Talented Genius

Chapter 1924: My hole card ace of spades

Chapter 1924 My Trump Card Ace Of Spades


Ye Tianlong spurted blood and fell to the ground, still poisoned, and instantly shocked the audience.

Xue Hu and Zhongye Daxiang also looked at each other for a moment, and looked at each other to determine if the other party did it.

Jiang Ziran and Canshou rushed up and held Ye Tianlong together and shouted: "Tianlong, Tianlong, what's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

"Call the doctor, call the doctor!"

Jiang Ziran held Ye Tianlong, who was constantly bleeding, and yelled hysterically, "Help him."

Mrs. Feng also stood up directly, looking at Ye Tianlong, who was bleeding from his nose and mouth, how could the carrots that were randomly replaced were poisonous?

Could it be that someone got tampered with during the replacement?

It’s just that it’s okay anyway. Mrs. Feng must respond, she immediately shouted:

"Come on, seal up the gambling table and rest for an hour. After an hour, the gambling game will continue. During this period, idlers and others are not allowed to approach."

She said to the audience: "Anyone who dares to trespass at the gambling table will kill him immediately."


Twelve security personnel all responded, and then quickly stepped forward, surrounded the gaming table round and round, and then pressed the gun bag to be on high alert.

Although Xue Hu was a bit unwilling to interrupt the gambling game at this time, he was afraid that the protest would lead to suspicion. Once everyone suspected that he was poisoned, his fame and fortune would be lost.

Finally, he slowly left the gaming table, walked back to his seat, did not talk, just glanced at Li Xin and Nakano, and then looked at Death.

Li Xin whispered: "How can carrots be poisonous? Could it be Ye Tianlong playing tricks by himself?"

The **** of death stared at Ye Tianlong at the moment, looked at the blood coming out of his mouth, and frowned slightly: "It is indeed poisoned."

"Moreover, the Kamikaze team's Duanchangsan, which is their commonly used poisonous bomb, can numb the brain, cause blank thinking and slow action."

Xue Hu and Li Xin looked at Daxiang Zhongye together.

Nakano Daxiang said faintly: "Although I am very happy that Ye Tianlong was poisoned, I didn't inflict the poison. It is estimated that Morita's fish died and the net broke."

"He killed so many of our kamikaze children, he must have inhaled a lot of poisonous smoke during the period, but it was suppressed at the time and did not occur..."

Nakano gave an explanation: "Mr. Xue won 16 games in a row today, and he fell in a hurry."


Li Xin smiled triumphantly: "It just doesn't matter if he is poisoned or not, as long as we have clean hands and feet, this round will definitely have a result."

"I hope he won't be poisoned and die, otherwise I won't be able to let him go alive by me."

There was a gleam in Li Xin's eyes: "I have sent people to pick up wealth, just want him to see Ye Tianlong with his own eyes."

Xue Hu smiled and nodded, took out a cigar and lit it, waiting for Madam Feng and the others to deal with the scene...

At this time, a movable bed was pushed in, and the medical staff prepared by the casino quickly moved Ye Tianlong up, and then pushed to the nearby medical room for rescue.


Jiang Ziran followed with tears and kept yelling his name: "You must be fine, you must be fine."

Mo Yuge also wanted to follow him to see, but in the end he sat down with a light sigh and still didn't visit, lest Ye Tianlong would cause more trouble.

Mrs. Feng sent Lin Rushui to take people to stare at Ye Tianlong's situation, while she and the notary team sat in chairs waiting for the situation.

Forty minutes later, Lin Rushui came back and told him: "Ye Tianlong was rescued in time and his life was not in danger, but his body was weak and his consciousness was blurred."

Madam Feng and Mo Yuge breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Even if there is no life-threatening danger, let him come back or call a cronie over to start this round."

Li Xin stood up and shouted: "Although his poisoning deserves sympathy, it is not our poison, so the gambling game is still fair and just."

"Today's gambling game must have a result. There are hundreds of people in the audience and tens of thousands of people all over the world, all waiting for the result."

Nakano also nodded: "Yes, according to the rules of gambling, regardless of birth, old age, illness or death, there must be a result at the beginning, and the result must be a win or lose."

"Don't worry, there will be results today."

Mrs. Feng walked to the medical room: "Mr. Bao, go to the medical room with me and ask Ye Tianlong what he meant, whether to open it by himself or let someone open it."

Bao Shanren raised a kind smile and followed Mrs. Feng: "Okay."

They brought a few notaries to the 30-square-meter medical room. Ye Tianlong was lying on the hospital bed with pale face and black lips.

There were a lot of blood spurted out on his chest, and there was still a hanging needle on his wrist. A vigorous person became sluggish in less than an hour.

Next to him, Jiang Ziran was clutching Ye Tianlong's hand, with unspeakable worry on his face.

Madam Feng came to Ye Tianlong: "Tianlong, are you okay?"

"Die...no more..."

Ye Tianlong opened his eyes with difficulty: "I have been poisoned by the Oriental..."

Madam Feng hesitated: "Tianlong, I have already checked the matter, and the carrot has been tested. I will definitely give you an explanation."

"But now there is no evidence that Xuehu and the others poisoned it, and the betting game has reached the final round and the five cards have been dealt."

"Basically the overall situation is set."

"Today's gambling match needs a result, so if you still have the strength, complete this final link in fifteen minutes."

She stared at the sickly Ye Tianlong with beautiful eyes: "If you have difficulty showing up, you can also entrust someone to open the card."

Jiang Ziran was very angry when he heard the words: "Why are you so ruthless? The dragons are poisoned, so can't you slow down?"

Bao Shanren and Yan Yueshen: "Miss Jiang, we also want to delay for a few days, but the rules are the rules, and it is also related to the interests of many people and bear more."

"I know--"

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to stop Jiang Ziran from speaking out, and watched Mrs. Feng and Bao Shanren and they said: "After fifteen minutes, the cards will definitely be opened."

"But I don't have the strength to open the card. The doctor said that the internal organs were hurt, and it hurts every movement. I will let Sister Jiang complete it for me."

He coughed, and another blood flowed out: "Come on, I authorize her to entrust... you to testify."

Jiang Ziran whispered: "Tianlong, I can't..."

Ye Tianlong said softly and relieved: "Sister Jiang, it's okay, the five cards have been dealt, and now we have the chips and draws."

"Today, the gambling has reached this point. Let's draw a full stop, so everyone can feel at ease.

He coughed out another mouthful of blood, and then looked at Madam Feng and Bao Shanren: "You help me witness, I authorize Sister Jiang..."

Madam Feng and Bao Shanren nodded, "Okay."

Ye Tianlong quickly gave Jiang Ziran the authorization, and then asked Madam Feng and Bao Shanren to go back to the arena first. He had a few words to tell Jiang Ziran...

Mrs. Feng and Bao Shanren left. zGsGQ6gPHWsR6VeCaooqaxzXUlnOykhFtO4TfxTir2or1VR37Ffz48qYUF9RXF3Q==

Ye Tianlong pulled Jiang Ziran over, and then whispered: "Sister Jiang, don't be afraid, my card is the ace of spades..."

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