Talented Genius

Chapter 1679: Full moon wine

Chapter 1679: Full Moon Wine

Ye Tianlong didn't look for any restaurant, so he found a small shop nearby to sit down and ordered half a dozen beer and peanuts.

Yan Huang took a bottle of beer and joked: "I heard that you made a lot of money back to China, and your net worth is hundreds of billions, so you just invite me to drink?"

"I do have a lot of money, but I also have a lot of people to raise."

Ye Tianlong replied unceremoniously: "You are also the president, don't you know that your subordinates will not only kill people, but also eat?"

"That's true."

Yan Huang bit open the lid of the beer: "My 3,000-odd brother, it costs more than 3 billion yuan every year, let alone your bunch of people?"

"It's just that I am a little puzzled. You can clearly establish the world's number one mercenary organization, but why do you play the most unskilled underworld?"

"The gangs not only have low combat effectiveness, but they are also often sheared by the government. The policy risk is too great."

Yan Huang was puzzled: "You have worked so hard for ten years, and you may become a polished commander overnight."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "You are not the number one bank in Africa, or the number one armed force in Africa. No matter how bad you are, you are also the number one killer."

"Is there any area that can be developed for me? Almost no more, so I can only get some capital in the gang."

Ye Tianlong said leisurely: "This can be regarded as the countryside surrounding the city. Although it is not as tall as you, the money is definitely not worse than you."

Yan Huang poured a sip of beer into his mouth, feeling the cold and refreshing taste: "I know that the Huaxia Gang has money, but it's too risky."

"This kind of insecure thing, no matter how much money is, it is a vain."

He smiled faintly: "Actually, you can go back to be the king of soldiers, anyway, your name has already been blown out, and if you use a banner, a bunch of people will die."

Hearing this sentence, a frustration appeared on Ye Tianlong's face: "I just blown my head too far, I am the first soldier, so I can't go back."

"Although I have a banner for many people to take refuge in, but you have to know that there are more mercenaries who want to kill me and become famous."

"After all, it is not easy to be famous in the mercenary world. It requires countless difficult tasks to accumulate."

"Now that there is a shortcut to become famous by killing me, can you imagine how many new mercenaries killed me?"

Ye Tianlong beat his chest and his feet: "I really shouldn't have blown my head too far. If you get a second and third soldier to do it, then there is no potential danger."

"So I'll stay in China, this is a forbidden place for world mercenaries, they won't find here to kill me."

He exhaled a long breath: "When the reputation is weaker someday, I will go back to Africa for a stroll."

Yan Huang passed a smile on his face indifferently: "Your navy won't disband, I'm afraid it won't be weak in this life."

"Okay, don't talk about me, talk about you."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "I heard that Concubine Yan said that your assassin organization has changed. Someone is going to build a hill. Don't you go back and preside over the overall situation?"

"If something goes wrong inside the organization, not only will you be unstable as the president of the Killer Alliance, but you will also stay away from your dream of the world's number one killer organization."

He intentionally or unintentionally added: "I think you should settle them down earlier."

"Don't break or stand."

A gleam in Yanhuang's eyes: "If the whole organization is in trouble because of my absence for a few months, what's the point of such an organization?"

"It's a good thing to have an abnormality. When the conflict comes out, I can clean it efficiently. Although it will be painful, it will make them more pure."

"Maybe I am a little far from my No. 1 dream in the world, but as long as the team is clean and pure, it will always reach the spire of gold."

Yanhuang was as strong as ever, as if as long as he had a breath, he could hold on to the final victory.

"It seems to make sense, forget it, I also said, I believe you have a sense of measure."

Ye Tianlong applauded: "I just have to say, your ideal is very good, the best in the world, what a passion."

Yanhuang's fingers rubbed the cold wine bottle: "My ideal is indeed passionate, but it is also difficult, but it is not as interesting as you."

"As long as I live, I will marry forty wives and five thousand offspring."

Yanhuang poured a sip of wine: "I thought you were really an idiot at the time. Can this kind of innocent thought be the ideal of adult life?"

Ye Tianlong grabbed a handful of flower rice: "I want to shout a few tall slogans like you, but there is no way, that is really my heartfelt voice."

"Golden mountain and silver mountain, not as good as my pink mountain."

He snapped the peanuts in one bite: "Wives and concubines are in groups, children and grandchildren are all over the house, and the blood is all over the world, what a life achievement?"

"Think about those younger generations who go to Eagle Country, England, East Asia, and Bear Country. It's great to have their own brothers and sisters in any country."

"It can also reduce many international conflicts."

