Talented Genius

Chapter 2013: Kill the tiger

Seeing Long Snake and them, Shen Manyun's three girls trembled, and they obviously recognized that it was the mercenary who raged on them that night.

The accuracy of the opponent's marksmanship and the strength of their skills have made them still have lingering fears, and they will definitely not be much worse than Fak Crocodile.

Especially the flying knife of one of them gave Shen Manyun and the others no chance of throwing a grenade, and both hands were nailed by the flying knife almost simultaneously.

So they were anxious that Ye Tianlong angered them out, and replaced them with them. At this moment, they should evacuate most to save the success of rescuing the hostages.

"Chu Zifeng, are you going to kill me?"

At this moment, in the cold mountain breeze, Ye Tianlong looked at Chu Zifeng and smiled: "I'm afraid you don't have this ability, but I am here to see you off."

"Send me a ride? Give me a ride?"

Chu Zifeng seemed to have been mad by Ye Tianlong, completely disregarding the usual gentle and elegant demeanor, shouting at Ye Tianlong hysterically:

"You have the ability to come and kill me, you have the ability to come and kill me!"

He is also considered an excellent character, otherwise he would not be reused in the fiercely competitive Chu family, but he would be suppressed both times.

Once in heaven, once today, Chu Zifeng wanted to show his talents, but Ye Tianlong was ruthlessly strangled. How could he feel better in his heart?

Ye Tianlong kept his eyes peaceful: "Do you really think I can't make it?"

"Then you come here."

Although Chu Zifeng showed strong self-confidence, his heart was extremely bitter, an anger mixed with deep hatred.

In his own territory, he didn't kill Ye Tianlong himself, but was thankful that his opponent couldn't make it through. Chu Zifeng felt aggrieved to death.

"Ye Tianlong, we know that you are strong, but you shouldn't think of yourself as a superman. A 15-meter trench, are you flying over?"

Long Snake coldly squeezed out: "If you have the ability, stand in front of us, and I promise not to fight back and let you kill it."

She also dropped the gun in her hand and flashed a saber, with a touch of provocation: "Come here."

The torch also showed a smirk: "Yes, you tried your best to kill us today. Wouldn't it be too regretful if you didn't come to a hand-to-hand encounter?"

Zhanhu also hummed: "I'm telling you, our reinforcements are rushing here, you will be over if you haven't killed us in 30 minutes."

After being beaten by Ye Tianlong and smashed the big manor, they were all suffocating in their hearts, unable to kill Ye Tianlong, they could only verbally vent their breath.

"Ye Tianlong, Malaysia is always our country, not yours, Ye Tianlong."

Chu Zifeng dropped the empty spear in his hand: "A large number of our brothers rushed here. Not only did you fail today, you will also lose your life here."

Although venting their anger to Ye Tianlong, the four of them all hid behind the shield to avoid Ye Tianlong's sudden gun shooting.

"Ye Tianlong, you've been clever and confused for a while. All your efforts today will be frustrated by this ‘moat’."

The group laughed.

Chu Zifeng had already notified the Chu family and allies to support through the fixed line left by his father, and hundreds of people were rushing here.

Shen Manyun and the others also shook their heads secretly, feeling that Ye Tianlong was just saying something cool. No matter how powerful people are in the 15-meter trench, it is impossible to fly over.

And falling is a thousand swords through the heart, the power grid ridden.

"Well, you want to die, how can I not send it off?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth, then he waved his finger lightly: "Kill!"

"Swish swish!"

When the voice fell, I saw Dalmatians, Tianmo, Earth Kuangtian, and Canshou, like cannonballs, flying over the 15-meter knife mountain and the power grid with a swish.

In the next second, they fell into the Crescent Villa, the grass, and the door like a meteor.

More than 30 people surrounded Chu Zifeng and the others in a blink of an eye.

The Chu elite couldn't even lock the muzzle.

More than a dozen mercenaries wanted to shoot, but they were deterred by Zhehua and the others. They didn't dare to move randomly.

Seeing the Dalmatians and they immediately arrived in front of them, Chu Zifeng and the others were all in a trance. It was hard to believe that they did not know how these people flew over.

When the reaction came over, the Dalmatians and others had fanned around them. In fact, five or six people flew to the second and third floors and took control of machine guns and sniper rifles.

Two machine guns and two sniper rifles moved forward, and Chu Zifeng and his group were all under fire.

