Talented Genius

Chapter 1721: General's Wind

At 1:30 noon, in the pavilion in the back garden, six dishes and one soup are placed on the large stone table, and the aroma is overflowing.

One turbot, one steam pot chicken, one marinated pork ribs, one fish-flavored shredded pork, one fried beef, one green vegetable, and a plate of lotus root soup.

There were five people sitting on the stone table, Zhao Ditian, Ye Tianlong, Shen Tianmei, Lu Yuanjia, and Zhanqinglou.

Ye Tianlong returned from Africa with Shen Tianmei, and arrived at the capital at the first stop. He went straight to Ditianju just after getting off the plane, and shouted that he wanted to eat rich dishes.

Zhao Ditian made a table of dishes for Ye Tianlong himself.

When Lu Yuanjia felt that it was rare to see Emperor Zhao's World Cookery, Ye Tianlong had already finished drinking the wine in his glass, and then took his chopsticks and tasted it.

"Brother, this chicken is really delicious, really you made it yourself?"

"I don't feel like it, you, like a rich man, can cook chicken in a steam pot?"

"This beef is not good, it's a bit old, it should be half a minute less."

"Fish-flavored shredded pork is okay. If it's very good, it can be scored eight points."

Ye Tianlong tasted all the dishes, and quickly gave an evaluation: "Brother, this table is on the upper side, you have to continue to work hard."

The original solemnity and restraint of Shen Tianmei and Zhan Qinglou disappeared in Ye Tianlong's interrogation, and the atmosphere gradually became harmonious.

"Little bastard."

When Zhao Ditian burst into a kind smile, Zhan Qinglou reached out his hand and patted Ye Tianlong's forehead, and snorted with a grin:

"Lao Zhao hasn't cooked for decades, and you finally made a meal to reward you. You still picked it up."

Although Zhan Qinglou looked blamed, her brows were filled with pampering and pride. Invisibly, she really regarded Ye Tianlong as her younger brother.

Lu Yuanjia also smiled and echoed: "Yes, I have been with Zhao Lao for so long, this is the first time I have eaten his cooking."

Zhao Ditian laughed loudly: "It seems that you have to thank Tianlong."

Ye Tianlong looked at Zhao Ditian with a look of surprise: "I haven't cooked for decades? Brother, you are too lazy, this can't work."

"Someday Sister Brothel is married, and no one is cooking with you, don't you want to be hungry and full?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and added:

"I suggest that you do not have time to cook a few more meals in the future, first, you can exercise your mind and muscles, and second, you can enjoy a bit of food."

Ye Tianlong encouraged Zhao Ditian: "You make a medium level for the first time, and if you do it a few more times, you will definitely reach 90% of my level."

Shen Tianmei gave Ye Tianlong a white look: "Tianlong, it's blowing again? You can cook, and the sows will go up the tree."

"Lao Zhao has everything to do, how could he waste time in the kitchen?"

She smiled and hit Ye Tianlong: "You thought it was you, looking for flowers and beauty all day long."

Ye Tianlong held the jade hand pinched to his waist and smiled: "You don't understand, do you? The more a person who manages everything, the more he has to go to the kitchen."

"One is that you can change the scene to make your mind clearer, and the other is that the ancients said that governing the country is like cooking Xiaoxian, and cooking Xiaoxian is cooking."

He swayed: "If you can't do a single dish, you will be in a hurry to govern the country. After all, the heat, size, and ingredients are the same."

Zhao Ditian laughed loudly when he heard this: "Although Tianlong talks nonsense all day, it makes sense to have to say this."

"Okay, as long as you often come to Ditianju in the future, I will often cook for you."

Zhao Ditian patted Ye Tianlong on the shoulder: "You can't do heavy work. Cooking rice is still okay."

There was kindness in his eyes, he was serious for a lifetime, and he usually smiled with majesty, and now he can be so happy because of Ye Tianlong.

In the past, people and things were cold and organized. Now these days, it seems messy and nonsense, but it makes him feel warm.

