Talented Genius

Chapter 1825: Engagement Banquet


Jiang Ziran grabbed five stacks of banknotes from the passenger seat and slammed them into Ye Tianlong's arms:

"I know what you are going to do. Take these fifty thousand yuan, shut up, change clothes and follow me in."

She is very strong: "Otherwise, I will pursue you with interest."

Ye Tianlong shut up instantly, with fifty thousand in the account, and explained a ball, it was not his fault anyway.

He got into the car and changed his clothes.


Seeing that Ye Tianlong received the money, he didn't talk too much, Jiang Ziran sneered, and then pulled Ye Tianlong into the hotel: "Follow me in."

Ye Tianlong collected 50,000 yuan.


Jiang Ziran pulled Ye Tianlong into the elevator, and then pressed the second floor. Soon, the elevator stopped with a crisp sound, and the iron door opened.

As the iron door opened, a intensive percussion of gongs and drums sounded instantly, and two lion heads staggered past the door, and then the salute sounded in unison.

Countless pieces of gold paper fell.

"Welcome to the appearance of Zi Ran and the mysterious fiance."

Before Ye Tianlong could react, a loud voice roared with passion:

"Today is the day of their engagement, the day of rejoicing. Sister Jiang is the eldest sister of our Caoji Street and our leader in getting rich."

"Her happiness is our happiness, and her great joy is our great joy."

The master of ceremonies was as excited as if they were hitting chicken blood: "Let's use the craziest and enthusiastic applause to congratulate them on their engagement for a hundred years."


As the voice fell, thunderous applause rang out, slamming Ye Tianlong's ears like a mountain, as if to lift the roof.

got engaged?

Ye Tianlong had already reacted at this moment, his whole body was still as if struck by lightning, he became his fiance? What an international joke.

He didn't even know this Jiang Ziran, Ye Tianlong instantly realized what it was like to be arrested half a century ago.

He also discovered that this is a hall that can accommodate five hundred people. There are at least four hundred people on site, including dozens of children.

The costumes are different and the shapes are different. Although the clothes are brand new, it can be seen that the middle and low-class people are probably all neighbors.

Ye Tianlong also thought of the little girl selling flowers. She gave me the candy that was Jiang's good fortune on Caoji Street. He secretly said that today is really a hit.

"Thank you for the lost dog, thank you all the neighbors, thank you for your support."

When Ye Tianlong was about to turn around and run, Jiang Ziran had already grabbed Ye Tianlong, and then gave him a fierce look.

Then, Jiang Ziran dragged Ye Tianlong to the red rostrum, raised a smile and took the microphone to the audience:

"Everyone has always wanted to see my mysterious boyfriend, but the timing is not ripe and the relationship is unstable, so he has not been shown."

"My mother told me in the hospital two days ago that her last wish is to see my boyfriend."

"I told'Eisen' about the situation, and'Eisen' is very nice and kind. Tell me directly, let's get engaged and make mom happy."

"I was very touched and cherished, so I agreed to his engagement and had this engagement banquet in a hurry."

"Everyone has a lot of things lately, and they are so busy, but they still took out their hands to help me prepare this banquet, and they all came to join in."

"Zi Ran is very happy and very grateful."

Jiang Ziran held up a large glass of red wine: "This glass of wine, I respect everyone."

Then, in Ye Tianlong's astonishment, she finished the glass of red wine in one sip.

Hundreds of neighbours also raised their wine glasses and drank the wine in their hands with smiles all over their faces.

"Everyone will be your own in the future, you need to take care of Eisen."

Jiang Ziran also poured a cup for Ye Tianlong, and said softly: "Aisen, you also toast everyone."

Ye Tianlong was depressed, what is all this, but at the moment, he can only follow the acting, and after toasting the wine, he will find a chance to run away.

So he picked up the wine and smiled: "Thank you for your blessings."

Everyone laughed and raised their glasses: "I wish you a good son early."

Warm atmosphere.

After drinking three rounds, Jiang Ziran waved his jade hand, very heroic: "Well, let's not talk about the nonsense, everyone let go and eat."

"Eat well, drink well, take it away if you can't finish it."

Her pretty face was very ruddy: "In short, I won't be drunk or return today."

Hundreds of people responded with laughter again, making the atmosphere of the whole hall warm up.

"Go, I'll take you to see my mother."

While Ye Tianlong was staring at the hairy crabs, Jiang Ziran took Ye Tianlong to a main table, and then softly said to a skinny old woman:

"Mom, Eisen and I are toasting you."

Ye Tianlong looked up, an old woman in her sixties, sitting on a chair, her whole body looked very weak and her whole body convulsed from time to time.

She basically lost her hair, wears a hat to cover up, and her skinny skin is undoubtedly the last days of a terminal illness.

And it seems that after a lot of chemotherapy, the body will be so devastated.

In the face of disease, regardless of whether they are poor, low or rich, they are treated the same. Even if the family has a wealth of money, it will not reduce the pain of the elderly.

Ye Tianlong sighed that he didn't have the medical skills to bring the dead back to life, otherwise he could help the old woman.

Although Jiang's mother suffered physically, she was still happy, with a touch of joy on her face, obviously happy for her daughter's engagement.

"Good, good."

Mother Jiang first looked at her daughter, then at Ye Tianlong, her face was very satisfied:

"Of course, your fiance is good, the sky is full, the features are correct, and you are handsome."

She whispered: "It's just that you don't want to be careless all day long, be less powerful, and more gentle, so that you can live a happy life."

Jiang Ziran squatted down and said a little coquettishly: "Mom, what are you talking about, I don't seem like a woman."

"Besides, what about me, Aisen will love me."

She turned her head to look at Ye Tianlong: "Eisen, don't you think?"

She obviously didn't know Ye Tianlong's name, so she found an English name instead.

Seeing the kindly gaze of the skinny old woman, Ye Tianlong smiled helplessly, and squatted down: "Auntie, don't worry, I will take care of it."

He also stretched out his hand to squeeze the skinny old woman's wrist: "No matter what you do to me, I will never leave."

Jiang Ziran glanced at Ye Tianlong, and finally fell silent, only to face it with a smile.

"Good boy, good boy."

A smile bloomed on Mother Jiang’s shriveled face: “With your words, I’m relieved, I don’t have to worry about it.”

Ye Tianlong let go. Mother Jiang was suffering from liver cancer, which was still in an advanced stage, and she had no surgery, but he could prepare some medicine to prevent her from suffering.

"Come on, I respect you..."

Mother Jiang picked up a wine glass with a little fruit wine in it. She looked at Ye Tianlong and Jiang Ziran, "You have to be good."


At this moment, the elevator suddenly opened, six men in black appeared, and more than ten people appeared on the stairs, all holding a white wreath in their hands.

The lively scene stopped instantly.

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