Talented Genius

Chapter 2028: Shot

"You better think about it before choosing."

Chu Fengyun looked around Dai Tiger Wolf, Black Widow, and Lan Lanxiang, with the pressure of a winner, but kept the distance between the two sides.

He knows that Ye Tianlong and Yan Pobei are masters, so he won't let the opponent catch the thieves and kings.

Ye Tianlong glanced at Chu Fengyun. In addition to the guards in front of him, there were ten Chu masters to protect him.

Those masters of the Chu family not only have guns in their hands, but also seem to have extraordinary skills. One of the bald old men is even more of an eighth rank master.

Ye Tianlong felt a little familiar, and then thought of the master of Apollo Manor, Chu Bo, wondering if this guy is Chu Bo?

At this moment, Yan Po Beizheng yelled out: "Chu Fengyun, you are too shameless."

Chu Fengyun didn't care: "Shameless is shameless. These days, if you win or lose, as long as you win, nothing else matters."

"I have three hundred guns now, what are the seven kings, what are the four gods of wealth, what are the senators, all are clouds."

"I decide whether you live or die."

"Those who are interested and want to survive, hand over what you have in your hands."

"For example, the treasury managed by the Senate, such as the private property under the Seven Kings, and the cash of the Four Gods of Wealth..."

Chu Fengyun expressed his own feelings: "I was given a headquarters by Ye Tianlong. My vitality was very hurt. I really need you to take something to make up for it."

Lin Tongzi's voice sank: "King Chu!"

Chu Fengyun's action was inconsistent with the original plan. The plan was only to kill the opponent who resisted and let King Chu go to power without squeezing private property.

She wanted to shoot Ye Tianlong several times, but it was difficult to lock him when he stood behind, and Ye Tianlong gave her an indescribable sense of danger.

This made Lin Tongzi dare not attack Ye Tianlong before he was fully sure.

Chu Fengyun showed a touch of cunning, and pressed Lin Tongzi's ear: "Captain Lin, I know you are full of hatred, but you have to learn to do business."

"As long as they hand over enough money to buy their lives, it doesn't matter to let them live longer."

The Seven Kings, the Four Great Gods of Wealth, the Senate Association, and Ye Tianlong, if these people give all their money to themselves, he will be the richest man in the world.

This temptation made Chu Fengyun very tempted.

Elder Zhang looked away from the corpses of Elder Tian and Elder Wang, staring at Chu Fengyun with hatred, and grinning:

"Buying life money? In your style, buying life money means urging money, giving you your wealth, I'm afraid you will die faster."

"Chu Fengyun, I know that you are a mad dog who is unfamiliar with you, but I didn't expect that you would even bite your master in a frenzy.

The wrinkles on his face tightened with anger: "I really regret supporting you in the upper position..."


Chu Fengyun didn't talk nonsense, and directly squeezed the trigger at Elder Zhang, shot him headshot, and then the muzzle fell, killing his three cronies.

"The Xianfeng year event is ashamed to be mentioned, it's really an old antique that wasted food."

Chu Fengyun obviously wanted to kill the chicken and curse the monkey.

"Chu Fengyun!"

Seeing Elder Zhang lying on the ground covered in blood and his head blooming even after a dry confidant, Elder Gongsun was very angry: "You really want to kill you?"

"No, I just want to tell everyone that I have the final say here."

Chu Fengyun hummed noncommitantly: "You only have the obligation to surrender your private property, not the right to bargain."

"Elder Zhang is self-righteous, it is normal for me to have a headshot."

Chu Fengyun's smile became cold: "Next, I hope everyone can cooperate well, otherwise my bullets will not be polite."

"Asshole, you kind of kill me too!"

Seeing three old friends dying one after another, Elder Ma was in grief and indignation, clutching a cane and walking forward: "You traitor, a rebellious beast."

"You kind of kill me too, kill me too..."


Chu Fengyun hit Elder Ma in the chest with a shot, and rolled him to the ground without mercy: "Old stuff, if you want to die, I will see you off."

Elder Ma shook his body, spurted blood from his mouth and nose, stared at Chu Fengyun in anger, and then died with a tilted head.


Elder Gongsun and the others were filled with righteous indignation, but although they were angry, they did not dare to call Chu Fengyun again.

Everyone knows that he has lost his heart today, and anyone who provokes him may be killed by a single shot.

"Elder Gongsun, do you surrender or not?"

Chu Fengyun asked him to push Elder Gongsun in front of him, and pointed his gun at his head: "If you dare to say a word, I will kill you too."

No one doubted that Chu Fengyun dared to kill him.

Elder Gongsun is also considered stiff, knowing that between life and death, he still straightened his back and slapped his chest:

"Beast, have the ability to fight here."

Although Elder Gongsun was arrogant, he was also a man of spine. With the death of four elders, he was already in grief and indignation, and he regarded death as home.


Chu Fengyun's muzzle was slanted, the trigger was snapped, and there was a loud bang. The body of Elder Zhao next to him shook, and then he died in shock:

"Gongsun, the last chance, don't surrender, I will send you to reunite with them."

Elder Gongsun looked at Elder Zhao who fell to the ground with no anger on his face, only unspeakable sadness and unstoppable despair.

Yan Pobei and the others watched the five elders being killed successively, and their expressions were also very angry.

Although the veteran only knows about drawing blood, it is after more than ten years of acquaintance, and the feelings are still a little uncomfortable in front of such a death one by one.

Lantian said in a low voice, "Chu Fengyun, you really don't read any old feelings?"

Huang Bajin also had sharp eyes, and wanted to shoot several times, but the guns of the guards were locked up.

"I also miss the old love, but they don't miss the old love."

Chu Fengyun smiled and didn't smile: "Let them hand over the things, one by one, who is not killing them?"

"Elder Gongsun, have you considered it carefully?"

He turned his gaze to Elder Gongsun: "To drop or not to drop?"

He wants to squeeze the Senate Council, the Seven Kings, and the Four Gods of Wealth one by one, eliminate them, and finally slowly concoct Ye Tianlong to let him hand over his son.

Hearing Chu Fengyun jumping and killing intent, Elder Gongsun straightened his body and looked indifferent: "Shoot."


A very abrupt figure flickered, rushing to the left like the wind.

Lin Tongzi and the others subconsciously deflected their guns to lock on Tianmo, and they all shouted together: "Don't move!"

When Tian Mo stopped walking indifferently, Ye Tianlong appeared from the right at the same speed as a meteor.

He knocked over the three people in succession and came to Chu Fengyun five meters away, and then lifted up the invisible red of the dragon with a technique that was so ugly to the naked eye.

"A Little Red" is ready to go.

The series of actions were completed in the blink of an eye, and the speed was jaw-dropping, and no one would believe it unless they watched.

This move was beyond everyone's expectation. No one thought that Ye Tianlong would make a noise and stand at the forefront of Chu Fengyun's protection circle.

But no one can match Chu Fengyun's shock.

When his finger was on the trigger, Ye Tianlong not only aimed at him with a little red, but also locked him tightly with spirit and killing intent through the blade.

Chu Fengyun himself is also a master, knowing that the moment he pulls the trigger to kill Gongsun, he will definitely be killed by Ye Tianlong with a shock.

The situation is extremely subtle.

Although Chu Fengyun was protected by more than 90 gunmen, he felt as though he was alone at the moment, as if naked, losing all cover and concealment.

He put his finger on the trigger, but he didn't dare to exert any force, for fear that he would become Ye Tianlong's ghost under the knife.

The atmosphere is solemn!

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