Talented Genius

Chapter 1666: His name is Yanhuang now

Canshou glanced, and after shooting a few assassins attacking Yanhuang from behind, he slowly retreated to the middle area to protect Ye Tianlong and Le An.

Ye Tianlong is his brother.

But he also grabbed a long arrow in his hand to give Yanhuang some help if necessary.


When Yanhuang stabbed another person, an accident happened. The ugly face Xu Laogou suddenly raised his hand, and another long arrow shot at Yanhuang's back.

But Yan Huang seemed to be prepared for a long time, and when he shot a long arrow, he suddenly turned around and slashed.


Long Jian was stabbed to the ground by Yan Huang, both in terms of strength, accuracy, and reaction ability, which made people stunned.

Xu Laogou was also taken aback for a moment, apparently he didn't expect such a sneak attack to fail, and he had to make up for it.

Yan Huang raised his right hand, and the long knife flashed away.


Xu Laogou's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously dodges but only avoids the vital points, and the long knife instantly penetrated Xu Laogou's shoulder.


Xu Laogou let out a scream, and then he held back tightly and yelled: "Kill, kill him for me."

The last thirty-odd people looked at each other and rushed forward with no effort.

"You are all going to die today!"

Yan Huang yelled violently, ignoring his injuries, took a knife and rushed away alone.

He didn't want to cover or support, so he charged straight and alone, everyone was shocked by Yanhuang's charge, especially those blood-red eyes.

Bloodthirsty eyes, hateful eyes.

With indomitable determination, another wave of killing wind and rain rushed toward them, and several black-clothed men were immediately startled by this madness.

Yan Huang's hands fell, and several people immediately fell into a pool of blood. A black-clothed leader gritted his teeth to block the attack, and Yan Huang stabbed him in the chest.


Yanhuang yelled violently and rushed out five or six meters against this person.

I saw the blood of the black-clothed chieftain, like an unscrewed faucet, flowing along the arms of the saber and Yanhuang.

All the enemies were stunned by Yan Huang's killing methods, and one of them spit out bile and fainted.

Many enemies instinctively retreated when they saw it, and some people wanted to run away, but they couldn't take any steps, staring at them and saw Yan Huang knocking him over.

This violent charge left Yanhuang with **** scars on his body, but he didn't care at all, and he didn't seem to feel any pain.

The tree-lined trail at this time can only be described as dead bodies all over the field.

The golden sun shines all over the quiet tree-lined path, and it also shines on the blood constantly flowing from the corpses on the ground.

When there were fifteen more scars on Yanhuang's body, the enemy was also killed by Yanhuang, leaving only two of them standing blankly.

One is Xu Laogou and the other is a supermarket clerk.

The latter was already pale and even vomiting. As soon as he saw the battlefield, he and his master were left, and he immediately ran behind.


Yan Huang raised a long arrow with one foot, and the arrow shot at the back of the supermarket clerk like a bolt of lightning.

If this person hadn't made a small report today, how could they be blocked by Old Dog Xu?


With a sharp sound, the sword penetrated the back of the supermarket clerk.

The supermarket clerk fell to the ground, his eyes were still open to death, as if he couldn't believe it was true.

Yanhuang walked over slowly, stretched out his hand and pulled out the long arrow from him, turned and walked towards Xu Laogou...

He will return an arrow for an arrow.


Taking advantage of the gap where the supermarket clerk was dead, Xu Laogou had covered his wound and got into a van, hurriedly operating the steering wheel to leave.

He didn't expect that Yan Huang hadn't been killed in such a big battle today. On the contrary, nearly a hundred elites and four gunmen were all folded here.

At this time, Old Dog Xu felt that the mask was terrifying, and he sensed his own danger, so he wanted to rush to find Boss Xiao.

It's just that there were seven or eight cars behind him blocking the road, and the van he drove couldn't get out at all, and Yanhuang approached slowly at this time.

Step by step, the blood mark is clear and the killing intent is obvious.

Seeing that the overall situation had been set, Canshou left Ye Tianlong to make up for the wounded. Today's melee is at this point, and he definitely can't let the enemy go back alive.


Unable to run, Xu Laogu got up in hysterics, re-engaged, and when he stepped on the accelerator, the van crashed into Yanhuang of the blood gourd like crazy.

Yan Huang looked at the car coldly, but he didn't dodge or fear, on the contrary, he continued to move forward...

"Go to die! Go to die—"

Xu Laogou fell into chaos, into madness.

The car rushed to Yan Huang in an instant, and when he was about to hit it, Yan Huang suddenly bounced up, lying on the windshield like a leaf.

Four eyes face each other.

Xu Laogou became even more crazy. When he was about to step on the gas pedal, Yanhuang suddenly raised his hand and slapped a long arrow through the right window.


The car window shattered, and the arrow went unabated, piercing Xu Laogou's head.

A burst of blood shot out, Xu Laogou's body was shaken, his head was covered with blood, his eyes were angry and unwilling, and then he fell to the steering wheel.

He never thought that he would die today, or die in Yanhuang's hands like this.


When Xu Laogo lost his vitality on the steering wheel, the van maintained a forward attitude and slammed into the isolation pillar.

There was a loud noise, the exhausted Yanhuang shook, and then he fell to the grass.

Yanhuang jumped out of the sky more than 30 meters, and then fell to the ground like a big stupid chicken, just hitting Ye Tianlong's back.

His head hit the ground with a ‘bang’, and another burst of blood burst out, splashing all over.

The blood red of Yan Huang's eyes slowly dissipated, and the murderous intent and ruthlessness were all gone, only a touch of depth...

Many things smashed into Yan Huang's mind like a sharp sword...

Ye Tianlong heard the movement, but ignored Yanhuang's life and death. Now is the critical moment for the rescue of Lean. He can't be distracted.

And he also knew that assassins like Yanhuang were never domineering, and their most important thing was to survive.

So as long as there is a breath, Ye Tianlong believes that Yanhuang can survive.

"Don't move."

Ye Tianlong saw that Le An’s good mood had a wave of emotions. He obviously saw Yanhuang who was seriously injured. He hurriedly signaled her not to move:

"You are seriously injured, the fetus is also very dangerous, and the mood swings are too great, and accidents are likely to happen."

Le An bit his lip, and shifted his gaze away from Yan Huang.

Ye Tianlong continued to give Le'an a good treatment, stabilizing the broken ribs and piercing the abdomen, and then allowing blood to circulate normally, so as not to affect the development of the fetus...

Just as Ye Tianlong dropped the last stitch, a cold sharp weapon was silently pressed against his back, and then a cruel and cold voice came:

"Ye... Tianlong!"

Ye Tianlong squeezed the hand of the Dingtian Divine Needle, and stopped instantly...

Yanhuang's tone! ! !

Upon seeing Le Anhao subconsciously shouted: "Dafu, what are you doing?"

"Dafu is dead."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "He is now Yanhuang."

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