Talented Genius

Chapter 2032: Ten times back to you


There was no need to talk nonsense at all, Uncle Chu and the others roared, and rushed towards Tianmo, Di Kuangtian and Canshou.

These Chu Fengyun's last loyal loyalists, defying death and breaking out of the greatest fighting intent, no matter what, they must buy Chu Fengyun time.

Tianmo, Earth Kuangtian, and Canshou did not hesitate to fight against the extraordinary Chu Bo and others.

It's just that Chu Fengyun didn't run away. On the contrary, when Uncle Chu and the others were fighting together, he took a step forward with full of resentment, staring at Ye Tianlong gritted his teeth:

"Ye Tianlong, you are bad for me, I will not let you go."

Chu Fengyun shouted like crazy: "I won't let you go."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Today is a great day for me. Not only did you not support me, but you also killed so many elders. I will not let you go."

Chu Fengyun clenched his fists invisibly: "Upper? Ye Tianlong, you are not qualified, you are not qualified."

Ye Tianlong said coldly: "At least better than you expect."

Chu Fengyun let out a breath of heat: "As long as I'm not dead, I won't let you go to the top."

Ye Tianlong said softly: "Then... I will send you to death."

The eyes of the two collided.

In the void, there seemed to be a low noise of metal collision.


Ye Tianlong didn't talk any more nonsense. He moved his body and immediately approached Chu Fengyun. He showed his due fangs and suddenly stretched out his hand.

He grabbed Chu Fengyun's wrist, who was instinctively retreating, and he suddenly used force, dragged, pressed down, and hit his knees.

Several movements were completed in one go, fast, ruthless, and clean.

Chu Fengyun's face changed slightly, his left hand stretched out and pressed.


With a crisp sound, Ye Tianlong knocked on the palm of Chu Fengyun's depressed hand with one knee.

Chu Fengyun's body shook, then with a light pressure, his wrist shook, shaking Ye Tianlong away.

"Ye Tianlong, today, let me personally feel how powerful you are."

Chu Fengyun laughed wildly, and suddenly flicked his arm, the whole momentum became more and more fierce, and he took the initiative to attack.

Ye Tianlong moved, his fist suddenly drew an arc, and suddenly collided with Chu Fengyun, the sound was dull.

The fist trembled violently, making Chu Fengyun's mouth numb.

He shook his wrist twice, staring at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "It's a ninth grade, you really are a monster in this world."

Chu Fengyun still maintained his arrogance, but his heart was still shocked.

There is no eighth rank under thirty, and no ninth rank under 40. These two famous sayings that have existed in the martial arts world for a hundred years were broken by the monster Ye Tianlong.

This kid, in his twenties, is not only a sect, but also a ninth rank. How could Chu Fengyun not be shocked? You know that eight billion people have only seven or eight ninth grades.

Ye Tianlong blew his fist, the wind was calm and calm: "Knowing that I'm so powerful, don't you kneel down and surrender?"

King Chu had already entered the eighth rank. Although he was not as powerful as Qi Ba, he still should not be underestimated. He did not use all his strength, but he did not underestimate the enemy.

He could leapfrog and kill people, maybe the furious King Chu also burst out of potential.

The reason why there is no dead hand is that the family law is more meaningful, and the second is that I want to ask about the life and death of King Han.

"Killing my nephews, humiliating my children, taking my Apollo, and ruining my heavenly deeds."

Chu Fengyun stared at Ye Tianlong with the gaze of killing his father and enemy: "Whether you are 8th-Rank or 9th-Rank, today one is destined to die."

While speaking, Chu Fengyun rushed up again, blasting at Ye Tianlong like fists and shells, and went all out.

Ye Tianlong fought brazenly, fighting hand in hand, followed by an instant riot, and the two used their own methods.

"Boom boom!"

After the simple temptation passed, they did not hesitate to attack each other, fists kept blasting out, and feet kept moving and colliding.

