Talented Genius

Chapter 1948: Not used to you

"Hello everyone, everyone."

Facing the influx of power, Feng Batian nodded slightly, with a smile on his face, giving people a touch of kindness and keeping a distance.

Seeing so many people please himself, he walked out a lot from the shadow of the posters and leaflets.

You know, the Internet made him a mess, and it was too late to delete posts. Now everyone is friendly, making him a lot more comfortable.

"Mr. Feng, you have worked hard, you have worked hard."

Bao Shanren brought a few gambling kings forward and shook hands: "I haven't seen you in a year, your old complexion is much better."

Feng Batian looked at Bao Shanren and smiled: "Xiao Bao, you are not bad, too. You look very bright."

"Do you know that you can drive Ye Tianlong out today and give your son a good breath, so you are in a good mood?"

Feng Batian's smile is very playful: "Don't worry, justice will only be late and will never be absent."

Bao Shanren also laughed and said respectfully: "Thank you, Mr. Feng, I also believe that Australia City is a fair Australia City."

"Not bad."

Feng Batian was very happy: "With this enlightenment, I won't be in vain to help you back then."

In Bao Shanren's nod of thanks, Feng Batian greeted the others again, and asked his children to learn from Bao Shanren.

The few children who were emptied of wine, although impatient with these courtesy, were still polite under Feng Batian's majesty.

The atmosphere is harmonious, indescribable harmony.

Mrs. Feng took a seat with a cold face, opened a bottle of soda, and drank it slowly...

The nobles of the Australian city who circled her in the past all ran to Feng Batian's side and asked for warmth. It was obvious that she was hidden by Feng Batian...

The world is cold, nothing more than that.

In a short greeting, ten o'clock came very quickly. After the host said a few words, Feng Batian personally came on stage, scanned more than 200 people, and said with a headset:

"Everyone, I have called you here today. There is only one thing, and that is about the future of Australia City."

"Everyone here knows that for more than half a month in Australia, there have been constant conflicts almost every day, killing people and seeing blood, just like home cooking."

"In the past half a month, not only has the order of the gangs been chaotic, but also the order of the police, and even the order of the casino."

"There are more dead and wounded than in the past three years combined."

"If this goes on, not to mention that the city of Australia will turn into a pot of porridge, and we will even have no food to eat."

"In a chaotic area, how many gamblers will come to spend? How many businessmen are willing to invest? How many people live and work in peace?"

"Even the people in the capital will use this as an excuse to reach in."

Feng Batian said: "So this situation must end, and the Australian city must return to stability."

"Mr. Feng said it well."

Everyone applauded, and Baoshan people applauded one after another: "Harmony makes money, turmoil and disaster."

In the gazes of Madam Feng and Mo Yuge, Feng Ba Tianlong waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then he smiled calmly:

"It seems that the colleagues present here agree with me, so that things can be easily resolved."

"The root of the turmoil in the city of Australia is not the Sacred Sword Gate, nor the Royal Sword Club, nor Xue Hu and others, but Ye Tianlong from Beijing.

Feng Batian deliberately deepened the word Beijing, which shocked the two hundred people present.

"Before Ye Tianlong came to Australia City, Australia City was singing and dancing, and money was rolling in. After Ye Tianlong came to Australia City, Australia City was restless."

"Injuries and deaths, first is the squabble at the gate of the magic sword, and then Miyamoto dies tragically, the sword will collapse, and even the Xue family will fall into the trap."

Feng Batian pointed Jiangshan's situation: "This is a turbulence that has not been seen in 50 years."

"I have asked Xue Hu to invite them."

"Later, you can listen to their hearts, their anger, their pain."

"They fell to this point, not because they did something wrong, but because Ye Tianlong calculated to suppress them."

Feng Batian's voice sank, "You said, can Ye Tianlong stay in Australia City?"

More than two hundred Chinese men and women said: "No, no!"

Feng Batian's several children with a sense of superiority also screamed:

"Dad, let me lead someone to kill that bastard."

"That is, dare to come to Australia to make waves, when we people are dead?"

"He is well-destined. We are going to have a party at sea, otherwise we will beat him three legs early."

Mrs. Feng didn't speak, she just watched all this coldly.

Feng Batian was very satisfied with the scene: "The most important purpose of summoning everyone today is to vote whether to drive Ye Tianlong away."

"According to the previous rules, six people, seven votes, as long as there are five votes in favor, Australia City will blacklist Ye Tianlong."

He is obviously also a person who is worried about Ye Chang's dreams: "Now, let the representatives of the six families vote by secret."

There was already a transparent box on the table, and Feng Batian and the others were holding today's tickets, and they could decide Ye Tianlong's fate at any time.

At this moment, a strong voice came in from the door: "I haven't come, just vote with me behind my back. Isn't it in compliance with the rules?"

At the entrance of the grass connecting hall, Ye Tianlong brought the gods, Lei Jiuzhi, and Jiang Ziran to the stage.

More than a dozen security personnel fell to the ground, groaning, all weakened, and all were hit by anesthesia needles.

When Mo Yuge and others stared at Ye Tianlong and the others with surprise, Ye Tianlong, who slowly walked to the aisles on both sides of the seats, also said loudly:

"The principal of Xue's Casino and Tianlong Casino, Ye Tianlong, send my regards to you all."

The audience was quiet.

Mo Yuge and the others did not expect that Ye Tianlong, who was almost a public enemy, would appear here today, and he would sway and directly call Banfeng Batian.

Mrs. Feng was also slightly surprised, and then smiled, bowing her head and drinking pure water.

Fengba Tianlong was calm, tilted his head to one of his men, and then watched Ye Tianlong approach with cold eyes.

"Ye Tianlong, you slander Mr. Feng, disturb the order of Fengcheng, dare to appear here?"

A person in charge of Wang's Casino slapped up at the table and stared at Ye Tianlong glaringly: "Really we are good bullies?"

"Why don't I dare to appear here?"

Ye Tianlong walked slowly to him, with a confident expression on his face: "I am the seventh card holder, and I am the principal of Xue Family Casino."

"According to your agreement with the Australian City Government, anyone with gambling cards can exercise the right to vote."

Ye Tianlong sneered: "I have two gambling cards and people can't vote. What qualifications do you gambling cards have to sit here?"

"Furthermore, you have witnessed the battle between Xue Hu and me, and you have also seen the death of the **** of death. Who on earth violated the rules, don't you have any compelling numbers?"

Ye Tianlong was not polite to teach: "Are you still confused like Feng Batian?"

The person in charge of the Wang family was at a loss for a moment: "You--"

Ye Tianlong ignored him and looked at Feng Ba Tianlong with a bright smile: "Mr. Feng, Australia City is a place where rules are kept, isn't it?"

"Boy, why did you talk to my dad?"

Feng's Three Taizi was very angry, stepped forward, pointed at Ye Tianlong and cursed:

"Do you know what occasion this is? Is this a place where you can go wild?"

"Believe it or not, I will hurt you directly?"

It's eye-catching, and he subconsciously wants to show.


Ye Tianlong didn't get used to him, grabbed his finger, snapped it suddenly, and sounded clearly.

The finger broke, and the Feng Family Three Taizi screamed.


Many girls screamed, and everyone in the audience suddenly changed their colors.

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