Therefore, Zhao Ditian is also willing to cherish the boy in front of him.

Ye Tianlong said to Shen Tianmei: "Did you see it? Big brother is big brother. It's all right. If you want to eat rice in the future, remember to find me."

Shen Tianmei withdrew her hand back: "I really thought I was right? Mr. Zhao just spoiled you."

"Old Zhao, you don't need to spoil him too much, otherwise his tail will be up to the sky."

She picked up her chopsticks and added: "Next time he wants you to cook, you just ask him to keep the door behind."

Zhao Ditian and Lu Yuanjia laughed again when they heard the words, and then they drank and ate food. The atmosphere was very warm and harmonious.

When Shen Tianmei poured a glass of red wine for everyone, Ye Tianlong glanced at Zhan Qinglou: "Sister Qing, have my misfortune been settled?"

"nailed it."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's question, Zhan Qinglou prodded him again, and said in a huff, "You, you are really a troublemaker, you just got off the plane and made trouble."

"I can't do anything, I'm a righteous person, and I don't want to bully the weak. If you want to bully, it's usually me."

Ye Tianlong smiled and took the topic: "By the way, Sister Qing, what is the origin of those guys? The powerful children of Australia City?"

"You, regardless of their origin, don't be so impulsive in the future."

Zhan Qinglou's face was helpless: "I thought you had experienced so much maturity, but I didn't expect to be still childish, really a child who didn't grow up."

Ye Tianlong put a piece of chicken into the Zhan Qinglou: "It's good if you don't grow up. When you grow up, you won't feel sorry for me haha."

Zhan Qinglou snorted: "I'm looking after Mr. Zhao's face to take care of you, otherwise I would kick you away early."

"Well, this matter, Tianlong was a little impulsive, but it was not deliberately making trouble, and there was no serious injury or death."

Zhao Ditian smiled and put an end to the matter: "This matter has been resolved, so don't mention it again. I'm happy today. Drink and eat food."

Zhan Qinglou sighed slightly: "Lao Zhao, you just spoil him too much, making him more and more cocky."

"Okay, let's not talk about it."

Lu Yuanjia smiled and picked up the wine glass, and then shouted to Ye Tianlong: "Tianlong, you have worked hard this time."

"If it weren't for you, we would still have a headache how to break the game."

He smiled brightly: "Come on, I toast you a glass, thank you for bringing the beautiful and peaceful back."

Shen Tianmei's pretty face became gentle: "God, I have already thanked him, so you don't have to be polite."

Lu Yuanjia smiled and waved his hand: "That's different. You are you and I am me. This is what your godmother meant."

"Uncle Lu, you're out of here."

Ye Tianlong smiled and picked up the wine glass: "Everyone is their own, why should you be so polite? I should help you, and you should help me, isn't it right?"

Lu Yuanjia felt that Ye Tianlong had dug a hole for himself, but couldn't think of a problem: "You are right, everyone is a family."

"You help me, I help you..."

He suddenly discovered the pit, so he immediately skipped: "In any case, you saved Tianmei, it is worth my toast, come, drink."

"Uncle Lu is kind, so respectful is worse than fate."

Ye Tianlong touched Lu Yuanjia, and then they drank cleanly.

Shen Tianmei poured wine on him gently.

"Tianlong, not only did you save people beautifully this time, you also handled the Ufidu situation very well."

Zhao Ditian sat up slightly and smiled and threw out: "You hijacked Hemanra to keep yourself safe, and you let him release Hahatu and the others."

"This avoids the situation where dragons have no leader and kill each other."

"Then you support Hahatu to regain power, abolish Hemanra's limbs instead of killing them, to demonstrate the official benevolence of Hahatu."

"Let the military not feel that after the autumn is settled, the fish will die and the net will be broken, and the people will not worry about the arrival of the cleaning storm.

Zhao Ditian said with a hint of approval: "Tianlong, you are proficient and smooth in handling things, and you are very general."

"Wait a minute!"

Ye Tianlong hurriedly interrupted Zhao Ditian's praise, with a vigilance on his face.

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