The grass was stained with a lot of blood, grass clippings were flying, and the ground was scattered.

Yan Pobei rushed out with a gun in their surprised eyes, the two male figures constantly collided, fists and shoulders, attacking each other.

The momentum is tragic.

There were dozens of more footprints on the ground.

Elder Gongsun shouted: "Sect Master, be careful, Chu Fengyun is an eighth grade skill."

Invisibly, he had already regarded Ye Tianlong as the new master, with a touch of worry in his words.

At this moment, the mercenaries in the hall had all been resolved, and the more than a hundred masters from all sides who had obtained the weapons were full of confidence and quickly surrounded the open space at the door.

When Black Widow and Blue Sky also stepped forward to watch, the battle escalated!


Chu Fengyun roared and kicked a bare tree. The tree broke with a click, and Chu Fengyun's body suddenly rose by two points.

Afterwards, he smashed his fist at Ye Tianlong, condescending.


Ye Tianlong didn't have too many waves on his face, his wrists shook, his palms slanted, and the antelope hung his horns against the opponent's fist, releasing the opponent's strength.

Ye Tianlong was shaken three steps back by Chu Fengyun, and Chu Fengyun was also pulled from midair to the ground by him.


Chu Fengyun, who had lost his center of gravity, let out a muffled snort, and almost fell after landing, but fortunately he reacted quickly enough to stabilize his body.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong changed his defensive position and stepped forward with a chuckle.

"It's my turn—"

Reasonable and unforgiving, the fist offensive suddenly changed, with strong winds and heavy rains, stormy waves, such as violent storms, and never stopped.

Chu Fengyun's breathing became invisibly heavy.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Chu Fengyun aroused the fierceness, and let out a beastly roar, his arms flew like a cannonball, so fast that people could not see the shape.

Ye Tianlong also speeded up the frequency of punches, which was even better than Chu Fengyun, and all the people who watched the battle stopped shouting.

Yan Pobei and Wei Ji stared at the battle intently. They were so nervous! It's so exciting!

Elder Gongsun was still very excited. He didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be so skilled. It seemed that Tianmen was really going to rise.

The movements of both sides are getting faster and faster, and it is less and more unable to see who is attacking and who is defending.

I don't know who was injured, a string of blood beads began to splash from time to time, and the faces of the two became a little distorted.


After a collision, the two separated a little, but soon they hedged.

After more than ten moves, Chu Fengyun's movements became stagnant, and the distance between him and Ye Tianlong began to appear, and he could only retreat after gritting his teeth.


Ye Tianlong swept across with one foot, and a bare tree beside it broke apart, shocking many people backing out.

It was just that Ye Tianlong's fierce wind continued to swept towards Chu Fengyun, moving quickly.

Without waiting for Chu Fengyun to fight back, his body violently again, his arms swung horizontally, wrapped in a murderous force:

"Take it!"

Fist swallows mountains and rivers!

Unable to retreat, Chu Fengyun bit his lip, trying to block the attack, but only saw a shadow flickering, Ye Tianlong was so fast that he couldn't recognize it.

His mind was shaking, and he wanted to blast the punch to shatter the afterimage.

But his reaction was relatively slow, and his movements were half a beat slow. When his fist blasted out, Ye Tianlong had already punched his blockade first.


Fingers clasped his throat imposingly,

Ye Tianlong faintly said: "You lost!"

Chu Fengyun snorted but couldn't feel the pain, but suddenly felt that his throat was dry, his mouth was full of bitterness, and he was very tired, almost vomiting.

You lose, three simple words, but it shows the way to life and death...

At this time, Dai Hulang was half kneeling in the hall, looking at Lin Tongzi who was bleeding from Qiqiao.

Although she is dead, Dai Hulang is still like an old friend, squeezing her palm firmly, removing the pipe from her mouth, and whispering:

"What I owe you, I must pay you back ten times..."

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