Talented Genius

Chapter 1860: Sniper

The next morning, the magic knife garden, the open space in front of the wooden building.

The goddess wore a Tang suit and performed Tai Chi gracefully. Although his strength was lacking, his movements were very proficient, and he looked like a master.

"God, the weather is a bit cold, so I don't want to sleep longer?"

Halfway through the fight, Ye Tianlong walked over with a smile: "You are not in good health. Rest is better than exercise."

"There is a long sleep after death, why sleep more before death?"

The gods let out a burst of laughter: "Moreover, when people are old, they will sleep less. Forcibly lying on the bed will only make the head hurt."

"God's mind is wide enough."

Ye Tianlong smiled, and then the conversation changed: "God, thank you for your gift yesterday, it is too heavy."

There are more than 30 plots of land, of which 20 are leased to casinos such as Baojia and other casinos. Of the 20 casinos in Australia, 12 are built on the land deed of God.

Xue's three casinos are all on the list, and Lei Jiuzhi can still find the names that he rented back then.

The lease term for each piece of land is 15 years. From the date of calculation, many land will expire after 5 or 6 years.

Although the contract signed at that time had clauses, after the expiration of the term, the lease will continue to be renewed for 15 years according to the market rent. If the gods repossess the land forcibly, the cost of the building will be repaid three times. The probability of breach of contract can be said to be small and small, but the initiative is still in control God's hands.

Therefore, Ye Tianlong has a weapon to kill the enemy and defeat the five big gambling kings.

"This is my little heart, and it is also a responsibility for you."

While practicing Taijiquan, the goddess smiled at Ye Tianlong and said, "Three thousand children, three thousand mouths, I will lose my hard work in the future."

Ye Tianlong's expression is very sincere: "Don't worry, God, as I said last night, if I take a bite, you won't be hungry."

The **** nodded: "I believe you..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched and caught a flickering bright spot reflected in the pool next to him.

His heart was shocked, and he threw down the Tai Chi master.


A bullet came hurriedly and hit the place where the gods originally practiced boxing.

Ye Tianlong rolled into the flowers in his arms while shouting: "Sniper."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's yelling, the sacred swordsman immediately rushed over with the bright machete.

More than a dozen people formed a wall to protect Ye Tianlong and the gods, and more than 20 people searched around.

Tianmo, oriole, and Canshou also showed up one after another, then hid in the bunker and shot around with their eyes.


Another bullet came out, hitting a child who stood in front of the god, who screamed, clutching his abdomen and falling to the ground, blood splashing.

"Dogday, have the ability to come to me."

The disciples of Shendaomen all reddened when they saw this, each holding a machete, turning around and shouting: "Come and kill me, kill me."


The sniper fired a shot, overturning a sharp knife kid in front, as if to respond to their provocation.

Only after one shot, the human wall did not disperse, and someone immediately replaced it: "There are kinds of shooting again, and there are kinds of shooting again."

They provoked the snipers and showed blood, making the gods feel the long-lost blood.


It was another shot, but the bullet didn't hit the sacred swordsman, but at the goddess who bent down behind.

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and pulled the **** master out again, and the bullet hit the ground, exploding a bullet hole, shocking.

Ye Tianlong roared: "Above the cliff!"

At the beginning, he led people to attack the cliff of the Magic Sword Garden, but now he is occupied by a sniper, showing a fierce murderous aura.

"Pump pound!"

Following Ye Tianlong's warning, the bullets on the cliff became dense, and dozens of sniper bullets were killed one after another, overturning eight children of the magic knife.

Ye Tianlong's movements swiftly pulled the divine master to move, with a clear goal of the wooden building in front, which was the nearest safe stealth.

The sniper caught the shadow of Ye Tianlong and the god, and shot three sniper bullets at the same time.

One took Ye Tianlong straight, and two locked Ye Tianlong's back and forward trajectory.

The sniper thought that this shooting would work, and even if he couldn't kill two people, he could still get Ye Tianlong injured.

But Ye Tianlong pulled the goddess and slid directly out, avoiding the lock of the three bullets.

The three snipers wearing masks on the cliff looked at this scene in disbelief, and Ye Tianlong was simply hanging up.

One of the female snipers saw Ye Tianlong's face, and she was slightly taken aback: "Is it him?"

Then, her face became more gloomy, the killing intent became more intense, and the trigger was pulled repeatedly.

All the bullets were shot at Ye Tianlong, as if there was a deep hatred.

Ye Tianlong, like a rabbit, bounced around, watching to be thrown down at any time, but he could avoid it every time, unscathed.

The female sniper's eyelids jumped: "Bad son!"

The two companions are also dry-mouthed, they have killed many people, but none of them is so difficult to deal with.


Taking advantage of the opponent's stunned gap, Ye Tianlong led the goddess and leaned forward into the wooden building, so that the gods no longer exposed the enemy's vision.

"Pump pound!"

The three snipers obviously also found that the **** was hiding, and their anger was even more exuberant. Another dozen bullets came and hit the wooden building.

Several pillars broke with a ‘click’, but they were still unable to harm Ye Tianlong and the gods.

Ye Tianlong's reaction was too quick, so quick that he knew to avoid it.

Ye Tianlong hid the gods in a safe corner, and then shouted to Tianmo and Canshou, "Take them down."

Tian Mo and Canshou nodded, moved away from the hiding place, and then outflanked both sides.

"Pump pound!"

The sniper fired another five or six shots, making Mu Lou more bullet holes, but he had already lost the opportunity to shoot the god.

There were more and more children of the Sacred Swordsmen, and nearly a hundred people surrounded the cliff, one by one, in a posture of fearlessness and fear of death, making the snipers begin to become solemn.

The sniper thought that if the dozen or so shots were shot out just now, even if the Swordsman Sect did not collapse, he would hide in the dark and dare not come out.

Unexpectedly, one by one was not afraid of death, but also put on a charge.


Seeing the children of the Sacred Sword Gate advancing like wolves, the three snipers immediately packed up their guns and evacuated, hoping to escape this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Just turned around and didn't take a few steps, the three snipers immediately discovered that the road had been blocked by two murderous men.

The three snipers stopped all their movements in an instant, and there was a hint of surprise on their faces. They did not expect Tian Mo and Canshou to come so quickly.

They felt the chill from Tianmo and Canshou, and the three even felt their hearts trembled slightly.

The sniper wanted to take out a short gun and shoot, but he knew in his heart that once he took out the gun, he might be split in half.


The movement of the Swordsmen's children became clearer and clearer, indicating that they would arrive here soon, and the snipers knew that if they didn't move their hands, they wouldn't have to move their phones.

The three drew their guns at the same time.


As soon as one person raised the gun, the black knife cut off his hand and cut into his chest, splashing a large amount of blood.

Then the blade turned and split the second man in half.

At the same time, Canshou also severed the female sniper's trigger finger.

In the next second, swish, swish, and slap thirty-six dollars in one breath.

The female sniper screamed again and again, with 36 more wounds all over her body, and her hands and feet were severed, becoming a blood gourd.

Thirty-six blood spurts out at the same time, just as spectacular as a fountain.

The remnant hand lifted off the mask of the female sniper: "Orient?"

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