Talented Genius

Chapter 1882: Re-open one (four more)

I mind!

Hearing Ye Tianlong's response, Madam Feng had a voice in her heart, but she did not express it, lest the atmosphere be more embarrassing and heavy.

"Ye Tianlong, sit down!"

She glanced around at the crowd and quickly changed the subject: "I already know what happened last night."

"Now both parties don't care about right or wrong, they only care about hitting each other to give a sigh of relief, so it doesn't make sense to investigate the ins and outs of things."

"To call everyone here today, the most important purpose is to find a suitable way to resolve the grievances between the Xue family and Ye Tianlong."

The tall woman, from the chaotic situation, saw the final direction of the problem with her eyes unique.

Madam Xue stared at Ye Tianlong: "Madam, there is no need to find a way, the Xue family will pursue and kill Ye Tianlong with all their strength, and will kill him at any cost."

"As long as he smashed his corpse into thousands of pieces and frustrated his bones to ashes, the evil breath in my heart can be released, and I can be worthy of the two legs of wealth."

Thinking of her son's broken leg, she couldn't stop pulling her heart, and she hated Ye Tianlong even more.

Madam Feng leaned on the seat, her red lips lightly opened: "Mrs. Xue, I understand that you love your son, but you need to recognize the facts."

"If you have the absolute ability to take Ye Tianlong, there is no need to eat this breakfast today."

"According to what I know, Ye Tianlong is good at skill and familiar with the rules of the Australian city. If he hides in major casinos all day, how can you get revenge?"

She asked calmly, "Are you waiting at the door, or rushing into the Baojia casino like last night?"

Mrs. Xue's body shook. This was indeed a problem that caused him a headache.

"If Ye Tianlong keeps playing the game, it will not only prevent Mrs. Xue from revenge, but it will also increase the pressure on other casinos."

Mrs. Feng sighed faintly: "Over time, it will hinder the friendly relations between our six families."

Bao Shanren smiled and nodded: "Madam is right."

Although Bao Qiushui was upset with Ye Tianlong, he knew that Mrs. Feng was correct. If Ye Tianlong continued to do this, the six schools would be nervous if they didn't fall out.

The corner of Xue Hu's mouth moved a bit, and then he looked at Ye Tianlong with a yin-y smile: "Six houses don't let him in, wouldn't he have no fun?"

Mrs. Xue's eyes lit up: "Yes, yes, everyone will send additional staff to examine every gambler who enters and exits, and does not allow Ye Tianlong to take advantage of the ban on armed forces."

"Sorry, I'm settled."

Ye Tianlong laughed, then took out a handful of chips from his pocket, and dropped them on the table one by one:

"Xue's, Bao's, Feng's, Wang's...I have exchanged one of 21 casino chips."

Looking at this pile of chips with a face value of less than 100, Xue Hu and Bao Shanren all opened their mouths. This **** is really shameless in doing things.

Ye Tianlong slid his finger over the bargaining chip in front of him: "If there is a bargaining chip, it is a guest. Who dares not let me in?"

Mrs. Xue was very angry: "Shameless--"

Ye Tianlong didn't care: "You set the rules. I use them to deal with you. What is shameless?"

"Mrs. Xue, even though I think this **** is as shameful as you are, the rules are the rules. Once you break it, you have no authority."

After Mrs. Feng glanced at Ye Tianlong coldly, she looked at Li Xin who was about to stand up and hit someone:

"One more thing, Ye Tianlong has the videos and recordings of senior third-year gold in his hands. If he publishes it, Xue Fugui will go to jail even if he is cured."

Mrs. Feng pointed out the pros and cons: “The Xue family’s reputation will also be severely damaged, and Mr. Xue’s charitable efforts to build the bridge and pave the road will be in vain.”

Hearing these words, Xue Hu slowly let out a puff of smoke: "Madam is reasonable. Toss like this will only result in a stalemate and both sides will suffer."

"But it's impossible for the Xue family to settle down, or exchange video."

Xue Hu categorically said: "One of the Xue family and Ye Tianlong must fall, either me or him."

Mrs. Xue also echoed: "Yes, even if my son is going to jail, I also want to kill that kid."

"I know what kind of results you want."

Mrs. Feng took a sip of tea, and then looked at Xue Hu and the others said: "I just thought of a plan."

