Talented Genius

Chapter 1732: Kill with a knife (four more)

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Beijing Hospital, intensive care unit, 808.

Although it was already time to sleep, Bao Jinyi and the others were not sleepy at all. The twenty-odd people were all crowded in the ward.

They looked sad and angry, looking at the mushroom head on the hospital bed and Bao Jinyi on the sofa.

The mushroom-headed arms have been corrected. They are wrapped in plaster like a rocket launcher, and Bao Jinyi's fingers are one size bigger, and his energy is a little sluggish.

After the nurse put the anti-inflammatory potion on Bao Jinyi and the mushroom head, the woman with sunglasses stood up and threw a sentence to the twenty-odd person:

"You all go out, it’s not good for the patient to squeeze here with poor air circulation.

Her words were as cold as ever, and with an indescribable majesty, the son of the rich family in the 20s looked at each other and left meekly.

The room quickly became quiet and empty, leaving only the woman with sunglasses, Bao Jinyi, mushroom head and garlic nose.

Bao Jinyi squeezed out a cigar, wanted to light it but remembered that it was a hospital, so he had to dangle it in his mouth and enjoy it. Then he looked at the girl in sunglasses and said:

"Yu Ge, why do you want to stop high school seniors from shooting?"

"Although that kid is a bit tricky, as long as they rush to the senior high school, plus eight bodyguards to help out, 90% can knock them down."

"Even if there are still variables, if you and I press on it again, they must fall."

He spoke with a touch of arrogance: "You and I join hands, who can be the enemy?"

Mushroom head also coughed: "That is, we are so many and powerful, and we have strong force. Why should we bear it?"

"Yu Ge, you seem to be afraid of them?"

He broke his arms, holding a grievance in his heart: "What are they worth our fear?"

The garlic nose nodded: "Last time he had hit me, and this time he hurt Bao Shao and Xue Shao. We can just trample him to death."

"It's so dingy to get out of the scene. Known by the Gangcheng and Taicheng gangs, it is estimated that we will laugh for three to five years."

He remembered that Ye Tianlong was endless resentment.

The girl with sunglasses picked up an apple and slowly peeled the skin off with a fruit knife: "I know you hate that guy, and I want to slap him twice."

"But he can break Xue Mingli's arms with one shot, and he can use small means to injure Bao Jinyi. Do you think he is really an ordinary character?"

"I can tell you that his skill is better than any of you."

The sunglasses girl paused: "Even I am not sure to beat him."

"So everyone rushed forward to arouse his ferocity and let him go on a murderous predicament. Not only would many of his companions be injured, but you would also be very dangerous."

Her white wrist flicked, and the apple peel flew into the trash can.

She briefly recalled Ye Tianlong's shot in the billiard room and gave a strength comparison she thought.

Mushroom Head and Garlic Head lost their voice in surprise: "Yu Ge, you can't beat him?"

In the circle of the younger generation in Australia, Bao Jinyi is the number one male, the woman with sunglasses is the number one female, and the girl with sunglasses is even better.

The fact is also true. Few of the major observances guarding the casino are opponents of girls in sunglasses.

Therefore, when she heard that she could not defeat Ye Tianlong, Jin and Mushroom Tou had to be surprised.

"At least you cannot win within a hundred moves."

When Bao Jinyi frowned slightly, the girl with sunglasses added another sentence:

"This is not the most important thing. The important thing is that the kid has a background and is not inferior to us."

Bao Jinyi was taken aback for a moment: "Why did you say this?"

Mushroom head and garlic nose also looked at the girl in sunglasses, with a touch of surprise on his face, it seemed a little surprised that Ye Tianlong had a prominent background.

"That kid knocked over three gold medals on the controlled road two days ago."

The girl with sunglasses remained as calm as she said: "His behavior is not only to slap us in the face, but also to embarrass the Huaxia official."

"According to the usual practice, even if he doesn't get caught for a year and a half, he will be fined and apologize to senior senior gold."

"But you see him, not only eating, drinking and having fun as usual, but also dare to challenge us in public. What does it mean?"

The woman in sunglasses made a judgment: "It shows that he has an amazing background, and he is not inferior to ours."

"This is also true. The police have always apologized for the crash, but they haven't given us a satisfactory explanation until now."

She said in a cold tone: "Do you think that the Beijing police can't catch people?"

Bao Jinyi and the others nodded subconsciously, obviously Mo Yuge made sense.

The fact is also true. The officials gave them good food and drink, and promised to arrest Ye Tianlong as soon as possible, but there was no news of Ye Tianlong.

Mushroom head looked at his arms and said angrily: "Is it because he has a little background, so we have lost this loss for nothing?"

"There are people behind him, and we also have the background. Are the six big gambling kings paper tigers?"

Thinking of Ye Tianlong interrupting the arrogance of his arms, he could not wait to explode Ye Tianlong's head himself, no matter what Ye Tianlong's background is.

Bao Jinyi leaned on the sofa and said softly: "Yes, we are no worse than others."

"And I'm sure, that kid is not from the five big family, otherwise he won't be on our list."

Senior senior Jin rolled up his sleeves and shouted: "That is, we are not inferior to the background, and we have always been united..."

Mo Yuge shook his head lightly: "You are wrong. I said he has an extraordinary background, not that we are afraid of them."

"It's a hard rock. If we step on it by ourselves, our feet will definitely hurt."

Xue Mingli disagreed: "Don't you step on it if you are afraid of the pain? As long as you can smash it, what does the pain mean?"

Mo Yuge sighed faintly, "I mean, we don't need to touch this hard rock ourselves."

She raised the fruit knife in her hand: "We have knives, why use our feet?"

Senior three Jin and Xue Mingli were slightly startled: "What do you mean?"

"I know what Yu Ge meant."

Bao Jinyi's inspiration suddenly flashed, as if he had figured out something, he let out a hearty laugh:

"We are the people invited by the government. We have suffered such suffering and injuries today. Isn't the government obligated to seek justice for us?"

Mo Yuge nodded, his voice as cold as ever:

"We don't need to act on our own, just pretend to be a little miserable and let the six big families unite to put pressure on the government."

"The official will definitely hit that kid."

"No matter what his background or reasons, Ye Tianlong broke Xue Shao's arms, Bao Shao pointed, and the official will give us an explanation."

"Although it's better to step on people with official hands, it's a riskless move."

The corner of the girl's mouth in sunglasses evokes an arc:

"The most important thing is that you can take a look at Baishikang's attitude..."

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