Talented Genius

Chapter 2002: too delicious

The next morning, Ye Tianlong was still asleep, but was awakened by a burst of laughter. It was an unconcealable joy.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up, glanced at the clock, before six o'clock, he couldn't help but mutter:

"So happy, I found gold?"

Although Ye Tianlong still wanted to lie down for a while, he used a lot of effort to fight Fak Crocodile last night, but he didn't fall down anymore when he got used to it, so he started to wash.

He cleaned himself up, then walked downstairs, and as soon as he reached the hall, his vision was reflected in a large group of people.

Tianmo, Canshou, and Di Kuangtian surrounded a black-clothed man, constantly hushing and asking for warmth, they seemed very familiar and very happy.

Ye Tianlong looked at it, his expression was startled, and then he rushed over: "Lao Miao, when did you come?"

The black-clothed man is no one else, but Miao Tiannu who flew from the hundred thousand mountains.

Tian Mo and Canshou smiled and let go, Miao Tiannu also turned around, opened his arms very directly, and gave Ye Tianlong a big hug.

"You came so fast."

Ye Tianlong slapped Miao Tiannu's back: "I called the oriole to ask if you were free last night. I didn't expect to see you when I slept."

Miao Tiannu smiled and looked at Ye Tianlong and said softly: "After the oriole called me, I started to pack things."

"After packing, the helicopter from the top three of the uncles came over. At one o'clock in the morning, I arrived at Tiandu Airport and then flew in by special plane."

He briefly explained the matter: "Malaysia I arrived an hour ago."

The oriole smiled and took the topic: "Lao Miao not only brought eighteen helpers, but also several trucks of good things."

"Did you bring supplements?"

Ye Tianlong shook Miao Tiannu's hand: "In fact, why bother to be so polite, everyone is brothers, so you don't need to bring those medicinal materials."

"Besides, I still have half a warehouse."

Di Kuangtian also laughed and said, "Yes, it's too polite."

A smile appeared at the corner of Miao Tiannu's mouth, and there was no response, and then he made a gesture, and a woman in black robe blew a whistle behind him.

When the whistle fell, seventeen men and women in black robes walked into the hall. Everyone had a basket on their back. They were opened on the ground, and there were a lot of'beans'.

Dark, golden, white, and all colors.

Two steps ahead, I grabbed a hand and looked at it, and asked curiously, "What kind of game is this? Coffee beans in the mountains?"

Tian Mo also picked up one, but it was too hard to break it apart.

The oriole also took a golden bean, wiped it on a wet paper towel, and then bitten it twice, wanting to see what it tasted like, but couldn't bite it.

"I heard the oriole say that I encountered a little difficulty in Malaysia, and I was attacked by poisonous smoke last night, so I took something with me."

Miao Tiannu's eyes have a gleam of light: "As for what it is, I will tell you in an hour."

"Everyone, don't ask for warmth."

At this time, Zhehua brought the food out: "Tiannu Zhou has been exhausted, and he has worked hard all the way. Let him eat some breakfast and rest."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Yes, stop talking, come, Lao Miao, have breakfast."

Tianmo and Huangque took Miao Tiannu to the dining table, while Di Kuangtian arranged for eighteen men and women in black robes.

When he saw the table full of hot food, Ye Tianlong remembered something, and raised his head to ask Zhehua:

"Tiannus are not used to eating hot food, is there anything like cold food?"

Zhehua patted his head and apologized: "Oh, I forgot about this, or else, I take these things to the refrigerator to freeze them?"

Tianmo and the others also thought of this, they were a little embarrassed to watch the table full of hot food, and they had forgotten Miao Tiannu's habit.

Miao Tiannu smiled and waved his hands: "It's not a problem. Although the stomach is used to cold food, it's okay to eat hot food occasionally."

Canshou remembered something: "There is still a pot of noodles in the kitchen, which is Red Arrow's midnight snack, but I didn't eat it after working hard. I don't know if this is possible..."

Miao Tiannu hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, let me do it, you don't have to be too polite, I have no pursuit of food."

Ye Tianlong gently shook his head: "Forget it, the noodles in the middle of the night, don't eat it, Tiannu, I'll find you some bread and milk."

"It's okay, I like noodles."

Miao Tiannu didn't seem to be interested in bread and milk. He smiled and walked into the kitchen to find the noodles, and then walked out with the dishes:

"And there are a lot of noodles, don't waste it."

Ye Tianlong wanted to speak out for advice, but even if he saw Miao Tiannu's persistence, he was about to pick up a sesame seed and milk, but he heard the phone ring.

He glanced at Bailihua, then walked to the hall to answer...

"This noodle is too fast. I'll find you some sauce."

Canshou walked into the kitchen and turned over for a while, and then took Ye Tianlong's pot of ‘old godfather’ out: "Stir it, it’s better."

Miao Tiannu laughed and said, "Thank you."

Amidst a burst of laughter, Miao Tiannu ate his own noodles. In order not to disappoint Can Shou, he even took a spoonful of "Old Godfather" and put it in a bowl.

Afterwards, Miao Tiannu stirred, picked up the noodles and put them in his mouth.


At this entrance, his body was instantly shocked, his eyes were shocked, and there was a touch of unspeakable excitement.

In the next second, Miao Tiannu picked up the chopsticks, gobbled it up, and cleaned up a bowl of noodles in one go.

Then, he filled a large bowl of noodles, took a bite and frowned slightly, then took the "old godfather" and added a spoonful.

He stirred his mouth again, tears were almost coming out, and then there was wind and wind, and he ate a bowl of noodles...

"Lao Miao, have you eaten in a few days? So hungry?"

"Yeah, you eat slowly, don't know, thinking you are back from Africa."

"But that's also true. It's understandable that I've been hungry without dripping water from last night until now."

Seeing Miao Tiannu's madness, Canshou, Zhehua and the others spoke out.

Miao Tiannu ignored them at all, just filled another bowl of noodles, and this time added two spoons of sauce to the bowl...

"Too delicious, too delicious, too delicious!"

Miao Tiannu screamed from the bottom of his heart while holding the noodles in his mouth, tears of excitement almost fell...

Zhehua didn't believe it: "Noodles are delicious overnight?"

Canshou chuckled softly: "Lao Miao, you don't need to save face like this. This slick noodle is unpalatable at first sight..."

"Sauce, sauce! Delicious! Delicious!"

Miao Tiannu took a few more mouthfuls, almost filling his mouth with noodles: "Really delicious!"

Miao Tiannu, who was originally not interested in food or even a little anorexia, was like a person who had not eaten enough for many years, and excitedly swept away the inside of the bowl.

Zhehua smiled: "Okay, okay, stop acting, my brother, don't save face like this."

Tian Mo didn't believe it either, but took a spoon and scooped it out, put it on an egg, and then took a small bite.

His expression froze for an instant, and his eyes were unbelievable, as if he had met a ghost:

"Too delicious, too delicious, too delicious..."

Tian Mo was also uncontrollably excited, shouting three times: "Oh my God, why is it so delicious? Why is it so delicious?"

In the next second, he ate the egg in his hand and even the sauce contaminated with his fingers.


Tian Mo wanted to be more stable, but he couldn't control it at all. He praised him again and again, then picked up a steamed bun and scooped up a spoonful of sauce.

The steamed bun was eaten by him in two bites, and his expression was very enjoyable...

"You guys are really in harmony in acting, you can get an Oscar."

Canshou, Zhehua, and Oriente were dubious and tried a little bit. As a result, a table of people immediately rioted...

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