Talented Genius

Chapter 2051: Global inspector (five shift)


Cai Yong was shot in the head and died, Zhang Yi rushed over and wept loudly, as if they were in a good relationship.

Murong Jun was also in a trance, staring blankly at his beloved who had lost his life. Today's action was too costly. His only luck was that the male and female robber died.


When there was the sound of police sirens at the door and a large number of police officers rushed in, Ye Tianlong rushed forward, grabbed the black box, and then rushed to the wall:

"Team Qin, I'm going to catch a sniper, let's see you later."

After he finished speaking to Qin Ziyi, he grabbed the wall with one hand and jumped out, disappearing into a forest outside.

Qin Ziyi was taken aback for a moment, but he wanted to say something but was finally silent.

Murong Jun was also taken aback, and then slapped a Ji Ling and shouted: "Box, box, leader Qin, that box..."

The corner of Qin Ziyi's mouth moved twice, and then he responded: "Captain Murong, don't worry, I will retrieve the box. Let's deal with the scene first."

Murong Jun opened his mouth for a moment, and wanted Qin Ziyi to call Ye Tianlong back, but he thought that Ye Tianlong would shut up subconsciously.

Then, he took out his cell phone and called the headquarters...


Ye Tianlong jumped into the woods, and then followed the trails in the woods for a while. During this time, he jumped off two simple mechanisms and finally came to a highway.

He glanced around and landed on the four deep tire tracks ahead, judging that the sniper's car must be parked here.

It's a pity that he has run away now.

Ye Tianlong looked at both sides of the road. He didn't see the camera. His thoughts of chasing after him disappeared. The camera of Ma Guo was really pitiful compared to China.

There was a pity on Ye Tianlong's face. Although he did not see the face of the sniper, his marksmanship and style, especially the shot that exploded Cai Yong, was revealed.

He feels like the masked man in the Australian City Church.

Then he gave birth to a little doubt, if the sniper is really a masked man, what is his relationship with the male and female robber?

Is he an old friend who the male and female robbers are waiting for? They are really old friends of male and female robbers. Why did the three meet in Malaysia?

Ye Tianlong thought of Huo Zigang in the Aocheng Church, remembering the role of Tianyao No.1, and then he looked at the black box in his hand.

"Could it be related to this stuff?"

Ye Tianlong muttered to himself, and then thought of Mary's words: "Ten lifetimes of glory and wealth..."

Thinking of this, Ye Tianlong took out his phone and took a photo of the black box. Soon, he sent the photo to Canshou.

Thirty minutes later, Canshou drove the car and appeared in front of Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong stuffed the black box into the car, and then said to Canshou: "Give the box to Red Arrow and let him crack it out as soon as possible."


Can hand stuffed the box under the seat, and then took out a box of the same type to Ye Tianlong:

"Ye Shao, the box was bought according to the photos you sent. The size and style are the same. I still rubbed it on the ground a few times."

Canshou then handed over several newspapers to Ye Tianlong: "I also bought the "Economic News" you wanted, all from the other day.


Ye Tianlong opened the black box and took a look. It contained a million dollars in cash. He smiled, and then took a glance at the Economic News.

Before long, Ye Tianlong picked up a red pen, drew a few circles on the picture of the Central Bank of Malaysia, and then stuffed it into the box...

Almost just after finishing these things, Ye Tianlong's phone vibrated, put on earplugs to answer, and Qin Ziyi's voice soon came:

"Tianlong, why have you been chasing for so long, are you okay?"

Ye Tianlong's heart warmed: "I'm fine, it's okay, but after chasing for three kilometers, I haven't chased the enemy. I am going back to Furong Villa."

"Just fine."

Qin Ziyi said softly, "By the way, you don't need to go to Furong Villa now. You go to the Malaysian branch of the National Police. You need to record a statement."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Okay, you send me the address, and I will go by car now."

Qin Ziyi's tone was hesitant: "By the way, take that box with..."

Ye Tianlong responded happily: "No problem, I won't pay attention to it, this thing is useless to me."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tianlong asked the hand to go to the National Police Malaysia Branch. Thirty minutes later, Ye Tianlong appeared in front of a 12-story building.

"Tianlong, you finally came!"

As soon as Ye Tianlong got out of the car door, Qin Ziyi greeted him from inside, handing him a bottle of clean water, and one bottle gave him a message:

"A big boss came from the National Police Headquarters. He knows what happened in Furong Villa."

She has a solemn expression: "He wants to see you."

"see me?"

A ray of light burst into Ye Tianlong's eyes: "Are you giving out bonuses?"

Qin Ziyi didn't make a good voice: "The bonus is indispensable for you, but it shouldn't be for this. You will be polite when you see him later."

"He is the Minister of the National Police, the second in power, and he is in charge of serious cases all over the world."

Having said that, she took a paper towel to wipe off the blood stains on Ye Tianlong, and Qin Ziyi also briefly introduced the organizational structure of the national police.

The chairman is the largest, followed by two ministers, three inspectors, directors from all continents of the world, regional captains, national squadrons, team leaders and members...

Two ministers, one in charge of economy and one in charge of criminal affairs, and three inspectors are equal to imperial ministers, fighting criminals externally and cleaning worms internally.

In this way, the Minister is two levels higher than Murong Jun, and he does have a background.

A thought flashed through Ye Tianlong's heart, and then he nodded slightly: "Don't worry, he won't bother me or him."

While speaking, the two passed through three checkpoints and then came to a conference room. Just as Qin Ziyi knocked on the door, a majestic voice came from inside:

"Please come in."

Qin Ziyi walked in with Ye Tianlong: "Minister Andrew, Ye Tianlong is here."

Ye Tianlong walked in and saw that there were seven or eight people in the room, including people from several countries, and Murong Jun, who was wrapped in gauze, was also inside.

On one of the large sofas, sitting on a blushing old man, Bai Guo, with a red nose, a bald head and a protruding beer belly.

It's just that although the appearance is a little rougher, but the aura has a deep humiliation, it seems that as long as he is there, nothing can mess up the battle.

There is no doubt that he is Minister Andrew.


Hearing Qin Ziyi's introduction, Andrew laughed loudly, and immediately got up and shook hands with Ye Tianlong: "Welcome our warriors!"

"Mr. Ye, thank you very much for what happened today. Without you, we would not only be annihilated, but also run away from the male and female robbers."

"In that case, not only will the national police be disgraced, but we will also be unable to explain to taxpayers."

He is very enthusiastic: "Although they have paid a lot of money now, Jack and Mary were killed. It is an explanation."

Ye Tianlong is polite and polite: "Hello, Minister Andrew, you're polite, the warrior dare not be a brave man, please do it."

"I came here today, one is to make a statement, and the other is to return the box."

He smiled and asked: "Zi Yi said that the minister is looking for me for something, I wonder what else Tianlong can do?"

Ye Tianlong didn't know what the old man was looking for. He didn't want to deal with these people, so he went straight to the point.


Andrew gave another hearty laugh, gave Ye Tianlong a thumbs up, and then said seriously, "Three things."

"First, I removed Murong Jun, who was dereliction of duty, and asked Team Leader Qin to replace him as the team leader and take full charge of Southeast Asian affairs."

"Second, if you win the male and female robbers, whether you live or die, you will get a 10 million dollar prize. Ye Shao is the winner of the prize."

"Third, I want to hire Mr. Ye to join our national police, as the global inspector, can participate in national police affairs all over the world..."

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