Talented Genius

Chapter 1738: Day Tiger and Wolf Walk

When Bai Shikang put away the phone, his face became more gloomy.

"Happiness and anger are invisible, this is the city that a superior person should have."

The old man from the Rong family standing next to the desk splashing pens and ink, while drew sharply on it, while quietly throwing out a sentence:

"Shi Kang, you sit in this position today, the horizontal and vertical comparisons are all outstanding, but you are still close to the last bit of a sharp heart."

The pen in his hand is very old, it is a writing brush from the 1980s, and the word "Rong Shengli" is engraved on the pen barrel. It is old and antique, but his pen is like flying:

"This is also the main reason why I suggested that you abandon officialdom and go into business."

"You have too much blood, arrogance, and anger in your bones, and these are the things that are most afraid of being an official."

"Because your opponent will take advantage of your weakness and deliberately stimulate you to provoke you from time to time, making you impulsive or beyond the rules."

Rong Shengli's voice was low and low: "So you are not suitable for climbing."

"Even if you climb up, you will fall down very quickly, and those old foxes can beat you down without blood."

Rong Shengli's words are earnest: "Not accepting defeat, not reconciled, is the taboo of being an official. Going with the trend and kneeling against the trend is the king."

Baishi Kang respectfully said: "Rong Lao teaches that."

"I saw your weakness in the first place, so I asked you to abandon officialdom and go into business."

The old man is as sharp as teaching his own children: "The taboo of not admitting defeat in officialdom can become an advantage in the mall."

"It's just that this is only suitable for fighting the world. Now the Bai Group is one of the few important enterprises, and you are also the governor of a province."

Rong Shengli had a reproach in his eyes: "I don't want you to be smooth and without any edges, but you can't put your joy and anger on your face."

"The sky is falling, the ground is sinking, or even dying, you have to stay calm."

The old man made a sound when he landed: "Furrying can't save anything, but being calm can keep you sensible. Even if you die, you will die with dignity."

Bai Shikang's eyelids twitched: "Lao Rong taught that Shi Kang must be temperamental."

Rong Shengli was very pleased, and then the conversation turned: "With such a bad complexion, did Ye Tianlong calculate it again?"

"Old Rong wise."

Bai Shikang did not conceal the slightest: "Ye Tianlong slapped the Haojiang Wealthy Group in the face, and they were invited by the Bai family."

"As a result, there were two consecutive conflicts with Ye Tianlong, and the nephews of the Xue family, Bao family, and Gao family were all injured."

"Xue Mingli even broke his arms. The six big gambling kings put pressure on me and broke my project in Australia. I always have to do something."

Bai Shikang said of his situation: "Otherwise, not only will the Bai family's face be lost, but the Bai family's interests will also be seriously damaged."

"Plus, I used to have a conflict between the Xiao family and Ye Tianlong, so this time I will prepare a little trick to deal with him."

Bai Shikang added: "Of course, I didn't want his life, after all, Zhao Ditian and Lu Yuanjia are involved."

"There are capable people in Haojiang,"

Rong Shengli's eyes narrowed slightly: "After suffering such a big loss, those Haojiang dandies didn't tear them with their own hands, but borrowed the sharp knife of the Huaxia official."

"It seems that the younger generation of Haojiang also has a few good seedlings."

Rong Shengli had a slight smile: "I feel a little bit of officialdom, maybe I should meet them."

He wants to find a better agent.

Bai Shikang replied with a wry smile: "I know they used my knife to deal with Ye Tianlong."

"But I am the organizer after all, it is impossible to close my eyes, and the officials are afraid of Mr. Zhao and can't do much."

"I arranged for a group of people, and also sent my capable secretary in, trying to seduce Ye Tianlong and give him a lifetime of shame."

It's a pity that those **** hunks didn't use it for Shiraishi Kang: "But I didn't expect that he ate my bait and spit out a fish hook."

"You underestimate Ye Tianlong."

Rong Shengli continued to sketch his heart totem on the rice paper: "You shouldn't use small means to deal with him."

"He himself crawled out of the pile of dead people, gritted his teeth and lived one step at a time to this day, what three teachings and nine liu have not seen?"

"Your little tricks are already bad for him."

Rong Shengli made a summary unceremoniously: "So you don't have to expect success in this action."

"Old Rong is right."

Bai Shikang gently pushed the gold-framed glasses: "I was careless."

"You want to deal with Ye Tianlong, haven't you seen his information?"

Rong Shengli's pen is still walking, but it still makes people unable to see what he is painting: "Have you not studied his strength?"

Bai Shikang was taken aback for a moment, and then he sighed: "I have read it, and it is precisely because I have read his information that I don't think he should be worried."

Rong Shengli smiled meaningfully: "You don't believe the information you found?"

Shiraishi was taken aback, then took the topic:

"He has killed forty presidents and participated in 30 mutinies. Tian Huang was seriously ill because of his poison, and he was responsible for the imprisonment of the former president of Nan Han."

"The Hei family, the prince of Manchester, the Wolverine, the **** of death, and the overlord of the Qi family are all homicides. He also carried a bazooka seven times in and out of the Red House and the White House."

Bai Shikang's eyes narrowed slightly: "I really can't believe these things that are more exaggerated than the headlines."

"Convince yourself, believe it all."

Rong Shengli gave a light sentence: "Only in this way can you deal with Ye Tianlong, otherwise your next actions will still fail."

Bai Shikang frowned: "Old Rong looks at him so highly?"

Rong Shengli replied lightly: "If he has no outstanding points, how could I let him protect Lin Chenxue in the first place?"

"Shi Kang, your grandfather and I were married to my brother at the beginning, and you were entrusted to me by him to take care of you. I can be regarded as watching you grow up."

"Although he has already left, the Rong family and the Bai family have a lot of conflicts, but my true feelings for the Bai family have not changed."

"Perhaps you only think of me as an elder, but in my heart, I always think of you as a half son, and every word is for your good."

"So I dared to persuade you to leave when your career was the most prosperous."

There was a gleam in his eyes: "Today, I still remind you, don't underestimate Ye Tianlong."

When the voice fell, Rong Shengli moved his pen like flying, and he simply hooked a few strokes on the rice paper, and then the pen tip fell directly on the upper right.


The original loose portrait instantly became compact and agile, a murderous lone wolf was vivid, the rice paper flicked, and the sound of wolf howling was faint.

There are two more lines of poems above: Tigers and wolves walk in the day, dragons and dragons in the sky!

Bai Shikang's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but praise: "Good painting, good poem, Rong Lao is really a genius."

"Give it to you."

Rong Shengli gave the lone wolf to Bai Shikang: "In my heart, you are the true arrogant of China."

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