Talented Genius

Chapter 2030: Killing (four more)

Seeing her father fall, Han Jing subconsciously screamed: "Ah—"

Upon seeing this, Ye Tianlong's face changed slightly, and he instinctively stretched out his hand to hug King Han.

At this moment, a weird and inexplicable smile escaped from the corner of Chu Fengyun's mouth. Ye Tianlong was taken aback for an instant, and then he thought of Han Jing's appearance.

He suddenly dissipated all the energy that had locked Chu Fengyun, his left hand shaken and he wanted to fly the king Han he was holding.

But it was still half a minute late, and King Han, who was originally bandaged as a mummy and unable to move, suddenly stuck out a hand.


This hand slammed Ye Tianlong's chest heavily, sinking like a cannonball.

It was just that Ye Tianlong, who discovered the clues in time, was not completely hit by this punch. When the palm of his chest was slapped on his chest, he retreated.

The palm of the opponent's ten successful powers, only three successful powers hit Ye Tianlong's body, enough to break the ribs, only made Ye Tianlong a touch of pain.

Ye Tianlong retreated to the stone table, a touch of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.


Before the shocked Han Jing yelled, Han Xiong figured himself out and rushed towards Ye Tianlong like a meteor, with a fierce killing intent on his face.

Lin Tongzi wanted to shoot, but they were worried about hurting Han Xiongtu, so they could only stare at the scene.

"Han Chu family, I was careless."

Ye Tianlong laughed and rushed towards Han Xiongtu instead of retreating.

He understood that King Han and King Chu were as friendly as ever, and their friendship for decades had never changed, and the subsequent fallout was just a cover-up.

Even Han Xiongtu was wounded and burned into a mummy, which is just an illusion.

Han Xiongtu is actually another guarantee for Chu Fengyun.

It has to be said that this pair of good friends has deep feelings and extreme means. In order to succeed, Han Jing is also included.

When charging, Ye Tianlong's body was raised by two points, and Han Xiongtu felt that a mountain was pressing against him.

Can make Han Xiongtu feel that the other party is a mountain, Ye Tianlong's power can be imagined!

The two quickly moved closer, and Ye Tianlong instantly came to Han Xiongtu, swept across with his right hand and hit Han Xiongtu.

It's a fist without work.

Ye Tianlong's moves were generous and simple, but he had a gushing bullishness that made his opponents feel inexplicably fearful.

Han Xiongtu looked at Ye Tianlong's sweeping hand, and suddenly punched it out, moving as fast as lightning.


The fist hit Ye Tianlong's arm firmly, and also hit his elbow joint.

However, Han Xiongtu's face changed drastically.

Ye Tianlong's power rushed over.

Han Xiongtu's fist shook, a pain, and then snapped, his knuckles broke, and his entire fist suddenly lost its combat effectiveness.

And that brute force was still spreading, blaring like a lit firecracker, causing Han Xiongtu's wrist, arm, and elbow to break one after another...

Chu Fengyun sternly shouted: "Go back!"

Before Chu Fengyun finished speaking, Ye Tianlong jumped up like a cheetah and pressed against Han Xiongtu who was backing back again and again, kicking his legs like a whip.

He all hit Han Xiongtu's vitals.

"Boom boom!"

With fists and feet hitting in midair, Han Xiongtu gritted his teeth and touched the opponent three times with one hand.

Although he resolved Ye Tianlong's fierce offensive, his efforts continued to roll with each confrontation, and the last touch suddenly caused blood in his mouth.


With a loud noise, one of Han Xiongtu's ribs was kicked off by Ye Tianlong, a large mouthful of blood spewed from his mouth, and then he fell to Chu Fengyun with a muffled hum.

When Han Jing's pretty face changed drastically, Ye Tianlong jumped up with this force, and flopped Han Jing in a daze.


King Han was hugged by Chu Fengyun, and he rotated two times to resolve the impulse.

Then, Ye Tianlong put his foot on the wheelchair, and the wheelchair burst out, taking the four or five gun guards in front.


The Guards were hit by a wheelchair and immediately fell over, screamed again and again, and brought Lin Tongzi to the ground.

Lin Tongzi struggled and got up on his knees, shouting hysterically, "Shoot—"

She held a gun at Ye Tianlong and Han Jing to shoot.


At this moment, a green shadow flashed past, and a green snake suddenly appeared in Lin Tongzi's throat.

With a bite, the green snake burst into blood.


Lin Tongzi, who was extremely painful, screamed, shook her body, and turned her muzzle. With a bang, she shot a master of the Chu family.

The red bullet drove into his chest.

Chu Fengyun, who happened to be holding King Han next to him, changed his face and rolled out without thinking.

"Boom boom!"

Seeing Lin Tongzi's red bullet hit the master of the Chu family, a dozen guards were taken aback for a while, and then they deflected their muzzles at the same time.

Dozens of bullets poured over and beat the masters of the Chu family into a sieve.

The Chu family's gunman was taken aback, and conditioned to pull the trigger, shooting a dozen guards to the ground...

The remaining guards saw their companions being killed, and subconsciously deflected their guns to point at the Chu family gunner.

The Chu family mercenaries behind saw this and shot immediately, and a dozen guards were shot in the back and fell to the ground...

There was loud gunfire and chaos, and the two sides fought on the spot.

Chu Fengyun roared endlessly: "No shooting, no shooting!"

Lin Tongzi wanted to talk too, but his throat was bitten by the green snake of the earth Kuangtian, she couldn't say the word at all, she could only lie on the ground and shake...

The guards who lost Lin Tongzi are like headless flies, treating everyone as an enemy. Whoever points a gun at himself will kill anyone...

"Boom boom!"

Tian Mo and Canshou also cooperated closely, with guns in their hands spitting fire, and directly shot over five or six people, killing Ye Tianlong a **** way.

Ye Tianlong took advantage of this opportunity and slid to the stone wall agilely.

"Shoot, shoot, kill them, kill them!"

Chu Fengyun was furious, and while holding King Han to evacuate to the door, he pointed at Ye Tianlong and yelled.

Several Chu family gunmen bypassed the guards and pulled the trigger at the moving Ye Tianlong. The bullets poured out like rain.

"Boom boom!"

Countless bullets chased Ye Tianlong and the others. Ye Tianlong hugged Han Jing and rolled around to avoid them, and came to the vicinity of the stone wall.


A bullet hit him on the back, Ye Tianlong's body shook, and the eagle suit protected the vitals, but the momentum made him almost vomit blood.

Han Jing felt: "Tianlong——"

"I'm fine, you go in."

Ye Tianlong resisted the pain, and then threw Han Jing into the stone wall. Yan Pobei met them there. As soon as Han Jing entered, she was immediately pulled in.

"Tenlong, come in quickly, come in quickly."

Yan Pobei shouted to Ye Tianlong: "Quick, quick."

Although there was only a small hall behind the stone wall, the exit of the small hall was blocked by the guards and could not go out, but the stone door could still be used to avoid it.

"King Yan, protect them!"

Ye Tianlong turned over, a flash of light in his eyes:

"Without any worries, I can kill."

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