The situation changes instantly.

Chu Zifeng and Chang Snake's reliance lost their meaning.

"How could this be?"

Chu Zifeng squeezed in his heart and wanted to run back to the inexhaustible study to escape, but the escape route had been cut off, so he could only yell at Tian Mo and the others:

"This is impossible! Impossible!"

It was difficult for him to accept that his 15-meter knife mountain power grid was broken by Ye Tianlong and the others, and these people really flew past.

The three daughters of Shen Manyun, who bowed their heads just now, were also dumbfounded when they heard the exclamation and raised their heads. They couldn't believe all this. How could Tianmo and the others fly over?

If it were not during the day, they would all feel they had met a ghost.


Ye Tianlong also took a long spear, pressed the eagle's suit and floated across the knife mountain, and fell in front of Chu Zifeng and the others.

The torch they wanted to shoot at one time, but before the trigger was pulled, the infrared rays of the sniper rifle pressed over, and they could only dispel the thoughts in the end.

"Young Master Chu, didn't you let me come over? I am here now..."

Ye Tianlong calmly landed on the grass, extinguishing the gas in the eagle's suit, then looked at Chu Zifeng and they smiled: "Is there anything you want to say?"

Chu Zifeng's eyelids jumped, he wanted to say something but didn't know how to speak.

Shen Manyun and the others looked at Ye Tianlong's clothes, once again in a trance, oh my god, there are such clothes in the world? Isn't it amazing?

Then they frowned again, although Ye Tianlong went over, but Chang Snake and the others were still not easy to provoke, and Ye Tianlong was afraid it would be difficult to please.

Ye Tianlong looked at Long Snake and them again: "Just now you said, I'm here, will you let me kill?"

Long Snake's cheeks were hot, but did not answer.


Zhanhu, with a physique of two hundred and fifty catties, burst out like an iron tower, clumping his fists, and his whole bones crackling.

"Ye Tianlong, I, Zhanhu, are the most brave fighters in North Africa. This is the diamond machete given to me by President Black back then."

"It can testify to my brave reputation. In previous missions, the Chinese merchants I killed with this machete were less than a hundred people."

Zhanhu's strong arms were raised high, showing everyone a diamond-encrusted scimitar. There were three valuable primitive blood diamonds on the sharp knife.

Zhanhu's eyes flashed with aggressive ferocity, with a hint of pride, and there was some kind of primitive male who made his blood boil on his body.

"Ye Tianlong, are you willing to accept the challenge of a North African warrior?"

Before Ye Tianlong could respond, Tianmo spoke out a metal-like sonorous words: "I will send you on the road."


Slashing Tiger roared like a beast, and then rushed towards Tianmo with a scimitar.

Tian Mo didn't hesitate and swung his knife to greet him.


The footsteps of the two sides were like drums, and dong dong dong quickly approached, and Zhanhu's open throat made a high-pitched shout.

It seems that only in this way can he let his courage reach its peak.

At the moment when the two of them were about to cross each other, Zhanhu shook his body, grinned, pointed the scimitar at Tianmo's heart, and stab it out with all his strength.


At this moment, he saw a blade of light, a black blade of light that made people subconsciously close their eyes.


The two camps also couldn't help but screamed, this kind of warrior fighting alone, most can inspire the glory and blood in the bones.

The shouting ceased suddenly.

The two sides passed by like meteors. Many people felt that their eyes were dizzy, and they didn't even see what was going on.

They only heard the scream of swords, which made people tremble and spread.

Then, I saw Zhanhu still maintaining a charging posture, and his brave and brave posture with a sharp knife and stab was dazzling.

However, after rushing more than ten meters away, the scimitar that was shining with cold light broke quietly and landed.


Then, Zhanhu's upper body, like a piece of wood that had been split, also began to shift.

The upper body, which was floating in the air and slowly falling, flew out obliquely, blood pouring down.

At this time, the long tone of the word'kill' in Zhanhu's mouth was completely cut off.


Like his sword, Zhanhu broke into two pieces and fell to the ground, his eyes protruding, indescribable shock, anger and fear.

Tian Mo not only cut off his sword, but also split his body in half, so powerful that he couldn't speak.


Shen Manyun and the others screamed, then abruptly stopped...

This, what kind of cut is this...

The so-called splitting of mountains and rocks is nothing more than that, right?

For a while, the door of the villa was silent, and only the wind blowing in passed in front of everyone.

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