Talented Genius

Chapter 1798: Finally dead

"Looking at Shen Tianmei!"

At this time, many security guards and police officers rushed over, and Wu Ningbing who happened to have a dinner nearby also appeared, with four or five plainclothes nearby.

Ye Tianlong didn't wait for her to ask a question, so he handed Shen Tianmei to her, and then rushed out of the building, with a clear goal towards the Golden Cat Building not far away.

Wu Ningbing shouted at his back, "Ye Tianlong, where are you going? What are you going to do?"

It's just that Ye Tian's dragon head didn't turn back, and he didn't answer. Instead, he quickened his pace and quickly disappeared from her vision.

Wu Ningbing could only hate this brother-in-law, and then yelled two plainclothes to follow him to help, so that Ye Tianlong had someone to use.

The two middle-aged plainclothes quickly caught up.


Don't worry about Shen Tianmei's safety, Ye Tianlong completely let go, like an assault cheetah, with a flexible body shape.

Like a gust of wind, he overturned the car, jumped over the grass, and crossed the railing. It didn't take long before he appeared downstairs in the Golden Cat Building.

Ye Tianlong had been sniped by the opponent one after another just now, and Ye Tianlong had basically locked the opponent's position.

Although the sniper may have already left, or got caught in the vast sea, Ye Tianlong still needs to do something.

If the assassin came at him, Ye Tianlong might slowly cat and catch the mouse, but this battle tonight is clearly aimed at Shen Tianmei.

Ye Tianlong will never allow this risk to exist.

Standing in the square in front of the Golden Cat Building, Ye Tianlong did not rush into the roof, but glanced at the crowd who stopped to watch the explosion.

The gunfire has not sounded, and the sniper has gone downstairs in 80%. Instead of rushing to the rooftop, it is better to catch the suspicious person upstairs.

Although there are many people strolling in the square, it is not too difficult to locate suspicious people.

After walking around the square, Ye Tianlong's light suddenly caught that, outside the crowd on the west side, a woman in black glanced over here.

Afterwards, she left with a guitar case, very low-key and very stable, but it was the indifference that made Ye Tianlong squinted.

The TV station exploded so much, but the woman in black didn't care, it didn't match the natural curiosity of human beings.


In any case, Ye Tianlong decided to meet each other for a while, so he quickly walked through the crowd and chased the woman in black:

"Wait a minute."

The black-dressed woman's clothes and hat cover her facial features, but her back and steps can clearly show her youthful ability.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's drink, not only did she not stop, but instead continued to walk forward.

At this time, two middle-aged plainclothes also rushed over and heard Ye Tianlong shouting to the black-clothed woman.

They glanced at the black-clothed woman, ran to block each other's way, and a fatter plainclothes said:

"Hello, we are the police, please show me..."

Before the words were finished, the black-clothed woman's eyes cold, with a cold murderous intent, making the fat man's plainclothes forward unstoppable.

Before he could stand firm, he saw a palm patted over.

Fluttering, hit in the chest.


The fat man in plain clothes could clearly hear the sound of the fracture, and then he felt the pain of his heart. He could no longer suppress his throat, and he spewed out a few big mouthfuls of blood.

Then, the black-clad woman walked past him calmly, kicking another thin plainclothes.

The thin plainclothes fell backwards like a kite, knocking over the seven or eight people behind them and throwing them into a ball.

The woman in black didn't even look back, leaping over them and running forward.

The crowd screamed and the scene was chaotic.

"Want to run?"

The more killing intent in Ye Tianlong's eyes, he chased the opponent like an arrow: "It's not that easy."

Although the panicked people made the scene chaotic, Ye Tianlong was not pulled away by the opponent, and his eyes were always locked in the black woman.

Just when he left the Golden Cat Plaza and turned into a street, a glass door of a clothing store was pushed open, and a young girl walked out.

It happened to block Ye Tianlong's way.

When Ye Tianlong was about to bypass her, a chill instantly rose.


The sixth sense tightened again.

Ye Tianlong's body moved to the side.

A cold light burst.

The young girl blocking the way had fierce eyes, and a dagger in her hand stabbed Ye Tianlong's abdomen like an electric flash.

Mutation, ferocious!

There is no doubt that this is the personnel after the break.

The action of the young girl cannot be said to be sudden, and it also carries a bit of viciousness. When ordinary people are attacked by her like this, 80% of them will die by her sword.

It's a pity that she met Ye Tianlong.


When the dagger touched the clothes, it couldn't make any more points, and the young girl's hand was jammed like Ye Tianlong's iron hoop.

Then, Ye Tianlong snapped abruptly, forcibly breaking her wrist bone, and at the same time sending the dagger into her heart.

The young girl died.

Ye Tianlong didn't even look at it, and drew the dagger out, then jumped over her body, staring at the black-clothed woman in the distance and chasing.

Halfway through the chase, another middle-aged man came out of the teller machine with a large stack of banknotes in his hand.

When Ye Tianlong was about to approach him, the middle-aged man gave way to the side. The banknotes in his hand accidentally dropped, and the ground was red with hundred yuan bills.

When Ye Tianlong looked down instinctively, the middle-aged man's arm shook and a pocket pistol fell into his palm from his cuff.

He pointed at Ye Tianlong with an electric flash, ready to kill the latter on the spot.

The middle-aged man's actions are not unpleasant, not unsudden.

However, Ye Tianlong, who had been tensing his nerves, was faster. Before the middle-aged man had time to pull the trigger, Ye Tianlong's right hand shook suddenly.


The sharp dagger shot out like a poisonous snake, and it pierced the middle-aged man's throat.

The middle-aged man shook his body, and then fell to the ground, dying.

The black-clothed woman who came to the corner again took a subconscious look and saw the middle-aged man fall down, her eyelids twitched, and then flashed away.

Ye Tianlong jumped over the body of the middle-aged man, grabbed the blood-stained gun on the ground, and pursued the black-clothed woman at full speed.


When Ye Tianlong rushed through the corner, he saw the woman in black rushing forward, rushing to a car with the door open extremely fast.

A man with a mask sat in the driver's seat and kept shouting to the woman in black: "Quick, quick, quick!"

It seems to be running away.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong threw his legs to chase, the black-clothed woman fired three shots backhand, Ye Tianlong rolled on the spot, avoiding three bullets like a civet.

The woman in black was taken aback for a moment, as if she didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be so agile, and then three shots fired again.

Ye Tianlong avoided the bullet again, then stretched out to narrow the distance between the two sides, and then raised his hand to shoot two shots.


Two gunshots sounded and the rear wheels of the car exploded almost simultaneously, causing the car to shake.

Then there was another shot. Ye Tianlong directly hit the driver's head. With a shot headshot, the man with the mask shook himself and died lying on the steering wheel.


In the next second, Ye Tianlong fired a fourth shot, hitting the woman in black who was furiously pushing the car door.


The bullet hit her head, causing her to fall back into the car with a bang, and the gun in her hand to fall and fly out.

Killing the woman in black, Ye Tianlong got up from the ground, but didn't rush to the side of the corpse stupidly, but slowly approached with the gun in a circle.

Just as Ye Tianlong was worried, when he approached the taxi, he heard the sound of ‘dididi’ again in his ears.

Ye Tianlong ran away.


The car exploded, leaving no bones.

Ye Tianlong looked at a sea of ​​flames and exhaled a long breath:

"Damn! Jiang Canxue is finally dead..."

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