"We don't need to fight or kill, we don't need to use knives and guns. All grievances will be resolved at the gaming table."

Ye Tianlong smiled and asked: "What does the madam mean?"

"Speak out all your requirements, and then the two sides will have equal chips."

Madam Feng's eyes were cold: "If you reach an agreement, after seven days, you will send one person to each other to have a gambling game in Fengjia Casino."

"Five-card'Stud' is used for the gambling method."

"All grievances and grievances are resolved in this pair of gambling. Afterwards, neither relatives, friends or companions can seek revenge from each other."

Mrs. Feng looked around at everyone, "Everyone, what do you think?"

Bao Shanren was the first to clap his hands and shouted: "Madam, this is a good way. It will not cause turmoil in the Australian city, nor will the two sides stand in a stalemate and make a difference."

"You can also concentrate your grievances, and then the tip of the needle will deal with Maimang."

He gave his own suggestion: "I agree with this plan. If you agree, I can ask Uncle De and them to come out for notarization."

Xue Hu and Mrs. Xue looked at each other. This is a good way. Then they nodded together: "We agree."

"Ye Tianlong, how about you?"

Mrs. Xue looked at him coldly: "Aren't you afraid?"

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "Ms. Feng is so hardworking, she also invited me to eat breakfast, I don't give face, it seems not very good."

"Okay, I agreed."

Madam Feng waved her jade hand decisively: "Open your chips."

Mrs. Xue said viciously: "If we win, I want Ye Tianlong's hands, legs, eyes, and Lei Jiuzhi's thirty-three shares."

She never forgot Lei Jiuzhi's shares.

Mrs. Xue didn't want Ye Tianlong's life, because she felt that it would be more cruel to gouging her eyes with her hands and feet, and it could vent her anger.

Xue Hu added: "Can you call the shots for Lei Jiuzhi?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, took out his mobile phone to call Lei Jiuzhi, and told him about the matter. Lei Jiuzhi directly authorized the video to Ye Tianlong to call the shots.

"Lei Jiuzhi has authorized it to me, and you have all seen it, so I can take the lead in 30% of the shares."

Ye Tianlong looked at the Xue family and said, "If I win, I don't want your hands, feet and eyes. I want Xue family's 60% of the shares."

"There are also 20 billion dividends owed to Lei Jiuzhi."

For Ye Tianlong, taking the Xue family clean was definitely more enjoyable than asking their hands, feet and eyes.

Moreover, the Xue family, who had no family wealth, were completely ineffective and could ruthlessly destroy them at any time.

Xue Hu pointed his finger: "Okay, that's it."

Mrs. Feng didn't have any ink marks either, she just waved her finger: "Secretary Lin, let the lawyer come over, now draft an agreement, and both parties sign it."

Lin Rushui quickly called the lawyer and quickly drafted it in triplicate, with Mrs. Feng and Bao Shanren as witnesses.

"Once you sign the agreement, neither side shall fight or seek revenge before gambling. If there is any violation, the Feng family will make every effort to punish it."

"After the gambling, each requirement is implemented in accordance with the winning or losing, and neither relatives, friends or subordinates can seek revenge in the Australian City."

She looked at the three Ye Tianlong: "Three, do you have any objections?"

The three of Ye Tianlong shook their heads, and then happily signed the agreement.


Mrs. Feng and Bao Shanren also signed on it, and then picked up one of them and said, "From now on, within seven days, everyone will live in peace."

"Also, you have to pay a deposit, two hundred million for one party."

Mrs. Feng has done her work to the extreme: "Avoid waste of manpower and material resources."

"And I would like to remind you that if you don't show up after seven days, you will be deemed to have lost, and the Australian City Gambling Association will help the other party to implement the requirements."

Madam Feng pointed to the contract and said, "The deposit will also become a bounty for you."

"The madam has a point."

Ye Tianlong laughed: "But two hundred million is too little. I think three hundred million is better."

He took out the cheque given to him by the Bao family and the Xue family, and patted it directly in front of Mrs. Feng:

"Three hundred million, the Bao family and the Xue family have just exchanged it, madam collect it."

Madam Xue's face was instantly embarrassed, and she stepped forward and took back a check:

"Madam, I'll open one for you again..."

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