Talented Genius

Chapter 1664: Last revenge

Yanhuang seemed to remember something, but he couldn't fully seat himself, and the whole person seemed very painful.

He was sweating profusely, his eyes were tired, his breathing was invisible and thick, his whole person seemed to have just been fished out of the water.

"What? Have a nightmare?"

Ye Tianlong saw that Yanhuang was no longer in danger, so Le An backed away, and brought a glass of water to Yan Huang: "It's a mess?"

Yanhuang was slightly startled when he heard the words. Ye Tianlong's nightmare made him feel madly relieved that he had a nightmare.

In this way, Han Di, Wei Xuan, and Yan Fei are also the names of dreams.

Ye Tianlong burst into a smile: "It's just a nightmare, drink a glass of water, slowly, it's over."

Yanhuang exhaled a long breath, took the cup with a wry smile: "I don't know why, there are always **** nightmares in these two days."

"Either I was cut half-dead, or the blood from my killing flowed into a river."

Yan Huang's eyes were blank: "You said, was I a bloodthirsty person in my previous life?"

Past life? That's it in this world.

A smile flashed across Ye Tianlong's heart, and then took the topic: "It's just a dream, don't think too much, come, let me see your injury."

Yanhuang nodded gently.

Ye Tianlong quickly checked Yan Huang and found that the injury was better than he thought, and even the wound of the fifty army stick began to heal.

"Yes, the injury healed very quickly, with thick skin and thick flesh, it has this effect."

Ye Tianlong joked: "Okay, get up and wash, and then prepare for lunch, but sister An has prepared cat ears for you."

"I'll clean up this messy house."

Everything in the hall was almost destroyed, and even the dining table was broken. Ye Tianlong could only simply put it back, thinking that he would have to change the furniture in the afternoon.

Yanhuang was embarrassed on her face, and then looked at Le Anhao with gentle eyes: "Thanks for your hard work."

"Stop saying those things."

Le An had been relieved, thinking that Yan Huang was mad, it turned out to be just a nightmare, and then he cleared the table and ate:

"Dafu, wash up quickly. The cat's ears are cooked and eaten while it is hot. It will not taste good when it is cold."

Yan Huang nodded with a smile, and still didn't let Ye Tianlong support him, and went to the bathroom with a cane by himself.

Le'an's well-cooked cat ears are indeed top-notch. Not only Yanhuang has eaten three bowls, but Ye Tianlong, who has already eaten lunch, has also eaten two bowls.

"Tianlong, the weather is good at noon. I am going to walk downstairs two times to digest and breathe some fresh air by the way."

After eating and drinking, Yan Huang wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, and then looked at the sky outside the window: "Otherwise, I always feel stuffy in my chest."

Ye Tianlong thought of the crazy look in Yanhuang's dream just now, and knew that he had to adjust his state, so he didn't say any more words of advice.

"Okay, I'll take a walk with you."

Ye Tianlong said happily: "You don't mind if I make a light bulb, do you?"

Yanhuang and Le Anhao obviously knew that Ye Tianlong wanted to ensure their safety. Although they felt that he was too nervous, they nodded with a smile:

"do it."

Afterwards, the three people left the apartment and went to the grassland downstairs. Ye Tianlong did not let Yan Huang use a cane, but let him sit in a wheelchair.

In order to make him sit comfortably, he also put a pillow in the wheelchair.

The three quickly came downstairs. At noon, there was no one. Ye Tianlong picked a cooler tree-lined trail.

He lifted the wheelchair and passed the isolation column that specifically blocked the motor vehicle, and then put it on the road and walked slowly with Le An.

Seeing the sunshine, green leaves, flowers, and fresh air, Yan Huang couldn't stop sighing, "It's great."

"This is better."

Ye Tianlong smiled, and then took a few steps forward, grabbed a handful of soil from a dry grassland, and handed it to Yan Huang.

Yanhuang was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Ye Tianlong motionlessly: "How do you know that I like the smell of earth?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Didn't I tell you? I can tell the fortune."

Le An could not help being surprised, surprised that Dafu had such a hobby, and even more surprised that Ye Tianlong knew Yanhuang better than himself.

Yan Huang smiled and didn't speak any more, lowered his head and sniffed the earth a few times, intoxicated like smoking opium:

"This breath is really intoxicating."


At this moment, a van suddenly rushed to one side of the tree-lined trail, and a deflection ran horizontally in front of the isolation pile, and then the car door opened.

When Yanhuang and Lean turned their heads, Ye Tianlong's ears had already heard the snap of the bolt.

The familiar voice clearly filled Ye Tianlong's sensitive sixth sense.

Out of the corner of his eye, in the gap of the opened car door, he caught the unique coldness of guns.

Then, four short guns came out.


Ye Tianlong's muscles tightened and his hairs exploded, and years of experience walking on the edge of life and death made him realize the danger suddenly came.

If he dodges, rolls, and strikes back at this time, Ye Tianlong is completely confident that he can safely dodge bullets and avoid assassinations with his skill.

However, Le Anhao and Yanhuang are two meters in front of him. If he chooses to avoid, Le Anhao will become a target!

Ye Tianlong leaped up and directly threw Yanhuang and Lean to the ground.


In mid-air, the sound of silenced guns has sounded, tearing the dazzling sunlight, and bullets passing the ears with streamers.

Ye Tianlong felt the different positions of his body's back, and at the same time there was an electric shock.

Ye Tianlong hugged the two of them and rolled on the grass with the force of the flutter.

At the same time, he kicked Yanhuang's wheelchair back abruptly.


The wheelchair crashed into the van like a cannonball. The four gunmen who were about to get out of the car couldn't avoid it and were instantly smashed back into the van.


At this time, another figure flashed from the darkness, a leaf knife flew out, and a white light flashed in the sun!


A scream sounded sternly, and a hideous gunner was pierced through his chest by a leaf knife, and fell straight back on the van.

"Pump pound!"

Seeing that Canshou killed one of his companions, the muzzle of the remaining three gunners missed, and one of them pulled the trigger and fired at Canshou who had entered the tree.

The two shot wildly at the three Ye Tianlong, the bullets flew horizontally and hit the trees and grass banging.

Even though Ye Tianlong pulled Yanhuang and Laan in time to hide in the tree, the bullet still got hit on his shoulder, and there was an extra hole in his clothes.

The formation of the two changed, two bullets grazed Ye Tianlong's calf.


Ye Tianlong grabbed a stone, first threw his coat away, causing the gunman to shoot, and then shot the stone from the other side.

The stone pierced the head of a killer, causing the latter to scream and fall to the ground.

Another person subconsciously deflected the muzzle, Yan Huang flashed out, flashed his right hand, and the meat cutter flew out.

The gunman didn't even scream, he was shot by a butcher knife in the neck and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Can Shou shot another person to death.


But before Ye Tianlong breathed a sigh of relief, another five vans rushed towards him, crossing the tree-lined path, and more than fifty people got out of the car door.

They were either holding machetes or guns and crossbows, and they rushed over like wolves.

The last Mercedes-Benz, Xu Laogu with a cigar in his mouth, and a supermarket clerk, Le An sank heartily and regretted it.

"Kill, kill, kill me Dafu."

Old dog Xu yelled hysterically: "Avenge my second brother and Dongshan."

Dozens of people rushed up to be surrounded.

"Pump pound!"

Eighteen spears and crossbows were fired, and one long arrow pulled the wire cover towards Yanhuang.

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