"For example, my Toyo grandson provokes my son Nan Han, who is about to roll up his sleeves and do something. My Toyo grandson will say, my grandfather Ye Tianlong."

"When my son Nan Han heard it, he also said that my father is also Ye Tianlong, and then everyone has a pair of genealogy, and the hatred disappears immediately, and the uncle and nephew are healed."

Ye Tianlong smiled triumphantly: "Look, world peace, I also contribute."

Yan Huang almost spit out the wine. Although he had known each other for eighteen years, he was still shocked by Ye Tianlong's shamelessness.

"It's a pity that telling the truth comes at a price."

Ye Tianlong's conversation turned: "Not only was the three of you laughed at for several years, but also was beaten up by the concubine."

"She hates iron but not steel."

Yanhuang snorted: "You are the most talented and spiritually rooted, but your ideals are the most vulgar. How can you not be disappointed if Concubine spoils you so much?"

"The four of us are so good, but sister concubine likes you the most."

"I beat you up and searched our wounds, and then personally applied your wounds, and even secretly boiled a cup of bird's nest for you."

He had a trace of envy: "She thought she would give you a drink in the middle of the night and no one would know. Actually, the three of us have seen her behavior."

"We can't wait for it to be beaten by ourselves."

Ye Tianlong swallowed peanuts and coughed: "This...didn't the concubine also cook food for you?"

"Tomato and egg noodles, plus black sesame seeds. Didn't the concubine make it for you on your birthday?"

He eased the atmosphere between the two.

"Birthday cooking noodles is a treat for everyone, but the gentle concubine sister treats you only for you."

Yanhuang's expression returned to calmness: "Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's go on, I want to fight again."

Ye Tianlong smiled and raised the wine bottle: "Come on, have a drink."


The two touched the wine bottle, and then drank a bottom up. Ye Tianlong grabbed a handful of peanuts and turned to the topic:

"Let's talk, what are you looking for me this time?"

Yanhuang was straightforward: "I want to take Anhao mother and son."

Ye Tianlong shook his head gently: "She is hurt now and in a bad mood, you still don't disturb her, otherwise the fetus will really not be able to keep it."

"I know, but I really want to take her away."

Yanhuang picked up another bottle of wine: "I originally thought that she was just a passer-by in my life, just like other women."

"But I don't know why, when she left me that day, I suddenly felt sad."

There is a touch of loneliness on his face: "I think I love her."

The master was right. Only when you are drunk you know that the wine is strong, but you know when you are painful.

Ye Tianlong reminded: "But she doesn't love Yanhuang, she likes Ah Fu."

Yanhuang nodded slightly: "I know, so I want to take her back to Africa. I will let her slowly fall in love with Yanhuang."

"She won't follow me, I'm not in the mood to go back to Africa at all."

He looked at Ye Tianlong: "You let me see her, and I will persuade her to follow me."

Ye Tianlong shook his head again: "I can't promise you this. I have to say hello to her first. She wants to see you, and I will arrange for you to meet again."

Yanhuang was silent for a while, then nodded: "Okay, you help me persuade her, I really want to be nice to her and the child."

"After all, she is the second woman who tempted me, and in such a difficult situation, she never left me."

He used to despise the love of his children the most, but now he can't erase the good shadow of Le An in his heart.

"Okay, I will try my best."

Ye Tianlong poured another sip of wine: "It depends on your good luck."

"This is my number, contact me if you have news."

Yanhuang finished another bottle of wine, and then left a number: "If she is willing to go with me, I owe you a favor."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Le An to become a moderator for him and Yan Huang, which loosened the situation between the two of them.

Yanhuang got up and prepared to leave, but suddenly remembered something, turned his head to look at Ye Tianlong:

"By the way, you want the five points of Lei's shares that Concubine took from Han Di. Han Di already knows that you want it."

"He also knows that you are in Ancheng."

Yanhuang reminded Ye Tianlong: "With the face of Concubine, he will not ruin your good deeds of Lei Shi, but he is likely to kill you."

"You know, he is a local rich man with amazing connections, especially after his involvement with the Jin family, Crocodile Bank is very fierce to penetrate China."

"When you say hello, many people have killed you, so be careful when you go in and out recently."

After speaking, Yan Huang walked forward slowly, walking towards the distance with a face of silence...

When it was about to disappear, Yan Huang's sentence came from a distance again:

"If you can live until the child is born, I think, I will buy you full moon wine."

Ye Tianlong smiled and drank the wine in the bottle in one sip. He knew that he had no grievances with Yanhuang anymore...

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