.

Ye Tianlong locked on the target, rushed up with a kick of the accelerator, and the car approached like a sharp arrow.

Song Haochun and the others turned their heads when they heard the movement, and their complexions changed drastically.

The car was so fast that Song Haochun and the others had no time to evade, they could only show shocked faces.

Seeing that he was about to run into a **** incident, Ye Tianlong turned the steering wheel, and the car made a full circle, stopping the car half a meter away from Song Haochun.

The dust from the rubbing of the four tires filled the light, adding a little hazy light.

The cold sweat of Song Haochun and the others broke out on the spot, and two middle-aged women almost fell to the ground when their calves were weak. w


Ye Tianlong pushed the car door out: "I'm sorry, the brakes are not working, please bear with me."

Mahan also appeared.

"Boy, looking for death."

The two security personnel reacted, thinking of the thrilling scene just now, and suddenly became angry and approached Ye Tianlong with murderous aura.

Obviously he didn't put this young guy in his eyes, Ye Tianlong smiled noncommittal, and walked through between the two.

The two of them looked gloomy and were about to pull Ye Tianlong, but suddenly all of them fell to the ground with groaning.

Their shoulders were all bruised by Ye Tianlong, but they moved too fast and no one could see clearly.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing that Ye Tianlong was so arrogant and so powerful, the faces of men and women changed slightly, and two of them had already touched the guns in their waists.

There were two others who stood in front of Song Haochun.

"I have a few words with Director Song."

Ye Tianlong burst into a bright smile, harmless to humans and animals, and said to everyone: "There is no malice."

Song Haochun did not evade. He naturally had courage and courage to become the first deputy director. He hummed:

"who are you?"

He didn't order to arrest people directly. In addition to being curious about what Ye Tianlong would say, there was also Ye Tianlong's domineering skill.

Just now, the two companions were both first-class and good-hands, and it was no problem to hit ten, but the two of them could not stop Ye Tianlong's move.

This had to make him look at Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong gave an identity: "Longmen Group, chief customer representative."

"Longmen Group?"

Song Haochun was taken aback for a moment, and then he didn't hum: "The underworld is the underworld, and the gang, why? Unhappy? Want to clean me up here?"

"How many people did you bring to kill me?"

As soon as the voice fell, the men and women around him all laughed.

Ye Tianlong kept calm and waved his hand: "How dare you, you are a man of real power, I'm just a messenger."

"I came to see Mr. Song today. I didn't intercede or fight, just ask a name."

Song Haochun sneered: "What's the name?"

Ye Tianlong faintly said, "I'll give you an order to deal with the people in Longmen."

Song Haochun was taken aback for a moment, then stared at Ye Tianlong indifferently, shaking her hair as if listening to a joke: "I don't know what you said."

"I can also tell you clearly that there is no one who ordered me."

He spoke uprightly: "I caught Longmen because they committed crimes and violated the law."

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth: "Really not?"

Song Haochun snorted: "I said that those who do not order are all my ideas."

"Even if it does, what about you if I don't tell you?"

Song Haochun tilted his eyes to look at Ye Tianlong, shining a wave of disdain, and it was extremely ridiculous that the gangster was talking about terms with the chief director.

"Song Bureau, don't be too arrogant."

Mahan, who has been silent, couldn't help it: "Stay on the sidelines for everything, so you can see each other in the future, regardless of yourself, but also your family."

Not only did Ma Han's words not irritate Song Haochun, they made him laugh:

"My daughter just went to England to study, and my wife is with her. Can you move them to show me?"

A few soil buns who have no education but only take a machete, can it be possible to overcome the sky of the empire without setting the sun?

"I advise you to get out of here."

Song Haochun hummed: "Otherwise, it will be your turn to catch you next."

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